
Since we'll be in CCC in a couple months, I've started thinking about how hard I want to roll on Melt. I've noticed in JP that whenever I see a Melt on support the person has it at np4/5 even if they don't appear to be a whale judging by the low np level of their other supports.

I'm just curious if Melt is that widely useful in gameplay to have encouraged so many people to whale for her, or if it's just down to how good her character turned out to be in the event as I've heard it's one of, if not the best written events in the game. I could also see it being the rather limited nature of the class itself in terms of total characters and appearing in gachas.

Maybe a JP player's perspective on this would be helpful?

Asked by chairman_5 years 2 months ago


Melt has a very expensive taste in team comp and setup since you know the drill : Having 2 dodges will not be enough for later Challenge Quest, she does in need of heavy supports/setups if you even attempt to bring her in and she doesn't have any NP Battery so unless you kleido it up, she can't be a self sufficient boss killer for farming.

With that being said, she melt the 4 cavalries classes with ease on NP2, left alone NP5. Events nodes that on 2nd wave has a Calvary boss like how NA Valetines nodes has makes her extremely useful for these kind of things. People NP2 and up Melt because Cavalries type advantage doesn't give out much bonus damage multiplier so there's another thing to consider.

"Best written event" is very subjective so don't worry about "Oh I never get Melt NP2, I'm not a true CCC fan". It's mostly her character and her design that counts.

Hope this help
