
Shout out to all the players in the community who are helping the newbies out!

This isn't so much a question, but a thank you. :D

I've only been playing FGO for a few weeks now, but I've had such a positive experience playing thanks to many people here, and I could not be more thankful. If the friend system in game had a method of messaging, I'd send every one of you a thank you, but since that feature doesn't exist, I wanted to take a moment and put this out there.

Thank you for being such an awesome Fate Fan. <3

Asked by Rubyhart5 years 8 months ago


by Rylai 5 years 8 months ago

Not a problem, helping new players is always a pleasure. Not so long ago i posted my ID to help some people with using my Chloe, got like 100 invites. Sadly, couldnt accept them all, had to reject some. I hope these guys are doing good.


by @tlas 5 years 8 months ago

Anytime haha

It’s only natural. We all started in roughly the same place. I certainly had a rough start of things. The fact of the matter is that for the first three months, I was carried by a friend’s Heracles until I could form a true team of my own. Now, after slightly over a year, I find myself in a position where I can pass it on to those who need it like I did. In that regard, nothing makes me happier tbh


by Mysty 5 years 8 months ago

Kind of a weird feeling realizing that you crossed the threshold of being the newbie in need of help to the one who can provide decent support for the newbies. Not even sure when it happened... Maybe between feeling proud I finally got my first servant max ascended and leveled to suddenly realizing that I have nearly 40 servants that way


True. I didn’t think I was until I joined this site. For me, it started with Saber. My first SSR was Altria and tbh she was my first project in the game. Building her up became my tie to the game. Much like you, I ended up with many useful servants. But I always remember the one that got me started.

Finding a project that you care about and sticking with it. That’s the key to pushing forward in this game.


by Neil 5 years 8 months ago

Community is one of the better reasons to play games and share lore and stories of our encounters and help others out. Glad you're having a good time of it so far. I certainly have been too since I started :)


One thing I like about the game is that we all start out weak needing help but then we eventually become strong enough to help new players. I try to keep 15 slots for under 100 players at all times. I started in April during Fate Zero and depended on friends' servants to carry me but now I'm able to hold my own pretty well. It's great to see that kind of growth.


tbh, 80% of ppl giving u "free" friend code actually has wet dreams of their FP becoming higher... and higher

while its not bad in a nutshell (following samaritans are quite noble), i find it amusing how some camouflage it.


FP increasing does reach the limit of good return really fast though. Like once you have everything np5ed (which takes about a month or 2 tops) FP gacha is generally useless (you still get CEs to feed into the MLBed CEs you have that you want to get to 100 but that's more a secondary concern)

Personally I only look at the FP gained as a minor amusement of which servants of mine are being useful to other people more (it's always waver....). The FP itself just collects and collects


Eh, fp is nice and all, but it's not like most of the people giving friend codes here need to do that specifically to get fp lol

When you get enough Max levelled 5 stars it doesn't really matter, you will get a decent amount of fp either way.


Yeah, the FP system isn’t exactly incentivizing. If you have a collection of solid SSRs and SRs, whatever comes out of that summons is inconsequential at best. Some of us already have Angra Mainyu and don’t really see any use for Friend Points beyond that.

However, helping others is the right thing to do as we were all new at some point or another. Some of us really just like the fact that we can be helpful.
