
Team Composition for Saint Martha (Ruler)

Hello everyone. I have Saint Martha (at NP5) I was wondering what would be a good team composition for her? Any help with this would be appreciated. While I may not have all the servants, and most likely won't have every single servant suggested, any input on this would be greatly appreciated.

Asked by Shirokiba5 years 9 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

Someone asked this question earlier. I posted an answer on that thread if you want to have a look at it:


Already answered quite well but to throw my two cents out there Martha excels for being a generalist with no real weaknesses and conversely no huge strengths - she's above average in every situation but best in none and as a result you can't focus on buffing her strong point to the limit as you would with most servants(Archuria goes full NP spam, Gil buster crit, Saberlot crits, etc). That said you can pair almost anyone with her and do okay as a result - want to tank everything ever use her with Waver and Mash, want to do all the damage use her with Nightingale (Merlin when we get him) and someone with a good charisma skill as her third skill let's her hit a very large portion of enimies for huge damage matching even high end SSRs(especially at NP5), you can even go for a crit build with Waver and Hans(with 2030 of course) and the ruler star weight plus a triple buster deck will ensure you hit like a truck.

Basically this is just a long winded way of saying rather than her having synergy with others you want to find two supports with synergy then add her in as a DPS as she can do everything but NP spam to about the same level.


Thanks, everyone, that gives me a lot to work with. I'll try those out.
