
Questions about Barbatos(and the others)

I am currently preparing for the Solomon event and wanted to know a few things:
1. how long do you estimate it will take for Barbatos to be done? everyone will go for him ASAP and there are only 2M Barbatos pillars. preferably anyone know how long it took on other servers. long will it take to finish each pillar OTHER THEN Barbatos. other pillars don't give as good items as Barbatos so they are better put in a "different league" since comparing them wont be fair. there a link you can put to a dmg calculator/simulator where I can easily check if I have enough dmg for OTK-ing each of the pillar? it will save a lot of effort.

Asked by edo1234565 years 4 months ago


If look at the Solomon Preperation Guide on this site you can get some insight beyond what you were asking, its no.7 in the popular pages list today.


Just google fgo damage calf for the reddit link to the damage calculator spreadsheet. As far as Barbatos uptime he died in 3 hours on JP and like a day in korea (I think it was Korea anyways) so while na has lower playerbase don’t expect more then a day probably.
