
Something odd in the Last Memorial Quest

I was challenging the last mission which was the Fuyuki singularity, I had a Chloe, Mash and support Tamamo. At the start of the first turn after I played my cards, salted started whamming on Tamamo, I thought it was just my bad luck, but every turn she wouldn’t stop whacking her. To the point I had to cast an invulnerability on turn 3. I used taunt, evade everything I could to get her off but by the time it wears off Salter just homes right onto my support!!

I had to retreat because it was getting out of hand, it was ridiculous both my mash and Chloe suffered no damage, now I’m thinking this was some sort of bug.

Anyone else suffered from this glitch? That feeling like a servant has a passive taunt built In?

Asked by Pianobat5 years 2 months ago


by Buki 5 years 2 months ago

She has a gimmick, she focus on supports servants.


Ooof I checked up on Salter’s gimmicks on here and you guys are right. I wanted to play this blind so at the start of the fight I was confused.


Alter will ALWAYS aim for Casters first.
Make sure they can either tank or survive if you want to field them for support.
If you use a tanky Caster, you can exploit this gimmick like a permanent taunt to keep Alter off your DPS, but you need to make sure they survive her NP as well.


Ah ok thanks guys, I’ll take note of what you guys said about this gimmick
