
1/2 AP Campaign

This is more or less a complaint from a mongrel but isn't it better if they have the 1/2 AP campaign on the Ember Training than on the Training Grounds? I think it's those embers that we need more to ascend our servants since we have just farmed for those mats on the Summer event. What do you think?

Asked by _Avicebron_5 years 8 months ago


by Fabris 5 years 9 months ago

Would be nice, right?

I guess the next 1/2 AP-something in JP was training ground anyways, and they wanted to fill a dead week space between events with anything, so, there you go.

definitively focusing on 40 AP Embers...


It's more of a way to promote the fact that new ascension mats will be available in the training grounds. Spirit roots, gears, horseshoes and other things will finally be obtainable.


I’ve always been a bit curious on how F2P players are able to level up SSRs. It takes SO many embers and I’ve had ultra lucky 10x draws where I’ve gotten 2 SSRs and an SR or the opposite on more than one occasion. Now I’m willing to burn Quartz to max lvl them all but especially new F2Ps can’t have that many xp cards saved up if they get a super lucky draw to be able to lvl them all up. They definitely force you to burn event mats on xp cards and all your apples to acquire more. It’d be real nice if they threw out a few more 1/2ap on the xp embers


Well, I am F2P and it's not that hard to lvl SSRs at all. I have 6 SSRs and almost all female SRs at max lvl already. The key is to use the same EXP card on that servant to give them more EXP on the 40 AP quest though that's not always the case. I think the only time when you will be having issues is when you are new and you don't have that much servants to use yet on the Quests.


It's not hard. Grind 40 AP missions daily. 6 of them at 7 cards per run means about 42 gold exp cards per day. They may not be the right class, but they are definitely plentiful. I can max level an SSR in a week. I do not buy exp cards in event shop unless I have nothing else to purchase.


welp, 1/2 AP for the ember quests IS better in this case coz I have 3 new servants to raise. Still, we can't really neglect them skill gems. Might wanna get those lvl 6 skills to atleast make them decent.

but yea, this 1/2 AP for the training grounds is more liek an announcement that they added new mats at those places. = v=


Well, I think it can go either way since Iliterally burned through pretty much al my skill mats to skill up my new servants, especially archuria, literally ripped away all of my archer gems and dragon teeth and now I’m stuck staring at that 10/10/4... soooo clooose yet so far away


I can never break my habit of getting everyone to max level before working on skills. I just like to see what everyone can do and experiment with different team comps. Rather than focus on a handful of servants and max there skills, I always want to lvl them all and end up with random 6/2/4 skill levels lol. Thankfully this game isn’t hard enough to were you will pay for that decision. But MAN does it take a lot of XP embers to max level SSRs! Especially since I had to go and grail all the summer gals I got lol!


I don't know the feeling of owning a 10/10/4 but damn. That must hurt your eyes a lot. well, good luck my guy.
