
Okita or Saber bride

which one would be better to roll for? I like both of them but dunno which one to save up for. How do you think they will do in the current meta?

Asked by Luxiifer5 years 2 months ago


To add on, how would one build a team around Okita?


Simple: Give her some support (crit up, healing, maybe some defense, etc) and watch her destroy everything she comes in contact with at an alarming rate.


by Hakuno 5 years 2 months ago

Nero Bride can function as the main damage dealer, a dedicated support or a support DPS in generic arts teams. Okita is the main DPS in quick teams. In the current meta, Nero Bride is better because arts teams are still strong. Meanwhile, the quick meta will only be complete when Caster Scathach gets released, which will make Okita the better Saber.

From my experience, I would say to save for Nero Bride as she is more versatile and has longer-lasting skills. I own her and she performs quite well.


by ttar99 5 years 2 months ago

I'd go both just because bride can support Okita.

But if you have to choose one Bride offers more gameplay wise.

Outside of gameplay I would personally choose Okita. But I already have bride and will roll for Okita in march.


Currently, Umu Bride has better options as a hybrid Arts DPS/Support. Okita lacks proper Quick support outside of Atalante and Alexander.

Even so, Okita can perform well if you have a CE to boost her Quick cards in place of a quick buff.

So I suppose it depends on what you need. Bride for Arts DPS/Support or Okita for Quick Crit-DPS.


I have a decent/good support for umu bride like tamamo,waver and hans.
and for okita, I only have atalante to synergize with her but like 60% of my ce are crit based and quick

Would have preferred musashi tbh but failed to get her

so yah I should try to roll for saber bride on april. also on rate up together with gilgamesh so even better


Okita. She's easier to use for me and my fav waifu. And I'll roll for her on rerun AGAIN... *sigh


Without knowing what the rest of your lineup is like, Im gonna say Okita is much better and here's why:

Bride is kind of a semi-support damage dealer jack of all trades. Good, and I use her often, but I almost never use her as a main damage dealer and she slates almost exclusively into arts teams only. She ends up spending more time backing up my Tamo and Archuria than doing damage herself.

Okita works in all compositions. While yeah she's works REAL well in full green, she's no slouch in blue or red comps. She makes her own stars (best in the game next to Jack I think), can use them to crit super hard and blow shit up with her ridiculous ST NP then build to do it all again next turn. In that regard, she can be your sole damage dealer, OR can generate a ton of stars to support someone else and then use her skills to soak em up herself if the cards aren't in your favor otherwise.

You really can't go wrong with either, but I honestly think Okita makes a better argument for semi-support than bride just on the simple fact that she can either make your team crit constantly or dish out the damage herself (on top of being I believe the second highest damage dealing saber in the entire game behind musashi), and with a caster in the mix, you dont need the OK healing that bride provides anyway.
