
Speculation on event schedule

Right now, I'm very confused as to when the event is going to be released. The memorial quests weren't supposed to be released now, yet it is. The HP break bar were supposed to be featured in Shinjuku and now it is introduced in Salter memorial quest, which will now always remain memorable to me since Salter gave me lots of salt to defeat her. Last year, the event were set earlier by 1-2 weeks, but now, it is just....

Anyway, will Shinjuku be released on 24-25 Feb (like Japan schedule) or 27 (like how most events starts)? And when do you think Chaldea Boy 2019 will be? Tell me what you think.

Asked by Nostacholy5 years 2 months ago


Well it first off looks like we are following jp schedule 1 to 1 right now so I wouldn't expect the 2 weeks earlier schedule we were on, and in fact I expect that was only because na started earlier if I remember. As for Shinjuku yeah seems like it will be released on the 24th since that's when the pre release campaign for Facebook and twitter ends most likely indicating it's been released by that time. Chaldea boys will most likely start on the 8th since that's when everything else ends like the heavens feel promotion and shinjuku banners and was jp's schedule.


by wuty 5 years 2 months ago

pretty sure it is on the 24, since there is a maintenance scheduled for that day on the news section


by jakeyb 5 years 2 months ago

Shinjuku will drop after the maintenance on the 24th ends. If you're on the east coast, that's midnight Monday morning.

The HF campaign ends the 6th but the Shinjuku pre-release campaign ends the we'll see Chaldea Boys on the 7th at the earliest and the 12th at the latest.

They usually drop new content Thursday evenings/Friday mornings. This Sunday evening/Monday morning release is a bit weird but I think that's just because of the tour schedule.

Either way, start raising your Gugaguda event bonus servants! (Okita, Nobu, Emiya, F/SN Cú, Ushi, Medusa, Mephisto, and Benkei)
