
Shinjuku Archer synergy

Was thinking of which servants compliment him best, in general fights with mixed enemies.

How do Altria Alter Saber and Assassin Emiya sound?

Alter has an skill to boost c stars by enough for the Archer to use his second skill on command.
And her arts/buster card deck + buster np compliments the Archers arts deck + buster np

Meanwhile Assassin Emiya also has arts, with good c star generation. Which can help the Archer to get that one round of crits with his first skill.

And of course, the evil servants gain extra atk, and alter has her own charisma on top of that.

How does this sound?
Any surgestions for craft essences?

Asked by Sir of Coffee5 years 2 months ago


by Makoto 5 years 2 months ago

For mixed nodes such as Archer+Saber I think of LAlter, maybe Li Shuwen could work too, being arts and evil and both being ST and having defense downs, the damage could be nice on some boss.
On quests with pure sabers, Atalante could be useful to give him the crits and the extra stars for his battery, too, while also boosting the high AOE damage Atalante provides for wave clear.
Also an interesting comp would be coupling him with someone like Ibaraki-Douji. The overall damage is just huge with her demonic nature of Oni.

Medb can also work out as some sub-dps or semi-support, specially against male enemies which aren't uncommon at all. Both get extra bonus with Evil and Male trait, and Medb can also help stall and control male bossess.

Some servants that also could work very nicely with him are the most commons Star Generators Assassins. In fact, pretty much all of them have Evil Alignment (CA Hassan, Shuten Douji, Kotarou, Kojirou, Jack, maybe even Sanson with his triple quick)
I would also consider Vlad III, too, but while the skills aren't bad between themselves, they make use of different supports and utilites, and you just have plain better options than Moriarty as a sub Support, and Vlad as DPS.
