
Salter NP Lvl 2 or Rare Mana Prisms

I got 2 Salters from the Shinjuku Pickup Summon 2. Should I burn the other one, or raise it to Lvl 2?

Asked by Dave_FGE5 years 1 month ago


Np2, the biggest jump of damage is from np1 to np2 and Salter's NP is already good at np1,imagine having her at np2


For all these NP2 or Rare Prism questions... I only have a single thing to ask in return. What would you do with that Rare Prism?


by metrox 5 years 2 months ago

Yeah seriously. What do you want to do with rare prism? If u burn it because lul i already got it once then you're making a grave mistake. There are few whose np upgrade won't be considered as good. But for pure np damage like any of the Artoria variant is just stupid to burn.

Also NP2 enable to overcharge servant gauges to 200% which comes handy when those nasty ghosts or any other NP drainer enemies appear.

If there is no clear goal with that RP then don't burn it. There is also second archive if u aren't sure about it.

I for one had times where i wanted to burn extras of Nursery Rhyme but thanks to being NP 5 now, she become a core memeber of anti assasin teams


by Tesuji 5 years 2 months ago

This seems like an insane question, but at the point that you're thinking about burning a servant, the next questions you should be asking yourself are:

- Do I (or will I ever) use this servant?
- Do I have something that I really want to spend a RP on, and already have all of the MPs needed to buy that thing?

Unless the answer to those questions are 'No' and 'Yes' respectively, wondering about what you should burn a servant is nonsensical.

Salter's main utility is her NP. If you use her, then burning a dupe for a RP instead of making her NP2 is such an incredibly stupid thing to do that it defies comprehension.

However, if you don't use her (and won't in the future), then it really doesn't matter what her NP level is, does it?

At that point, the next question is whether you have something you really want to spend a RP on and the MPs to buy it, because unless you literally have the 5k MPs in hand (or it's something that just costs RPs, and this would give you enough), then it's incredibly dumb to burn anything for RPs *now* as opposed to waiting for when you're actually ready to make the purchase (at which point perhaps you have a servant you like even less that you'd rather burn).

(To be clear, I think that burning Salter is a moronic thing to do, but if you don't use her and she's all that stands between you and something you really want, then hey, you do you.)
