
Which is better? Np1 Artoria Archer or Kuro?

So I was fortunate enough to roll Squirtoria, but my friend is telling me she's not worth using since Kuro outclasses her completely if she's not Np2. Can anyone validate his claims?

Asked by Karenfag5 years 9 months ago


That's total bullshit. Sure, Kuro will deal higher damage per np, but Artoria will make up for that with her crazy np spam, plus she has amazing team utility with 70 percent np depletion effect and two skills that support not only her but the whole party. The only reason for having her at np2 is that her heal becomes straight up broken


what does her heal have to do with her NP level?


It costs np to use so being able to go over 100% np means she can use it without losing her np that turn.


by Neil 5 years 9 months ago

A lot of people have said this so I'm going to repeat them for the most part: Stop comparing the two! As is, comparing a servant's overall impact is a completely useless exercise as different servants are good at different things. Like you wouldn't expect to have waver be your main damage dealing dps would you? Despite the fact that he is uniformly regarded as the current best overall servant when all things are considered.

Squirtle fits the niche of np spamming SSR Archer. That role alone along with her arts deck and buff is what make her the darling of arts teams and comparable to Gil at the upper ends of top tier archers. The fact that she has beach flower is just a minor bonus and great team support as well as a way to boost team star gen if the other servants are male.

Kuro on the other hand is also a high damaging ST NP Archer. Kuro's strengths however are tied to boosting her own damage and specifically boosting her star gen and crit damage tied to an evade which also functions to protect her. That talent alone actually in addition to a decent St np (which can easily be made np 5) is what makes her as strong as she is. Just like the other 4 stars in tier 1 (and it is a lock she will be tier 1 when she's out) she is able to function independently and deal out meaty crits in addition to a decent np and decent survivability.

Level squirts since you have her but level Kuro as well. You have the option of both so why not both? Also I'd heavily suggest making squirts 10/10/10. Her ascension is super expensive but her talent ups aren't too bad


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

Nah, Chloe doesn't outclass Artoria. It's more that Chloe has almost the exact same role as Artoria, meaning its more quartz-efficient to save rather than spend for Artoria and just use Chloe instead since she's free.


Kuro has better damage and self-sufficient skills, If you want to build a team around Squirtoria or Kuro is usually with tamamo no mae and waver, squirtoria in this team is unkillable and provide np drain while kuro provide crits and pure damage. In my opinion squirtoria first skill is the only good skill and have 6 turns cd the other 2 skills is meh, even euryale is similar, provide np drain and arts up with 5 cd and -15%atk in np. Not worth the roll.


Squirtoria's heal is so underrated. It's a meaty heal (5000 hp on a 4 second cd when at level 10) and the demerit is only 10% np, which isn't a lot when u consider how easily she can make that back (or if she has 110% np guage it's free). It makes her tanky and further reinforces her sustain in an arts team


The problem is that you need a np2 squirtoria for that, A huge heal with 4cd is in compensation for the nonexistent evade/invincibility, heal skill is good for solos but the problem is that tough bosses has instant np charge, hit crit or have np/skill seals and you die before the next heal. Maybe squirtoria was made to be a 4* star and in the last moment they make it a 5*star because she was a strong np spammer and $$$$. Be a 4* can make it her only better with access to np2.


Well you don't NEED np2 for it, like the other guy said, that's only if you wanna use NP on the same turn. Her NP gain is more than enough to make up for it. Sure, it's inconvenient, but considering 5000 is a full third of her full fou'd HP, it's quite substantial. Dodge/invincibility would be better - hell, guts would probably be better in a lot of cases, but the fact that she can get back a third of her health on command is still pretty good. And bear in mind that her health is quite high anyway. She's definitely one of the tankier archers. And for real, not all 5 stars have dodge/invincibility, and you don't need it to be good. Waver, Gil, Ozy, Tamamo etc come to mind.


Not to mention...if you're casting your np every turn or 60-70% of the turns...with the 70% chance to drain a charge not to mention Tamamo has her skill that drains a charge....when exactly is a boss supposed to np? Lol it would have to be super bad rng with maybe double instant charges. Also if she really takes a 5-7K crit well there's absolutely no way to predict that as it is RNG whether an enemy crits or not


It can happen but mostly only for things like Gawain or Mordred in Camelot with passive charging. Not for the vast majority of cases though.


This is liek, the 1000th time this question has been asked in this place.
As other people have said, there's no use comparing them. They both fill a similar role in a team but has different kits. Even if you use either one of them, they'd still do an incredible job nonetheless. If your friend friend really insists on comparing them, tell him to compare them based on their Moe level instead.

Will choose Kuro 8 days a week coz lo- *slaps self*


by zer0z 5 years 9 months ago

I think this question has been answered pretty sufficiently already, but in the interest of summary, these are some advantages of each:

- Better NP spam
- NP has a decent chance at draining enemy NP
- Higher durability (overall) due to high HP and good heal, plus defence buff
- Higher damage on normal attacks (higher ATK stat + territory creation A)
- Better party support with party-wide attack and defence buffs, and a crit star drop buff for male allies.

- Has dodge
- Better at criting (3-turn crit star gen buff + 3 turn crit damage buff, both are tied to other skills though)
- Has NP charge skill
- Has a slightly higher buff than artoria that applies to all card types, rather than just arts, but this only lasts one turn
- Higher NP damage at NP5
- NP can't be dodged
- Supports Illya if that matters to you.

Personally, I'd say at NP5 Chloe slightly edges out Artoria NP1 overall, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't raise both.
