
Best way to get MLB CE

I noticed that a lot of people say that they want to MLB the CE’s from the Vinci shop. And I was wondering what the best way to go about it is. It seems that people always have enough mana prisms to MLB the CE’s from the shop. I barely have enough to buy the summoning tickets and such every month. So what’s the best way to get more and save more mana prisms; so it will be possible for me to MLB these Vinci CE’s.

I know that people burn the 3 star class cards from farming. It’s just I don’t know what to prioritize and how many mana prisms I “should be getting” out of farming each day.

Any help would be appreciated

Asked by Electric5 years 9 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

You could also burn exp cards if I remember correctly; most of my mana prisms come from events. Nerofest has a lottery with them in it so you should get a good amount out of that. Also, I wouldn't recommend buying the exp cards and fous if that's what you've been doing, just buy the summon tickets save the rest until you have enough to mlb chaldea lunchbox.


Ok thank you. I do sometimes buy the Fou cards and EXP cards just because they help sometimes. And I’ll get a new servant that I’ll like and I’ll want to max them out on Fou cards. I was mainly worried about the Chaldea lunchbox because I heard that it’s really good to MLB that CE. And I’m currently on 1.2k mana prisms at the moment. But I’ve been really saving my mana prisms for a long time now so I won’t get to 5k anytime soon


Main source of Mana prisms is events which typically offer 500-1000 in the shop, other than that burn 3* xp cards they don't give much xp to justify the qp cost of using them compared to 4*s most of the time and gives a Mana prism.

Other than that half ap ember quests are a good time to grind them out with the 30(15) ap quest being the best.


If you just focus your AP all on farming for silver cards on the 30 AP: 120 AP = 10 hours, do you should be able to farm at least eight times per day with four hours of AP left over for others or for more silver cards. Each run generally nets you 7 or more silver cards so you should be able to get 56+ mana prisms and you should be able to get around 60 each day if your luck isn’t too bad. Some number punching means that you should be able to get 5K mana prisms in about 84 days if you dedicate 240 AP per day and it can be rounded down to 80 days if you dedicate some more AP. Thus doesn’t include 1/2 AP or any mana Prisms from events. If you factor those in, you could probably knock down that number to around 50 days.


Sweet, thanks for letting me know. I typically do the 40 ap ones just to level up my servants and just burn the extra 3* cards that I get along the way. But since the 30 ap is better for the silver cards then I’ll do those more instead. I’ll probably farm the heck out of it because I really want to MLB Chaldea Lunchtime when it comes out
