
Merlin: Roll more or Nah?

While this isnt supposed to be a bitch post, after 350 quarts and 5 tickets, I managed 9 copies of a 4* CE and Helena...dirtiest trick ive seen yet in this game BTW...I guess my question is, is this guy even worth it? Usually my lucks pretty dam good, but it doesnt look like I'll be getting him without really rolling with my wallet. I know the GSSR is coming up and I will probably have to roll Caster as Helena and Hanz are my ONLY support casters, but Im really getting tired of always using someones Waver for literally everything...

Asked by rocksarntpeople5 years 4 months ago


Up to you but Merlin’s next rate up won’t be for like another at least half year. It also depends on how much you’re willing to spend to try and get Merlin, I’d personally get him, well I already got him but if you do roll again good luck! Roll responsibly also!


Any idea if the Prizm shop refreshes before his banner is over? That would make things a bit easier. Otherwise Im probably just gonna go for Okita in March.


Spent slightly more than you (350 quartz 40 tickets) didn't get him. Its really up to you how badly u need him, in my case a lot considering i run a buster team.


by omrus 5 years 4 months ago

Merlin is worth it for gameplay purposes. Though what I do usually is when I didn't get the desired servant within 150 quartz, I'll save the rest for tomorrow to replenish my supposed luck.


Never throw money into this game. That's a super super super super super bad idea. As much as you think you need a Merlin, you don't... since this game is piss easy.


Yeah I used up all my savings so ill buy for the GSSR and probably call it. Im not one to throw huge dollars at a game like this (or any game for that matter really). So far the Raids have been easy enough without him so I doubt that hes a necessity even down the road.


Honestly, Merlin isn't even that good in the current Raids actually. All the bosses are kinda weak to Berserkers lol, so just running 2 Berserkers and Helena (or any Servant with party-wide NP buff) in a team is enough to finish in 2 turns. I borrow Kintoki since I don't have him and he alone does 300k on his NP (+90% buff only).

You could say that Merlin is a better Helena, but unless you have the mats to get him ASAP to lvl70/80 and then bump his skills, you're gonna waste enormous amount of time and AP farming embers for him. And then not get any benefit, since even his buster buff won't guarantee a kill 1 turn earlier. (Unless 2 Kintokis).

Don't throw yourself at the hype. Often times working with what you have and just Zerking is enough to decently finish the quests. Roll for who you like. There's a great girl and grampa coming, so make sure to save up for them. If you spent 100sq and didn't get what you wanted, dumping another 100sq doesn't bump your chances that much, but you might feel worse that you couldn't control your spending.


Yeah I like this response. I tried him out in Babylon...made my Jalter hit like a freight train, which is cool and all, but I was really expecting there to be a bit more "need" I guess for that kinda of brute force? Other than 1-shotting a bunch of stuff, which isnt even that fun to begin with, I feel like there are definitely some cooler ones out there. Still rockin my Jack/Scath/borrowed Okita on tons of fights and the result is not much different from a Buster-Meme squad save for maybe 1-2 extra turns
