
If you can have only one Part 14: Brynhild Vs Tamamo (Lancer)

*You can only have one Servant on your roster and never the other
*Decisions can’t be based on waifu/husbando material. It’s all about their skills, teamwork and all that
*Keep it friendly as usual
*I’ve seen some posters say they were late to the debate on some, but I don’t count the votes till the next one goes up. And if people jump in now they may look back at the old ones, so please feel free to add your vote whenever!

Previous days recaps:
Ozy edges out Quetz
Gil pushes past Ishtar
Raikou beat Cu
Xuan beat down Illya
Helena won by a couple votes over Gilcas
Kiyohime and Li was a draw
EMIYA over Chloe (9 votes to 7)
Salter by 1 over Rama
Martha sweeps Marie
Nightingale over Vlad in a back and forth!
Nitocris beat out Nursery Rhyme (who faired well)
Shuten sweeps Gramps (so happy!!)
Martha bests Gorgon

**I was going to link to all the previous ones here but someone made the good point that you can just click my user name and then hit the questions tab to see them all in one spot**

Asked by capize015 years 3 months ago


Back to the usual same class! Two powerful Buster focused lancers. I can see this one going in Brynhild’s favor, but Tama is no slouch and NP focus on dishing out extra damage to males. There are certainly some male archers where her NP can come in handy! It’s quite nice to take out Gil in one shot!

Brynhild has a more straightforward kit and a rank up coming for her 3rd skill which will really add to her damage potential...but it’s a long ways off still unfortunately.

Tama lancer has a great skill set but all of them have a condition or demerit to take into account. Her additional damage to males is a better feature than her opponents NP focus on loved ones.

There’s a little support to Brynhild with her targetable 3rd skill but Tamamo provides a bit more for the team on the whole, but again, with the demerits. She does, however, already have a one turn critical steroid and a class that consumes stars while Brynhild is waiting till next year for hers. Though it will be a 3 turn buff with just a 10% difference in damage boost. Is it something worth waiting for though while plenty of lancers, including Tama, already have a Crit buff.


I'm gonna go tama on this one. Her damage buff on her NP is a lot easier to understand than Bryn's, and her kit allows her to fulfill her role as a crit lancer better. Her buffs are off the chart, although more selfish. She also helps generate the stars she needs, unlike bryn, and she generates her NP way more easily due to having access to both riding and territory creation, along with higher hits on her quick cards. Her second skill barely has a demerit if you know how to use it, and beach flower EX gives bonus damage to the team, and allows her male allies to help supply her with the stars she needs.
Tammy is just better at the role she's trying to fill, outside of not having a buff gather up, which is able to be compensated for with CE's or MHXA's third skill. She's just better than Bryn is right now.


by Makoto 5 years 3 months ago

I'll go with Brynhild here. Pretty much I favor her over Tamamo since she was my first golden Lancer, and she never ever failed me, wether it was raids or normal quests, even some challenge quests.
I love her design and her voice is pretty good. Her skills are really straightforward and useful everytime. She's a good DPS even though everyone consider her more of a sub-dps.
She has some really good stats for both Atk and HP being quite high themselves. Also Divinity.
Her buster hits pretty hard, her arts works well and her quick gives good stars and NP. AQQ Brave Chain means almost half of the gauge in just a single turn. Her Mana Burst Flame is good for damage on NP turn, her Primordial Rune can be a life saver despite its' random factor and her 3rd skill is a nice heal on low cooldown with the cherry on top being Star Gather to ensure your Crit damage either be her or someone else gets enough if not every star (Depending on the class) to deal their needed crits. And later on the long run, she'll pretty much make whoever you want a Crit Damage Dealer with a decent Crit up and an even better Star Gather up. Her NP is just fine, there's not much to say about it, though it needs its' interlude, it's doesn't let down the way it is, and it has a decent coverage against mostly male servants, which make her good for normal bossess aswell as making her not the worst option in an antimale comp, and her overcharge effect for Star gen up can be really useful in the correct team or the proper usage.

However I want to say that Tamamo isn't bad at all either, but she's more of a Burst dedicated Servant with skills that can prove to be tricky to use properly. Anyone who gets to deploy her properly can make her work even better than Brynhild, and she's not that far behind either. She has good stats with a better tendency for survival with her invincibility + higher HP pool, and better tools for stalling and/or survival, but they can backfire pretty easily. However those demerit can be compensated with proper CEs, Mystic Code and/or support, but that could limit her overall damaging potential and/or team-building.


Tammy here for me. While honestly it can go either way, I think what gives her the edge, is just how quickly she can gain NP, and how hard that NP hits. Skills can be a pain to work around, but the demerits are pretty negligible with some planning and their multitude of effects add to their tactical value.


by Haagen 5 years 3 months ago

Brynhildr. While currently weaker imo, she will be much stronger with her upgrades. She provides flexible support that can make anyone a crit damage dealer. Also, she has a much stronger np with 800%.
Tamamo is still really good. However, I don't think she will get any interludes or sq so she is sort of stuck with demerits on skills and a weaker np. Charisma is so common so it's a pass. Charm cd is too long. Her low star weight hinders her crit potential.
Overall, I would rather have someone who doesn't need resources to function, can fit in any team, and has better burst damage when given resources.


by kire 5 years 3 months ago

Tamamo's demerits are a no go for me. I'd rather have a simple skill with a decent value than one that packs a ton of effects but has a demerit attached to it. Also, it is unlikely to actually make use of all those effects most of the time.


Tamamo Lancer obviously. Just look at her skills, lmao. While it has some annoying demerits that could screw you up, they can be easily avoided.

For example, her 2nd skill's demerit won't screw you later if you use it to stun an enemy ONLY when its np gauge is already full.

If you use her 3rd skill, make sure to make the most out of it.

Try bringing her with fellow buster Sanzang as you can use her 3rd skill in tandem with Tama Lancer's 3rd to increase both Tama's crit star gen rate & NP gen. rate up to 80% while avoiding that demerit due to the 1 turn debuff immunity.

Brynhild just dies on me many times due to lack of defensive skills.


Had to go with bryn especially after her interlude for more utility, that targetable crit absorbtion + crit damage is to good to pass and mana burst flame for damage steroid, i dont really like servant that have stun demerit so pass on tama


Brynhild...servants of summer get the loving but not the NP upgrades.


Tamamo has enormous potential as an independent unit and her skill's buffs can be game-changing if RNG decides to shine on you, but other than that, the demerits on her skills can hamper the team's performance if her buffs fail to compensate for that. Otherwise, she still provides a great anti-male NP, and can garner stars by the dozens. This makes her a self-sustaining force to be reckoned with, but if one can play her cards well, she can be a very dangerous addition to a team.

Brynhild is a more straightforward fighter, but despite otherwise lower merit to her skills, they are still valuable in the forms of a rare targetable crit absorb buff, allowing her to control the flow of crits, and Mana Burst (Flame) that increases her NP damage alongside her Buster. The range of servants that enter her criteria of Special Attack are rather respectable, allowing her to deal additional damage to them, but otherwise is a lower population than that of Males. Her playstyle is very balanced, with a rather even spread of NP gain, crit star absorption, attack, and defense, but otherwise, Bryn's weaknesses come in the form of a lack of defensive skills or any other attack buff aside from her NP steroid. Nonetheless, she is a servant with minimal weaknesses, but minimal outstanding strengths as well.

Brynhild is the better servant in my opinion because she can perform well without a need to worry about the costs of her skills, but Tamamo has higher potential, so long as one can play her to their strengths regardless of her demerits. Being confident, I believe I'd rather test my worth with our Summer Fox.
