
Is Hans rare, or am I just unlucky?

Hello. Does Hans pop up less often than other 2* servants in the Gatcha, or have I just been unlucky? I have managed to get several other 1-2* servants at NP5, but I never pulled a single Hans until two days ago. And since he is only at NP1 right now, he is way less useful than I'd like him to be. Is this a normal Hans rate?

Asked by Fear3d5 years 9 months ago


by Nachy 5 years 9 months ago

It took me 3 months into the game to get my first Hans, and even more to get NP5 Hans, and each FP 10-roll I do I only get 1 copy of him each time, if I do get lucky and get him. He's definitely one of the rarer 2* to get for me as well.

I mean it's all luck at the end of the day within relatively same statistics, but some people definitely have better or worse luck on getting him.

Still despite being NP1 it's already a good idea to invest in him if you don't have any other reliable support (and even then, even the smaller chance of hitting his buffs on NP1, it's still worth it thanks to guaranteed heal).


by Neil 5 years 9 months ago

It's quite a bit of rng getting him. I got him the first month of play and then burned him to level another servant not knowing how good he was. Took an entire month after that to get another copy. Only managed to NP 5 him when we got the 100k FP for the anniversary event...have gotten like 5-6 copies since then. So no he's not rare, that's just how the gacha works. Keep at it and keep developing him as you will np 5 him eventually. It's a guarantee just won't be immediate


I've been playing for like 2 weeks, so I guess I'm just being impatient. But since I also got all those free FP for the 400 days anniversary, it feels like I have already done several months worth of FP summoning. Unless they hand out FP like that pretty often, I don't think I will see another Hans for quite a while, at this rate.


by Aya 5 years 9 months ago

Like the last guy who posted, I burned several during around the Fate Zero event not knowing that he was amazing. I also was only able to NP5 him after getting the free 100k FP. Probably just bad luck though


by Fabris 5 years 9 months ago

Got 3 Hans very fast (first weeks of gaming), getting him to NP4 and NP5 took another 2 months...


by Mari 5 years 9 months ago

I’ve had my Hans at Np 3 for the longest time now that I think about it, he was one of my only 1-2* servants that wasn’t at Np 5. Thankfully, eventually I did get him to Np 5. But that was after months of playing(keep in mind I never burned a single servant who wasn’t at Np 5 intentionally). I’m guessing that it’s just luck though.
