
I randomly decided to throw 10 tickets at the London banner to try and get Lalter. Guess who showed up? The other story locked servant with a higher rarity, Nikola Tesla. Currently having mixed feelings and questioning whether my luck is EX or not, since I tried to get her from the Camelot banner last time but got Gawain and Zerkalot instead.
For Tesla, is he good? From what I read from his bio, he seems like Gil, but more NP-reliant. I get that his main role and skills contribute to using his NP as much as possible, but what CEs would work best with him? I got a MLB Choco Angel, which I think could help with gaining NP and hitting harder. Would that work with Tesla? Or should I focus more on crit damage to increase his regular damage, like the upcoming Talk on the Hot Sands? Or just general CE recommendations, like Golden Sumo?

Asked by pokechumaster5 years 2 months ago


He is, for the most part, a less reliable Gilgamesh, though still a pretty solid servant. CEs that help increase his NP uptime are probably the best thing to do, as he can hit pretty hard against servants who have the trait, 'weak to system keraunos'. The ability to NP spam makes Tesla pretty strong.


I guess you're lucky enough to get him with just few tickets. Gameplay wise, if you already have Tesla then you don't even need any copy of Gilgamesh or Ishtar because Tesla can also do their job as well.

He's strong and i use Tesla or Ishtar now because my Gil Bond is already maxed.
For the CEs it's pretty situationals, let me give some example.

- If you can provide him enough Crit stars by using your support then equip him with Knights Dignity or Gem Magecraft or Joint Recital or Victor of the Moon or any Crit damage up CEs to further increase his Crit potential.
- for general gameplay, you can equip him with Golden Sumo or Limited Zero Over because he already have his own Atk Up + NP strength Up buff. Different kinds of buff stacks multiplicatively.
- for pure destruction or vs multiple servant bosses, equip him with Black Grail or Heaven's Feel. His fast NP gain plus massive NP damage will make the work even shorter and easier. His damage rival those Gil and Ishtar destructive power, sometimes you can even make him into a meme machine.
- for harder contents or some challenge quest, equip him with Def Up CEs or any survivability CEs. His own Def Up + def up from CEs can make him into a walking Fortress.
You can even when tanking some AOE NPs or attacks like it's nothing, of course with some of your party members def buffs. He also have his own short CD Guts skill, which is nice.


by tg345 5 years 2 months ago

Tesla is the NP2 servant I never asked for lol. Same situation as you, but during London release, I just wanted Lalter....4 draws later I got Lalter and a pair of Tesla. lol.

He's pleasantly surprised me over the time I've had him. His NP has good effects, he can spam that NP and he gets a skill strengthening that will add 20% attack at max later this year.

Situation dependent but I usually use black grail on mine. Thanks to his galvanism he usually has no problem getting his NP gauge to the point where his battery can top it off. I'd say go with an NP damage CE or one that can allow him to first turn NP if its easy farming or even better a CE that does both lol.

I just wanna play hype man for my main bro at Chaldea who doesn't get a lot of love.


Weird thing is that the same thing happened to me...1 ticket to try for Lancer Alter or Fran, got Tesla...was actually wondering the same thing myself...already have Gil so Im pretty sure he's basically Gil-lite but Ill still level him for the stun chance on his NP and he gets a skill buff this summer. Im actually a little annoyed since I really wanted Okita next month and this may have ruined my chances, but oh well lol


by jakeyb 5 years 2 months ago

He’s great—especially with trait advantage.

Gamepress said he’s moving to Tier 3 as soon as he SQ arrives. Gil is better against servants but Tesla is probably better for free quest farming.
