
About team composition

Right now, my team consist of Nero bride, Mash, Chloe, Vlad 3 (Berserker), Jeanne , Alteia(Lancer ), Drake and Carmilla. Now I am not sure whether I should just focus on Arts team(I have unused Lancelot saber too) or Get a primary damage dealer for boss fight. Any ideas?

Asked by Rigal5 years 2 months ago


by empty 5 years 2 months ago

busters always tend to giive good damage more than other types but you can do that with art team or quıck too if you have a good support. thats why i recommend you to get waver. after that roll for tamamo caster because you have lots of art servant.


Seems like I will have to roll when Waver rate up. Thanks for the advice😁


Arts teams can deal a lot of damage too. The setup just isn't as straight-forward or common as the Buster teams since many Arts teams focus on NP spamming and/or stalling.

Lancelot Saber, for example, is one of the best Arts-crit Servants alongside Chloe. So if you can form a team that will buff and/or protect them while providing crit stars, either one of them can deal tons of damage to the enemy.

Still, it's best to be diverse. The Onigashima event, which has a rerun this June (following JP's schedule) has raid bosses that will resist a certain card type. So if you only have Arts Servants, you'll have trouble raiding one of them.


If the event is in june, then I probably still have time to prepare my team. Thanks for your advice😁


by jakeyb 5 years 2 months ago

Give Saberlot some love. Saberlot + Tamamo + will never have so much NP-spamming fun, trust me.

You definitely have the tools for an Arts team—roll a Tamamo or a Waver and you’ll be set for Waver/Vlad/Tamamo Arts memes.

You can also stall—Mash + Jeanne + Tamamo is one of the best Stall teams in the game especially if you can give everyone Prisma Cosmos. (Or at least give it to Tamamo.)

I would focus on some more buster damage servants...even if they’re Arts-leaning. David slots nicely into stall teams and will some in handy versus that buster down Onigashima boss. Emiya is similar. Brave Liz works to an extent as well, since she has 2 arts chain for arts chaining and some decent survivability on her skills. Plus her NP hits quite hard.


Well I am definitely rolling for Tamamo or Waver next time. Now I am focusing on Rama and Lancelot saber. Thanks for the advice. I will keep that in mind😁


by Fabris 5 years 2 months ago

Nero Bride-Vladzerk-Jeanne is a good arts team.

Jeanne-Mash-support Tamamo, if everyone skill is high, can stall a lot of teams.

Saberlot is one of the best critters of the game, run him with a 10/10/10 Hans, you wont be disappointed.

Drake and Lartoria are for farming, mostly.

Carmilla for female boss killing, inless they are caster, ofc. Unlock her 3rd skill, she becomes a good passive star generator.


Thanks. Now I am upgrading saberlot. Just need to draw Tamamo or Waver now 😁😁
