
Feedback Session: Tier List Changes & New 1~3* Explanations

Hey everyone,

We've changed a few Servant placements and implemented new explanations for all the 1~3 Star Servants. I'm sure some of you have thoughts of their own they would like to share on the changes or suggestions for Servants we should consider moving (either up or down). Rather than have them spread out, or unheard, feel free to share your thoughts here. 

I preferred to actually allow comments directly on the Change Log, but that feature still had a few wrinkles to sort out from the developers, so this Q&A will have to do for now. 

Unfortunately these discussion can become pretty heated - so if possible, try to remain civil!

For a list of changes and their reasoning - see the Change Log that has just been posted. I'll try and read every comment and respond where appropriate - but keep in mind I am just one person of the writing team, and my personal opinions may also differ from my colleagues. 

Asked by Sizzle5 years 3 months ago


by kire 5 years 3 months ago

I think Paracelsus is somewhat underrated, although admittedly all the disadvantages mentioned are true. Despite the high cooldowns, he still has an NP "on demand", teamwide arts buff that aside from him only CasGil can provide, and a targetable guts, which is also a rare skill to have and is quite nice. His utility is far greater than for example Angra Mainyu's, who is supposed to be on the same level but a trash servant in reality. With an additional damage buff Paracelsus can even be viable for 3-turn farming the dailies.

Besides that I can relate to most of the servants' ratings well. Fuuma could have been placed one tier higher than Cursed arm and Kojirou. It seems to me that they are placed only on the same tier because Kojirou and Cursed arm have higher availability and lower cost but that really shouldn't matter when comparing 1*-3* servants. (EDIT: sorry, just saw the reasoning for moving him to Tier 3)

I think Nitocris is extremely overrated but I'll save that for the 4* servant discussion. :-D


I agree that he is underrated. Paracelsus should be bumped up a tier to be in the same tier as Babbage, who is also an AoE caster but with horrible NP gain, selfish kit, and demerits on his NP buff.

Regarding the arts buff, Mozart can also give a +44% teamwide arts buff, but for 1 turn.


I agree on Paracelsus completely - I was actually the one to suggest a movement because of his value when doing budget farming. Compared to other tier 5 Servants he has that distinct niche that makes him useful for certain situations (such as 3-turn farming last Christmas). Alas I was not convincing enough.

Actually, we could look into the Assassins a bit in general next Rank Up. With Jing Ke getting her NP upgrade, shaking up the order a little among them might be a good idea.

Oh, and the feedback ought to cover all rarities, so if you want to share your thought regarding Nitocris or any other gold Servant, this is the place!



Regarding Nitocris: It may be true that she becomes more useful with future content, but in the current state of NA Nitocris' instant death mechanic is pretty much useless in my opinion. 99% of bronze enemies that she can kill instantly have low HP and would die from any damaging AoE NP out there. Against silver and gold enemies it rarely works at all, even when fully maxed.
Admittedly her NP charge is amazing, but at the moment it is the only thing she has going for her in my opinion since she is an entirely selfish servant and cannot provide anything to the team, unlike e.g., Helena, whom I consider vastly superior. I just cannot agree with the statement that Nitocris is the best farming servant in the game if I cannot even use her in daily farming, since without a damage buff her NP is a bit too weak for the 40 ap quests.

That said I find Paracelsus rating underrated especially in comparison to Nitocris. A max leveled NP5 Paracelsus with arts buff active is probably about as strong as NP1 Nitocris (in terms of NP damage I mean). And while both have an amazing NP charge skill, Paracelsus resides on Tier 5 whereas Nito is even discussed to be moved to Tier 1.

My personal preference would be to place Helena in Tier 2, Nito in Tier 3 and Paracelsus in Tier 4 at least. I believe long skill cooldowns don't matter that much if you can manage to end the battle fast, which offensive supports with AoE NPs like Helena are somewhat designed to do. But that's just my personal impression based on the current state of the game. It may be possible that Nito will become much more viable in the future! Which will make me happy because it means I didn't waste all those quartz and mats to max level her. :-D


Alright, I'll address each Servant in turn.

As the Nitocris summary in the change log already touched upon briefly, the IK mechanic is just an added bonus against actual enemies with a high death rate such as ghosts/skeletons and so forth. Considering 3-turning (the ideal farming comps) rely on 100% guaranteed set ups, IK is a bad mechanic to rely on. Let me state that as clear as I can - the IK is something I consider a misdirection and could even be entirely ignored in a sense.

What Nitocris does have access to is an 100% NP gauge boost, the only one to exist for an AoE Servant. Her damage with her AoE NP is, despite the lack of any steroids, pretty decent due to an Interlude. Even at NP1 she will outdamage a Paracelsus. By virtue of that NP charge, Nitocris has incredibly flexible teambuilding potential as she doesn't need help to get her NP ready.

Thus, you can easily make 3-turn set-ups with her if the first 2 waves are either weak or Assassins/Berserkers. Any team support isn't needed for what she provides and not a problem if you can hit the benchmarks you want.

Paracelsus has 2 problems here Nitocris doesn't have as much: Even worse damage (NP5 Paracelsus does about 1.5k damage less than Nitocris NP1 even factoring in his Arts buff at rank 10) - and a charge that is limited to 80%. Thus, to fully exploit his AoE farming you have to bring additional charging, which limits the amount of teams you can field with him.

I still think that's worth a T4, mind you.

Helena, I similarly think belongs in T2 because I find her team support for farming by itself powerful and unique enough. But one of her perks, having a damaging NP and therefore being part of the 3-turn herself when farming, is kinda weak at the moment. Her NP steroid is RNG - and she lacks her upgrade. Since she's going to be moved anyway later, I didn't push much for a change in tier.


true - I have Helena on NP2 so I never notice the lack of damage. Her party-wide NP charge is what really enabled 3-turn farming for me in the first place without relying on a plugsuit+Waver so I have to strike a blow for her whenever I have the chance. And I don't even like lolis.

Thanks for clarifying on the other points, too!


Everything looks pretty good to me. If I were a nitpicker, I'd say Boudica is worthy of tier 5 as she does have some fair team utility, especially with her NP upgrade around the corner.

But I like it!
