
Would ozy work in an arts team with archer Artoria and Waver?

Asked by Crimsonblade2025 years 9 months ago


An arts team is meant to spam NP meaning that not only cards, but also NP should be arts. Why? What if you had two arts cards on your hand of two different servants, but not your third? And your third has an NP of arts? It will charge their NP.
This is the fundamentals of arts teams you could run this, but it will be slightly harder to charge NP and pairing up two classes meant to make up stars isn't advised as there would be less chance to crit for each one of them. Ozy doesn't really benefit Artoria other than the NP charge and attack, buff, but in an arts team? No. It's not advised.
This is my opinion.


Depends on the servants card deck. Sanzang for example has 3 arts card and a buster Np and is great in an arts team because of a heavy arts deck. So while all arts Np helps a lot the Np doesn't need to be arts granted they have an arts centric deck. But yeah wouldn't recommend ozy for an arts team.


I did try that with my xuanzang and it could I say? Awkward. I usually find myself seeing two arts cards when I'm not using full on casters and the like (two casters waver and her and one servant with two arts cards only) and her NP so this is why I said it.
I experienced running da Vinci and waver with xuanzang, but I found myself having a slight difficulty in charging NP. You know when you use her NP and you have arts cards for waver and da Vinci and you couldn't use an arts chain with Xuanzang's NP? That's it.
Also when taking note of Bond CEs it wouldn't work well. I mean arts servants usually have a 15% arts increase for the whole party and stuff, but if you have a buster NP it wouldn't get boosted.
That's what I could say about this.


The thing with any card-type focused setup is that you would ideally like to be chaining said card type virtually every turn. That's why servants like Xuanzang with 3 arts cards and a buster NP is a bit awkward to fit into comps like that, since by using an NP you can't chain. They aren't unusable, but the focus on comps with those types of servants usually won't be purely on card type but rather synergy with skills.


by Neil 5 years 9 months ago

Ozy works best in buster crit with waver. Nero is another servant that works well with Ozy despite being arts heavy due to the rng if imperial privilege. In general though, can't go wrong with a team of waver, Ozy and a star gen with Ozy equipping Victor of the moon and waver with a fragment of 2030


As a second damage dealer? Sure. Just note that the two of them would be competing for stars. A better 2nd dps pick I think would be someone with an arts np. So like Emiya Assassin. He's still a dps, but he also still compliments Archuria by providing stars, helping with arts chains, and his NP decreases enemy NP charge to compliment Archurias own charge decrease.


You seem to not fully understand the meaning of 'Arts team'.
The core idea of this is: "get as much NP-gauge every turn as possible in order to spam NP". That means sum of arts cards (including NP-cards) should be more than half of all cards. Each turn you concentrate on making art-chains and getting as much gauge as possible instead of dealing more damage. In ideal you should use NP of a single character with delay of 0-2 turns.
If some characters with different card's/NP color can be tolerable in Buster or Quick metas, in Arts-team character MUST have at least 2 arts cars and arts-NP in order to do it's trick. So the answer is 'no', Ozimandias is a Buster character and will not work much well with archer Artoria and Waver.
You should try put Tamamo in this team instead :3


Gotta agree with tamamo but I want to add that with just tamamo + archuria, you are pretty much set to spam NP, I ran og artoria, archuria, and tamamo on the summer event and was spamming like 3-4 archuria NPs back on back on back, probably could have kept going if the enemies hadn’t died after using 3 NPs or so. Of course, my team wasn’t ideal since I could have replaced og artoria for a more arts centric servant and all my CEs were event CEs so the bonus effects weren’t the best.


Well, arts team isn't the best choice for farming events, it's should be used for hard quests. Something like Dantes' Prison Tower, Onigashima, Rashomon and so on where you facing a real challenge.
If you need to just beat another 40ap quest for some iron, you can just pick some berserkers with kalleido's and rush it.


In my opinion, there are mainly six art teams existed:
(1) Normal art team, Orion/Vlad/Nero etc + Tamamo + Waver
(2) Hitter's NP spam only, Archuria/Surfer Mo + dual Tamamo
(3) Art critical, Saberlot/Alice + Waver/Andersen + Tamamo.
(4) Merlin's mixed Art/Buster critical.
(5) Three Casters
(6) Jeanne's turtle team

Sorry to say that, but I don't really understand why you put Ozy in a so-called art team. First of all, archer and rider are rarely recommend to team up because their star adsorption are quite close, except when they have >500% star adsorption skill. Second, art team's most predominant point is to use 3 art cards (normal + NP) to charge NP gauge every turn.
Ozy worked in the 4th art team with Merlin in the near future. But I don't even considered it is an "art team" and has any close relationship like the rest 1-3.
If you want to say "I want Archuria's 1st skill worked more efficient", well Kiritsugu is better.


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

Yeah, sorry to say OP but Ozy isn't an arts servant, he's buster-crit DPS + secondary support. Also wouldn't recommend putting Artoria and Ozy together, they tend to steal stars from one another. Not that this team is bad or anything, any team with good servants in it is basically good by default, but it is pretty inefficient. It'll get you through most things in the game, just maybe not the hardest boss fights.
