
Ascension material drop rate for ongoing event

I'm currently 93/100 on completed missions for the current event. With time to spare until the final missions are released I figured I farm up some dragon scales from the cavern. Problem is I've burned thru almost 300-400++ ap without having a single scale drop. Is this just me being unlucky? Or that the drop rates are ridiculously low. Not sure if I'm the only with this problem.

Asked by Scrub-sama6 years ago


Try farming for Hearts instead : Dragon Scale are the least gold material used in the game.


I do have a handful of hearts atm. Was thinking I could get some reverse scales to ascend my Altria and Lancelot. I used the 10 I bought from the shop for Lalter and Gil. Looks like I might have to wait for the next event :\


Hearts are always needed, especially if you want to get a Servant's Skills to 10/10/10. Take Gilgamesh for example : you need 30 Hearts for his skills to reach max level. Lalter needs 24.

But if you need to ascend Servants first, go for Dragon Scale. It is always better than the Rider Training Ground if you are in a hurry to reach max level.


The drop rates are...better than the other area you can get DRS's but the drop rate is still horrible. Im getting 1 DRS drop per 250 ap spent on average, but the crowd sourced number might be different. I suggest against farming for Dragon scales as its the least used gold material. Hearts are the most rare, but there is no place to farm them :/ You should try farming homunculus babies, gears and crystals, as most of the enemies are honculi, automatas or golems, and they have a much better drop rate.

Im like you, where Ive finished most of the missions already(92/100), and im focused on clearing EVERYTHING out of the event shop first, and I think that should be your priority before farming mats. Get your 10 Scales from the shop, get all your CE,s hell even get the 30 crest worms because you have the time


It wasn't that bad during davinci. Drop rates for scales were pretty decent. I had 1 scale per 120ap on avg. But since the rates here are so bad for me here i might just wait for the next event to ascend my servants, Altra and Lancelot in particular. Used the 10 from the shop to max out Gil and Lalter lel

Isn't there a map where there's a daemon? I've gotten at least 1 heart from clearing it multiple times. Almost done clearing all items from the shop. Will try out farming some pages, gears, and crystal like u said as they have better drop rates. Thanks!


You may also go for Pheonix Feathers from the Blade-Wing Insects.


Yea, the drop rate isn't very good. I was only lucky enough that those spell book drop pages, tackling B rank mission for them.


I've only been able to get Hearts to drop effectively. Good thing is that I need lots of QP to finish leveling a couple of servant's skills, and this event gives those in droves, often getting over 2 million QP from the shop from each 30 AP run. I treat the materials as a bonus drop from my QP farming.
