
Musashi vs King Hassan

Seeing how their banners are really close to each other, I'm afraid that I only have enough SQ to summon 1 after Merlin. I like them both and they are apparently really good servants so I'm torn to choose between either.

I already have Saberlot and Nero Bride as my main ST DPS Sabers, but Musashi is a Buster servant so she might have better consistent raw damage.

I have Jack as a ST Assassin but I feel like I also need a durable Buster ST Assassin like King Hassan.

So which should I get?

Asked by Ekenwars5 years 5 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 5 months ago

You don't really "need' anything in FGO. You could make do without either of them. Both serve similar roles with differing strengths and drawbacks, imo they are in the same tier in terms of effectiveness. It really doesn't matter which you pick. Toss a coin or something. The only factor I would consider here is that Musashi has 3 (free) rate-ups while King Hassan has 2.


Get the one you like more as character


From gameplay point, you have Jack, Nero Bride and Saberlot which covered your specific ST roles.
Jack vs Riders bosses, anti-females and Crit star generators and considered one of the best assassin.
Saberlot is also considered one of the best saber, as he is consistent and a solid ST saber.
He deals Consistent Crit damage lol and his crit pretty much '' ignore '' class systems.
Also you have Nero Bride, a good semi-supp ST saber.

I think that's enough, from gameplay perspective the only additions to your ST saber and Assassin is for collection or waifu/husbando purposes.
Saberlot and Jack is more than enough and also you have Nero Bride, she is your ''wingwoman''.

You like waifus, Musashi is your girl.
You like Husbandos, King Hassan is your man.

Personally i would choose King Hassan.
2 ST Saber and 2 ST Assassin, 1 as your main DPS and 1 as your backup.
3 ST Saber and a single ST Assassin is a bit ''unbalanced''

Though it's still up to your decisions.


Both have triple buster deck .-. , making their NP gain inconsistent and weakening their synergy with the Arts supports.

If someone forced me to pick one, King Hassan seems a better unit overall thanks to his durability and extremely high debuff resistance. He also has a lot of Solo potential, which is the only scenario imaginable where BBB deck would be preferable.

Musashi is all over the place, her stuff is mostly 1-turn only, extremely hard to setup and lacking in consistency. Okita and Bride beat her pretty soundly as ST Sabers later on when consistency reigns supreme.


I agree that Okita and Nero Bride are better, most people want Musashi and King Hassan because their berserker-style deck sinergize very well with Memerlin.

Also, because they are c00l chars, but if you have Jack and Okita, there's not so many reasons (gameplay-wise) to why to go for their buster-gorilla equivalents.


Merlin's best sinergy lies on BBAAQ with Buster NPs like Raikou, Gilgamesh, Ozymandias, Amakusa and Jalter. Triple Buster decks aren't ideal for Merlin, they slow down his Garden of Avalon revolution rate (less stars, less np gain, less healing).

Some of the biggest issues with Musashi would be solved with a BBAAQ deck, even BAAAQ deck is a big improvement. The entire point of her Fifth Form is to use it on her Arts crit to get to her powerful NP, which can be tricky because there's only one Arts card and there's no star gather.

I also think she's kinda cool which is why i really dislike what DW did with her. They gave her an unique gimmick and then added the least synergistic stuff possible to work with it. Even more when i see people like Munemori with amazing synergy and next level bs like "increase star gather for Arts Cards"...I swear, you give that to Musashi and she instantly becomes easier to use because now her valuable arts crit stops feeling like a lucky RNG ocurrence.
