
About how long until Sherlock Holmes gets released for US?

He's the future servant I'm looking forward to the most, and I'm starting to save up quartz so I can have a large stockpile to try and get him. But depending on how long of a wait, I may spend some rolling for other servants in the meantime.

Is there any kind of estimation of when he'll be added? In JP he was released last year in July/August I think, will it be around the same time this year for the US version?

Asked by Nite6 years 2 months ago


by D3v1ne 6 years 2 months ago

have in mind that US version is more or less 2 years behind the JP with one or two weeks different timelines ... based on that info he will be released around the same time (+- 1 or 2 weeks) but the next year (2019) and not this one in case you want to spent your SQ on other servants you can see most of the upcoming banners in the link bellow
