
Should I farm 40ap quest with 6 moon fest
Or 5 moon fest and 1 moon bath,
Or 4 moon fest and 2 moon bath?
I want to clear the white dango shop ( not the 5k ce)

Asked by Sinsy5 years 3 months ago


the more moon baths the better especially so when you have 6 moon baths since the 6 normal dumpling drop with the 6 moon baths will give a total of 42 for each while the 6 moon fests will give 24, and the lowest drop which is 3 will give out the same as 6 moon fest being 21

basically the more moon baths the better


by Zhiroc 5 years 3 months ago

You didn't mention which 40 AP quest (because there are two). But here is the long answer.

For the expert quest, I calculated that the average drop, based on the drop information posted here, was 23.9 regular dumplings in 6.7 stacks, and 15.3 special dumplings in 4.1 stacks. This is pretty close to my experience of 23.6 in 6.8 for regular and 15.4 in 4.1 for special over my 16 runs so far.

For non-MLB CEs, therefore on average a Moon Fest will increase regulars by +3/stack, or 20.1, and specials by 12.3. A Moon Bath will increase the base amount by 100%, so regulars by 23.6 and specials by 15.4. Therefore, Moon Bath gives better results, on average.

And likewise, the projected drop on Goddess is 42.5 regulars in 10.4 stacks, so once again the doubling of the base drop is greater than 3x10.4, and thus Moon Bath is better there as well.

If you happen to have an MLB Moon Fest, however, doing the same math shows that this would be better than a non-MLB Moon Bath.

I should also add that since results are additive, it just matters to maximize each servant. Equip as many MLB Moon Baths as you can (well, if you can...), then MLB-Moon Fests, then non-MLB Moon Baths, then non-MLB Moon Fests, etc. I think there's a graphic on the event pages that shows the same advice, but I figure it was worth explaining why.
