
Abaout NP Chain

■I have NP2 Saber Arthuria
-About NP Chain-

In battle, NP1 Waver(100% NP Charge) + "NP2" Arthuria("100% NP Charge")>>>"not 200% NP Charge!!"

So, Arthuria get the NP Chain

Will Arthuria get Lv.2 NP damage+Lv.2 OC??
Will Arthuria only get Lv.1 NP damage+Lv.2 OC??

Thanks before,
-Sella :D"

Asked by MelonKun5 years 2 months ago


NP2 damage and lv2 OC


To add on, NP level is not dependent on OC and damage remain as it is regardless of OC(if the OC doesn't give damage boost, of course). OC is calculated by the NP gauge and the placement of your NP in a NP chain so it is your NP gauge round down to the nearest 100% plus the NP infront of the your NP in the chain placement. So a 100% gauge NP placed second in a NP chain will be 200%OC or LV2 OC.


Your Arthuria would cast a lvl 2 Damage NP + Lvl 2 OC effect.

No reason why aLvl2NP would downgrade its damage back to a lvl1.


I... have no idea what that means.

But I will say this:

NP effect (that are guaranteed to proc, regardless of NP level or Overcharge level)
NP level (the level of your Noble Phantasms, you increase this by feeding dupe of the servant to themself, caps at NP5)
and OC level (Overcharge level, the % of which you charge your Noble Phantasm)

Are NOT the same thing.

Here's the clarification.

NP effect, such as "Increase own NP damage by 30% for 1 turn." for Enuma Elish by Gilgamesh. This effect will NOT change, regardless of NP or OC level. Or Waver's NP's "Remove 1 tick of NP gauge from all enemies".

Some servants have effects like this. Some do not. Check wiki or in-game. It's a case by case scenario.

NP level affects two things:
1. The level of your Noble Phantasm, which I already explained, by using dupes. Sometimes this means damage. For most damage Noble Phantasm, higher NP level means higher damage. But outliers exist such as Euryale, her NP level only affect the extra damage dealt to Male enemies. Her NP base damage modifier stays the same at 900% Art. But for most damage NP, the damage increases.
2. The maximum natural Noble Phantasm gauge that you could increase by using command cards. Max caps at 300%.

Overcharge is the extra effect that comes with Noble Phantasm, depending on how much NP gauge you accumulated when you use it. It cuts by 100%; if you had 156% and use NP, you only get the 100% OC (which is not technically overcharge, since you didn't go over 200%). Overcharge effects will be noted in description in game such as "Effect increases with Overcharge".

Overcharge DOES NOT directly equate to more damage. More often than not, it only boosts the side effect of your Noble Phantasm. But there are some servants whose NP Overcharge gives bonust damage boost. Ishtar's Overcharge increases her Buster performance for that turn, prior to NP activation, from 20% to a whopping 60% Buster Up at 500% Overcharge.

Lastly, when you chain Noble Phantasms in the same turn, the latter NP gains additional 100% Overcharge per each NP that takes place prior to it in the same turn.

Waver 100% NP -> Hans 100% -> Artoria Archer 100% NP
In that NP chain, during the activation of Noble Phantasm, you'd notice that the Overcharge of Hans' NP becomes 200%, even though it was originally charged at only 100%. And Artoria's becomes 300% Overcharge.

In conclusion, you will always hit NP2 worth of modifier on Artoria Archer if you have her at NP2.


Remember, NP chains only happen when the NPs are directly touching. If you put a regular attack in between 2 NPs, they will both be OC 100%
