
Is the Thanksgiving Banner worth it?

If a few haven't seen the link on Fate GO NA Facebook or the main website then please go look, but the banner for Thanksgiving is around the corner and I would like some opinions on if its worth it, for me or anyone else to roll on it.

For Archer I have NP1 Arjuna
For Lancer i have NP5 Cu Chulainn (I just got him to 80 T-T)
For Saber I have NP1 Gawain
For Berserker I don't have AOE Berserker except for low level Kiohime and Darius

I personally love Scathach and would like to get her Lancer variant, Raikou would cover an area I haven't covered well and Gilgamesh is... Gilgamesh. I would probably like an AOE saber other than Gawain, but with my luck I am better of waiting for Saber Lily, whenever the rerun decides to drop, even if its really 2020, and Nobunaga is next year so the Archer will probably be covered. So what do you all think, is it worth it for me or others to try the banner or should we save for Babylon and/or Merlin?

Asked by Zer015 years 5 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 5 months ago

Up to you. I personally would save for Merlin since strong support > everything else in terms of return on investment, but really just go for Scathach if you want her. Gil and Raikou should both be on rate-up again around mid-2019 if you can wait, based on JP's schedule Scathach will be available again for new year 2020 (or thanksgiving 2019 like she is now idk).

Merlin is available again next year too, though bear in mind that it'll be the last time he'll be on rate-up for free for a while.


I think it's worth it if you like any of those servants.

Strictly gameplay---> None of those servants are more useful than Merlin. For farming he's like Helena with higher damage potential, for hard content he's the craziest motherfucker ever.

Being logical ---> This game is easy and you don't need Merlin to clear anything. So you can easily skip him if you don't like him.


I like Merlin, and all other characters from the Camelot myth, though I would probably be ok not getting him when he drops. I recently blew all of my SQs on the Jeanne Alter Banner, and only got Marie for it (so mad) so I am low and will probably pass on this banner too, though I will see on New Years. I am trying to put aside getting my favorite servants and trying to be more strategic, even as the current Camelot banner is torturing me to death.


If you're f2p you might want to seriously consider saving everything for Merlin under the assumption you'll have the worst luck (because statistically you probably will) and like waver, he's a support you're at a disadvantage at when he's not on your team. Yes, you could always borrow one but its nice to have your own with the option of a dps support choice.

You can always grab these thanksgiving servants again on a gssr banner or other banners next year but Merlin doesn't come around a whole lot on the JP side so you'll want to definitely grab him at new years if you can afford it.
