
Scathach/Karna and Gilgamesh/Tesla/Arjuna

Should I bother levelling up Karna or Tesla/Arjuna when I have a level 80 Scathach and Gilgamesh. Are there any quests in the future that need those servants to make the quests immensely easier?

Asked by Aegishadow6 years 4 months ago


Karna can seal an enemy NP with his first skill which can be a real life saver in certain situations. Abilities that seal skills/NP are rare and invaluable in challenge quests. His 3rd skill, while not as strong as Scathach's own crit buff and doesn't increase his star absorption, is more reliable as it is guaranteed and comes with an NP charge so he'll have an easier time charging his own gauge than her.

Karna will also benefit from the game's best servant Merlin who provides a very powerful Buster buff. Combined with Karna's NP which gets a strengthening quest which makes enemies more susceptible to Buster cards after he nukes them with Vasavi Shakti and Karna will end up outdamaging Scathach.

Due to the lack of any Quick based supports that are on par with Merlin or Tamamo no Mae, Quick based servants have been abandoned for challenge quests but Scathach is one of the very few quick based servants who manages to still be relevant due to her NP's stun, her evade skill, her own quick buff that can be used on any of her teammates giving her a bit of a support role, and still good damage numbers.

Once he gets his 2nd skill buffed, Tesla can potentially deal even more damage than Gilgamesh. But since that skill is reliant on RNG Tesla is hampered. Against enemies that spam evade/invincibility though Tesla has no problem whereas Gilgamesh suffers.

In the end Gilgamesh is the more preferred due to his NP which deals bonus damage against almost every servant and for being the archetypical crit based servant that defines the meta. Tesla is still very competent in his own way especially he too can function as a critbuster servant although not as self sufficient as Gilgamesh can and his NP only affects Earth/Sky servants though that list still makes up a sufficient amount of servants and his NP has a moderate chance of stunning. Be wary of the self inflicted 500 damage though. It'd be embarrassing if you were to lose him due to that.

In the end though it is all down to preference on who you'd like more as they all can function well enough with the right setup.

Arjuna on the other hand is vastly inferior to the other two archers as there isn't anything he really excels at unfortunately. His first skill will protect him from debuffs after his strengthening quest and his NP is decent for farming but the former is uncommon and the latter can be done more effectively by either Gil or Tesla.

If you like him use him in an art team since he has 3 art cards that can help with art chains, otherwise let him sit in the 2nd archive.


I agree with leaving Arjuna in the Box. I have a level 90 Emiya and he fits in far better with my Arts Teams than Arjuna, even with Emiya's skills only sitting at level 6. Emiya's NP secondary effect is far more useful than Arjuna's and I was able to get Emiya's NP to level 2 far where as the odds of ever getting another Arjuna is incredible small.
