
Farming bond points

Where is the best place to farm bond points? And how much better is it than farming 40AP embers, which I also need quite a lot of?

Asked by Kalotan5 years 4 months ago


by Mysty 5 years 4 months ago

The 40ap dailies with double lunchtime and heroic portrait is ~750 bond points.

The best free quests are ~20 Ap and can provide ~1000 bond points with the same CE's.

If Ap efficiency is more important to you, dailies are horrible bond point per ap ratio. But they keep throwing gold apples at us, so if you don't care about ap usage, the dailies aren't too bad on a per quest basis.


While I would like to farm bond points exclusively, I need to level up Chloe from 72 to 80(if not 90), Li Shuwen from 72 to 80, and Mash from 70 to 80 at the very least, before raising bond points. Thankfully I have more than enough apples. Maybe I can cut off Li from levels since I have a Tamamo Lancer at 90, but I need Chloe as a ST Archer.


by Leyl 5 years 4 months ago

Provided you have MLB Lunchtime and Heroic Portrait here are your steps. Make a team with Lunchtime Portrait and a support with Lunchtime. Clear in Babylonia- Nippur Free quest, Mt Ebih, Blood Fort, or Camelot Royal Castle. These nodes have the highest Bond points per AP at 48.95 provided you run those 3 CEs.

Nippur drops Poison barbs and scales, Mt Ebih drops Gallstone and Seeds, Blood Fort drops Lanugos and seeds, and Royal Castle drops Medals. Pick which node you like that also has the mats you would also like to get as they all share bond point rates or whichever you can clear faster.
