
Should I attempt to roll for Waver on this Singularity Banner?

Hi everyone,

I just want to get your advice regarding whether I should roll for Waver on this singularity banner or if I should wait for the Lucky Bag guaranteed summoning on the New Year?

Some key things to consider:
1. I'll probably do all ticket rolls and a single multi-pull accounting for around 18 pulls total
2. I already have an Altera and I don't want to get spooked into getting a duplicate

Thanks in advance!


Sorry! I think they took out Zhuge Liang (Waver) from the Septem Rate Up Banner. Thanks for the help!

Asked by Syd1235 years 7 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 7 months ago

As far as I know none of the singularities have Waver on rate-up? I highly doubt you will get a non-rate up servant with 18 pulls. Also, if you don't want a duplicate Altera, don't roll Septem.

Anyway, I'd say just go for GSSR. I don't think Waver gets a rate-up for a long time.


Thanks for the quick reply! I could have sworn I saw him on the Septem banner a few hours ago...


if you are aiming to get an ssr you have a 1% chance od getting one
but if you're aiming to get a certain ssr, well good luck it took me MONTHS to get waver though I did get karna,np2 iskandar,nerobride,arjuna,mama and some very cool 4* including np2 ibaraki in the process
the secret is to roll everh sq you have as soon as it comes.luck is predetermined I ALWAYS get a good roll after a long period of bad ones


tldr; if you save up and spend it all on a bad luck period you are fucked which is the case with most people who save up over 600sq for a servant and just bash their heads against a wall when they cant get their pedophile-attraction loli ssr
