
What’s the best I can do with my servants? And are they good?

I’m not sure exactly what I could do with these servants. The skills are also pretty low level on all servants besides Altria and Tamamo’s Fox Wedding EX. I don’t know the “best” team comps for either farming or to clear hard parts of Camelot or something. I also have banana loli and Rama, but they’re low level.

I’m feeling that my servants might be “out of sync” with each other. As a lot of my servants have their own specialty.

Any advice/comments help!

Asked by Electric5 years 9 months ago


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

I don't know why people seem to care so much about optimising comps, since the best comps will depend on the quest you are doing. Altria archer + Tamamo is generally pretty solid, but you'd never use it against a lancer boss, for instance (you could, but is it worth the effort?). It's generally not a great idea to rely on just one comp for everything.

From what I can see, you're right when you say your servants are kind of out of sync, but that isn't really a bad thing, just gives you more variety in team-building. Tamamo + any of Vlad, Altria archer and Orion will make a great arts team, switch them around based on what you are up against: Orion for male sabers/berserkers, Altria for sabers (or almost anything else other than lancers - she's good enough even without class advantage), and Vlad against anything if you want the increased damage. For the third member, I'd say use either Waver or Jeanne from your friend list.

As for farming, you've got a bunch of great farmers in Karna, Scathach, Salter, Iskandar and Altria. You will probably want some NP charge CEs for farming, but apart from that you are pretty set, at least for farming against casters, riders, archers, berserkers and lancers.


Thank you. But yeah, I don’t usually care about team comps and I just usually run whatever has class advantage. But I’m mainly worried on future story missions and such where they require “better strats”. In Babylonia and such in the future. It was difficult getting through Camelot at some parts against Gawain and such. But I’m not sure if that’s just me


Looking at your team, farming shouldn’t be an issue for you. You have plenty of decent hitting servants with AOE NPs like OG Saber, Salter, Iskander, Scathach and Emiya archer. You should be able to get through the dailies with them at mid levels while borrowing a Waver to ensure they can fill their NP gauges and make the most out of them.

You also have the bases for plenty of Arts teams. With Tamamo as the key support, you can swap in Vlad, Orion or Squirtoria to really beef up their ST NPs to do heavy damage to bosses. Orion is not just a male servant killer either. Unlike say Euryale, her NPs damage isn’t based off of attacking males. It just means one of her skills ends up being useless against female servants/bosses. But Orion’s damage more than makes up for that as I’ve used her to one shot many difficult bosses.

If you want to help keep those teams alive, pair them with tanker characters that can taunt like Mash or Chevalier. Cu is always a great option thanks to his dodge skills.

Your not completely wrong that, from what you show above, that you don’t have all the right pieces for all types of teams. Mainly from what I see you don’t have the makings just yet of a good buster/crit team. But you could do some good damage using a friends Jalter and pairing her with OG Saber and Ruler Martha. Jalter’s attack boost to dragon Knights works on all forms of Altria, Altria can produce some stars for Jalter to use while boosting her attack as well. Thanks to Martha’s class advantage she can tank plenty of damage and protect the others with her kit. And between the 3 of them you’ll have buster cards and buster NPs for days.

Once more of you me characters are leveled up you’ll be able to find more useful combinations. And while the poster above is right in that you don’t always need to worry about it, part of the fun in the game is finding and putting together good teams and seeing the results. Plus Camelot has some tougher fights and the upcoming Prisma event puts an emphasis on female servants and will have some difficult boss fights if you want the very good welfare servant Chloe Von Einzbern on your team permanently.

If you need some help from a friends list I have some room. 825,960,988 I’ll attach my support for the upcoming group and if you think they’ll help just let me know you sent a request and I’ll accept


Thank you. I’ll level up Salter as soon as I can as I’ve heard that she’s really good. I’m just mainly worried about story missions that are hard and “require” better team comps. Such as the future missions in Babylonia.

I just added you (my name is Ikki on the game).


I saw the request come through and I added your request. Yea, Salter will serve you well. She is a bit weaker than OG Saber but she also saves you 4 cost points for an identical kit.

My understanding is Camelot is harder than Babylonia cause of all the gimmick battles that Camelot uses. Fights are supposedly more straightforward in the next chapter, just that the enemies have high HP and damage. Getting Chloe as a welfare servant will help, she is a really good SR
