
Best team comp for Barbatos bulli.

I've got a NP2, bond 5 max fou'd Sanzang skills 5/1/2, a bond 5 6/8/6 NP1 Jalter and a bond 10 NP1 10/7/4 Herc.
I'm thinking Sanzang plus Waver (4/6/10) and martha, martha debuffs the buster down then switches into a borrowed waver or Merlin is my best strategy, though I doubt she'll come close to one shotting

For CE options for Sanzang's I think my MLB kaleid ruby, non MLB L/ZO OR Heavens Feel or MLB holy nights supper are probably my best options, and if I put a K-scope on waver I could do his NP turn one and possibly a Sanzang brave chain turn 2.

Opinions? Is Sanzanf my best bet for fastest farming of Barbatos or will the extra bond damage mean Herc will get it done faster?

Thanks in advance

Asked by LarryG235 years 4 months ago


I read on reddit that bond 10 servants can get up to 100% bonus damage in the Solomon event. It might be that Herc can deal much more damage than Sanzang if her bond level is not that high.
