
Do I burn the CE's I recieved in this year's Nerofest?

I had studied up on what next years Nerofest will be and saw totally different CE's when the next rerun comes to NA. I was thinking about burning the CEs I earned through the month but wanted to make sure if this years Nerofest CEs work on next years.

Asked by Bare_Bones-Bran5 years 7 months ago


Definitely don't burn Joint Recital, because it's pretty great. White Rose is kinda janky but if you want a Guts CE it's probably one of the most decent ones.

But, yeah, this year's CEs won't have an event bonus next year.


by Buki 5 years 7 months ago

Why would you burn these CEs? They can be useful...


Well I do admit Here's your honor and Primal Legion have good effects... So I gave it a thought and burned my 6 copies of howling to the moon and MLB princess of white Roses since 1% health via guts and 20% np didnt really seem useful in my honest opinion and just MLB'd Joint recital.


Okay it's still on the fence but bare with me! But I hardly gotten any sort of advantage with the guts ability when the trial quests came. Mostly because luck would throw me the middle finger and have the enemy kill my boosted servant. Mainly in trials 3, 5, 6 and 7. Even when I had healers and command seals for emergency use!


The guts is there as a safety net for last minute clutches, and goes together with a healer or a mystic code with evade/invulnerability or heal to withstand one more turn, which can usually be enough to win the battle.

During the event specifically with it MLB'd and equipped with an appropriate DPS servant, the 200+% attack bonus will be the main factor in making sure a brave chain from that servant will bring the enemy down or at least get their HP low enough for any remaining cleanup servants to finish them off.

It's not the best CE outside the event but as others mentioned, you really aren't getting this CE again since it's limited to this specific Nerofest, and it doesn't hurt having an extra utility CE in the future whether you're farming or in need of a substitute NP charge CE for specific setups, with the guts being a bonus. Not much benefits from burning them outside a few MP (that's not even Rare Prisms mind you).


Even if the CE was bad I wouldn’t burn it since you won’t be able to get it again and I like having one of everything


CE from Nerofest mostly is good. Just don't burn them.
All servant will benefit from guts ce and prepare to use it for hard fight. Support with low hp or backliner anchor need them the most.
Unless you're a Moby Dick and fighting Captain Ahab, you can do whatever you want.
