
Proto Arthur, Okita or Nero Bride?

F2P question here. Been playing the game for 3 months and have done everything up to Shinjuku including all challenge quests (great friends). Only sabers I have are NP4 Fergus, NP1 Sieg, and NP2 Ceaser. Wondering if I should spend my 100 SQ for the Proto Arthur Banner (heard he sucks so I actually want Cu from that banner) or the Okita/Nero Bride ones. Okita is better but I have an NP2 CasGil as a support and Skadi is pretty far away.

Side question: Need a good assassin besides Fuuma. Failled rolling for gramps and Jack. At this point in the game, CA Hassan and Le Regend are too weak unfortunately. What should I do? Welfare Shiki is only coming back in a about a year or so, and I guess I could raise my NP5 Jing Ke or NP4 HF Hassan

Asked by Kaiju3205 years 2 months ago


by Haagen 5 years 2 months ago

Okita nero bride is much better imo. Between them, i would say it depends on your team. For assassin, next eor should have a decent assassin. If you cannot wait, try hassan of hf or jing ke. Arts or quick.


i would roll for nero .She is actually one of the strongest sabers out there and she gets an interlude(for np)
about assasins i would suggest waiting till oktober we will have 2 new 4 stars assasins :katou danzou and Mochizuki Chiyome


You can get Scathach assasin in the summer rerun this year, and she's not a bad assassin. other than that the class based banner is coming up so you can roll on that to try and get a decent assassin. Also Cleo is coming back on the halloween rerun, so you can try and get her.

As for the main question, I'd go for Okita. You need a single target damage dealer, and okita is better at that job than Nero is. I know skadi is a bit far off, but even if you don't get her, she'll be somewhere on your friends list. As far as Cas gil as a support, he'll work about equally well with either option, because Okita can use his stargen better than bride can, although she (bride) does benefit better off of the arts boost.


Yeah the only reason why I was considering the Proto Arthur/Cu banner is cuz my only ST Berserker is NP1 Ibaraki and idk about that. And deciding between Okita and Nero is hella hard cuz Nero offers godly support that goes well with my CasGil, but Okita is basically saber Jack - which means crazy star gen and a dodge which is really useful against these break bar enemies


Okita and Nero are much better options than Arthur. Nero is kind of DPS/support hybrid, while Okita is a critical/burst damage oriented servant, both have single target NP and Nero is receiving an animation/NP upgrade this year.

You should raise HP Hassan while you get a golden Assassin, also, you should try to get Mochizuki Chiyome on Shimousa banner, she is a great Arts-based ST assassin


Nero is good, but Okita is a great self-contained servant. Enormous Crit/burst, Evade, spammable ST NP that hits like a truck, and is one of the few OP quick servants that can easily slot into any team comp. I have bride, but even with her NP up, she's still not nearly as broken as Sakura Saber is...she also only gets better when Skadi drops.


by Fabris 5 years 2 months ago

Arthur niche is odd, more dmg against large enemies, but he's AOE, and most large enemies are 1 per wave, usually bosses with lots of HP...Nero and Okita are better.

Casgil Nero Bride is a good combination (specially if you have Saberlot to tag along), but Okita can be benefited by Casgil, as well, Charisma A+ goes multiplicatively with her Quick Up, Kings Return will make she vomit even more stars, his NP gives AOE def up and a def down on all enemies, which is good.

Okita can spam her NP more flequently, thank to crits. And Caesar is a good support for her, dmg up, attack up, more crit ups and massive stargen up.


I don't have Umu Bride, so I can't talk for her, but I do have Okita, and she is amazing. Even without Skadi, she is really good (although Skadi will make her even better). I would highly recommend going for her.


by wuty 5 years 2 months ago

My favorite servant is okita, so i am going to try really hard to get her, and also there is a very good event CE on her banner (Guda guda poster girl) that would be also very nice to get, but that is just a plus.

On the other hand, if we get the CCC banner you are going to have the chance to roll for Nero Bride and Gilgamesh on the same rate up, so the chances of getting a good servant and not a spook are higher; (that is, if you even want gilgamesh). This banner also has very good CE's on rate up(2030, Another ending, Victor from the moon,Demonic Bodhisattva, and Ideal Holy King) but they are not limited as the Guda guda one.

As for assassin, just wait for summer to get scathach, and until there use a berserker instead.


by Mysty 5 years 2 months ago

My husband has Okita, I have nero bride. Of the two I much prefer Okita. Okita does a lot more damage on np and in normal attacks because she usually crits with all the stars she generates. And the np gain on her quick cards is insane.

I might change my mind after bride's interlude comes out. Her np always just feels weak to me compared to Okita, and definitely compared to my saberlot (who I usually field instead of bride.)


As others have recommended, either Okita or Bride is better than Arthur. Between the two of them, they're far enough apart that you could conceivably try for both. Do note that you should also think about who else is on their banner when deciding which one to roll. Okita will have Emiya on hers and Bride will have SR Nero on hers.


by Makoto 5 years 2 months ago

It's not exactly that he sucks, it's just that everyone else is better even in lower rarities.
Now, that aside, you should ask yourself what do you need/want. If you need a Bosskiller, go for Okita, if you need someone to farm, Proto Arthur will do the trick just fine, if you need a sub-dps/Fantastic universal support specialized in arts, you can have Bride.

You currently have some OK placeholders for the class, Caesar is pretty good, Fergus is quite sturdy and deals some really good numbers, and Siegfreid isn't as bad as it usually seems, specially after the Strenghthen.
Also, if you cleared everything up to Shinjuku, you should have access to Bedivere (He's given by clearing Camelot) If you overlooked him, you're really missing out.

As for assassins, guess you'll have to do with you supports or try to fit your Hassans and Regend. Jing Ke is hard to make her work, Hundred Faces aswell and she also needs some investment.


Good point. The main thing with Bedivire is that I don't think I'm super likely to get him at NP5 anytime soon. Given his overcharge effect and low skill cost compared to ceaser, I'd love to raise him if I had higher NP.


I'm rolling for Okita. Since Okita is waifu, good gameplay, daishouri, waifu, and waifu. But ofcourse, Nero is good too. It's just I like Okita more.


by jakeyb 5 years 2 months ago

Arthur’s facecards hit for a lot of damage but his NP is a little undertuned to compensate. (He has the 5th highest attack or something like that in JP right now. Go watch some videos of him...his facecards HURT.) He’s better than Fergus but I’d say Mordred or even OG Artoria (especially with her future SQ) are overall better picks. Mordred can pull out her NP more consistently and I’d say she’s more relevant for event farming where Altria-faces aren’t uncommon. OG Artoria has charisma and will be getting a better battery than Arthur’s. Arthur’s vs Massive niche just isn’t relevant often enough (and the buff is too short).

He might outdamage them in the short run but Mordred especially gets better as the fight goes on and Arthur...doesn’t.

(I’m hoping Arthur gets a buff in JP this year because, all that said, I still want him.)

Okita and Bride are both excellent but have different playstyles. Okita is all about quick teams and stargen. Bride is more of a semi-support...she’s about enabling a DPS (sometimes herself) to NP harder and more often while not being offensive dead weight.

Both are amazing units and all 3 are fairly popular. Roll for who you like.


I’m in the same boat re:assassins—Serenity is my best one. She’s good for stalling an NP (like a mini Shuten) but I very rarely field her. I typically use Herc/Fran or go for neutral damage with a nuker like Robin Hood against Rider nodes.

Summer Scathach is serviceable. I’m hoping for Assassin Nito, personally.

And there’s always Jekyll, who is actually a berserker in disguise.
