
Revival: Halloween 2019 - Quick Farming Guide

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  • Farming is best done after all best farming nodes are unlocked, which is tied to Mission completion. See the 100% Mission completion walkthrough.
  • Always try to bring an MLB copy of the node's spawn bonus CE, as this will greatly increase drops for each currency type, and further magnify the effect of any drop bonus CEs equipped.
  • Spawn bonus caps out at 100%, so ONLY one MLB Spawn Bonus CE is required. Any further copies will have no effect.
  • The only source of drop bonus are the Event Bonus CEs (no Servants have bonuses), so make sure to remember to equip / bring Friend Supports with drop bonus CEs!

Drop Maps

Best Farming Areas

Himeji Castle Full Drop Map
Pyramid Full Drop Map
Cjeste Castle Full Drop Map

Free Quests At-A-Glance

Free Quests At-A-Glance Table (Click to Open/Close)
Quest Unlock Event Items Enemy Class CE / Material Drops Bonus CE

Guest Room
(20 AP)
Section 2 Beam CookieDrill Gummy Gold RiderGold Lancer Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Great Knight MedalEvil BoneMagic Gem of RiderGem of Lancer
Nostalgic FormAerial Drive
Trick or TreatmentFrom Wonderland

(20 AP)
Mission 75 Drill Gummy Gold ArcherGold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Evil BoneGem of ArcherGem of Rider
Nostalgic Form
From Wonderland

(30 AP)
Mission 21 Drill GummyMissile Ramune Gold ArcherGold BerserkerGold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Void's DustDragon FangGem of RiderGem of Berserker
Nostalgic FormGolden Wings
From WonderlandPhantom Night

(40 AP)
Mission 98 Drill GummyMissile Ramune Gold SaberGold Berserker Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Cursed Beast GallstoneDragon FangFool's ChainSecret Gem of SaberSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of SaberGem of Berserker
Nostalgic FormGolden Wings
From WonderlandPhantom Night

Castle Gate
(30 AP)
Section 7 Drill Gummy Gold CasterGold BerserkerGold Archer Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Dragon FangGem of ArcherGem of Berserker
Nostalgic Form
From Wonderland

Underground Factory
(40 AP)
Mission 78 Beam Cookie Gold RiderGold BerserkerGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Proof of HeroMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of AssassinMagic Gem of Berserker
Aerial Drive
Trick or Treatment

Left Shachi
(40 AP)
Mission 25 Beam CookieMissile RamuneDrill Gummy Gold BerserkerGold Saber Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Claw of ChaosOctuplet CrystalsDragon FangFool's ChainSecret Gem of SaberSecret Gem of BerserkerMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of Berserker
Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Trick or TreatmentPhantom NightFrom Wonderland

Attendants' Room
(20 AP)
Section 3 Drill GummyMissile Ramune Gold BerserkerGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Homunculus BabyGhost LanternGem of Assassin
Nostalgic FormGolden Wings
From WonderlandPhantom Night

Prayer Room
(20 AP)
Mission 28 Beam CookieMissile Ramune Gold LancerGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Great Knight MedalHomunculus BabyMagic Gem of LancerGem of Assassin
Aerial DriveGolden Wings
Trick or TreatmentPhantom Night

Great Staircase
(20 AP)
Mission 95 Beam CookieDrill Gummy Gold ArcherGold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Great Knight MedalEvil BoneMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of RiderGem of Archer
Nostalgic FormAerial Drive
Trick or TreatmentFrom Wonderland

Great Corridor
(20 AP)
Mission 76 Missile Ramune Gold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Tearstone of BloodEternal GearSecret Gem of RiderGem of Rider
Golden WingsAerial Drive
Phantom Night

Ventilation Shaft
(30 AP)
Mission 66 Missile RamuneBeam Cookie Gold RiderGold SaberGold Berserker Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Octuplet CrystalsFool's ChainMagic Gem of SaberMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Saber
Aerial DriveGolden Wings
Phantom NightTrick or Treatment

Hidden Corridor
(30 AP)
Mission 53 Missile Ramune Gold BerserkerGold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Tearstone of BloodVoid's DustMagic Gem of RiderGem of Rider
Golden WingsAerial Drive
Phantom Night

Burial Chamber
(40 AP)
Mission 43 Drill Gummy Gold RiderGold Berserker Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Primordial LanugoDragon FangSecret Gem of RiderGem of Berserker
Nostalgic Form
From Wonderland

Right Shachi
(40 AP)
Mission 64 Missile Ramune Gold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Dragon's Reverse ScaleVoid's DustSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of RiderGem of Rider
Golden Wings
Phantom Night

Soldier's Corridor
(20 AP)
Section 4 Missile RamuneBeam Cookie Gold LancerGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Great Knight MedalHomunculus BabyMagic Gem of LancerGem of Assassin
Aerial DriveGolden Wings
Phantom NightTrick or Treatment

Double Doors
(20 AP)
Mission 46 Beam CookieMissile RamuneDrill Gummy Gold BerserkerGold RiderGold Archer Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Claw of ChaosGreat Knight MedalEternal GearEvil BoneMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker
Aerial DriveNostalgic FormGolden Wings
Trick or TreatmentPhantom NightFrom Wonderland

(20 AP)
Mission 62 Drill GummyBeam Cookie Gold SaberGold RiderGold Berserker Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Cursed Beast GallstoneGreat Knight MedalEvil BoneSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of Rider
Aerial DriveNostalgic Form
From WonderlandTrick or Treatment

Ambush Point
(20 AP)
Mission 19 Drill GummyMissile Ramune Gold LancerGold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Scarab of WisdomEternal GearEvil BoneSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of RiderGem of Lancer
Nostalgic FormGolden Wings
From WonderlandPhantom Night

High Windows
(20 AP)
Mission 56 Missile Ramune Gold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Black Beast GreaseHomunculus BabyMagic Gem of AssassinGem of Assassin
Golden Wings
Phantom Night

Great West Pillar
(30 AP)
Mission 77 Drill Gummy Gold BerserkerGold SaberGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Spirit RootGhost LanternSecret Gem of SaberGem of Assassin
Nostalgic Form
From Wonderland

Great East Pillar
(30 AP)
Section 5 Beam CookieMissile Ramune Gold ArcherGold Rider Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Dragon's Reverse ScaleGreat Knight MedalEternal GearSecret Gem of RiderMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Rider
Aerial DriveGolden Wings
Trick or TreatmentPhantom Night

Stone Drop Window
(30 AP)
Mission 60 Drill Gummy Gold ArcherGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Black Beast GreaseMeteor HorseshoeMagic Gem of AssassinGem of Assassin
Nostalgic Form
From Wonderland

Lookout Post
(30 AP)
Mission 39 Beam CookieMissile Ramune Gold RiderGold Lancer Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Scarab of WisdomOctuplet CrystalsVoid's DustSecret Gem of LancerMagic Gem of LancerGem of Rider
Aerial DriveGolden Wings
Trick or TreatmentPhantom Night

Gable Room
(40 AP)
Mission 55 Missile RamuneDrill Gummy Gold BerserkerGold SaberGold Assassin Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Spirit RootMeteor HorseshoeFool's ChainSecret Gem of SaberMagic Gem of SaberGem of Assassin
Nostalgic FormGolden Wings
Phantom NightFrom Wonderland

Great Chidori Gable
(40 AP)
Mission 49 Beam CookieDrill Gummy Gold RiderGold Berserker Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Tearstone of BloodOctuplet CrystalsDragon FangMagic Gem of RiderMagic Gem of BerserkerGem of Berserker
Nostalgic FormAerial Drive
Trick or TreatmentFrom Wonderland

Old Well
(40 AP)
Mission 81 Beam Cookie Gold Archer Aerial DriveGolden WingsNostalgic Form
Mysterious Divine WineOctuplet CrystalsSecret Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of Archer
Aerial Drive
Trick or Treatment

Event Bonus CEs

Name How to Obtain Event Bonus

Aerial Drive 5★
Event Shop (x2)

Missions 41, 83, 96 (x3)
Quest Drop (Rare)
(MLB: +100%)

Golden Wings 4★
Event Shop (x2)

Missions 16, 72, 81 (x3)
Quest Drop (Rare)
(MLB: +100%)

Nostalgic Form 3★
Event Shop (x2)

Missions 50, 77, 82 (x3)
Quest Drop (Rare)
(MLB: +100%)

Trick or Treatment 5★
Event Gacha Beam Cookie +1 (MLB: +2)

Phantom Night 4★
Event Gacha Missile Ramune +1 (MLB: +2)

From Wonderland 3★
Quest Reward (x1)
Event Gacha
Friend Point Gacha
Drill Gummy +1 (MLB: +2)

Average Drops / APD Summary

Drops / Run
Quest AP Beam Cookie Missile Ramune Drill Gummy Total
Guest Room 20 11.9 8.1 20.0
Watchtower 20 14.5 14.5
Larder 30 21.7 41.5 63.1
Treasury 40 30.0 58.2 88.2
Castle Gate 30 51.3 51.3
Underground Factory 40 89.9 89.9
Left Shachi 40 32.2 32.2 32.2 96.6
Attendants' Room 20 11.4 12.2 23.6
Prayer Room 20 12.1 11.5 23.6
Great Staircase 20 14.2 9.5 23.6
Great Corridor 20 21.8 21.8
Ventilation Shaft 30 21.1 44.3 65.4
Hidden Corridor 30 49.8 49.8
Burial Chamber 40 73.2 73.2
Right Shachi 40 85.6 85.6
Soldier's Corridor 20 13.0 15.6 28.6
Double Doors 20 10.6 10.6 10.6 31.8
Armory 20 12.3 20.2 32.6
Ambush Point 20 9.9 20.9 30.8
High Windows 20 24.3 24.3
Great West Pillar 30 40.6 40.6
Great East Pillar 30 35.0 8.2 43.1
Stone Drop Window 30 51.1 51.1
Lookout Post 30 44.5 22.5 67.0
Gable Room 40 58.8 28.6 87.3
Great Chidori Gable 40 70.3 30.4 100.7
Old Well 40 88.8 88.8
* Drop data assumes +100% Spawn Bonus and no additional drop bonuses.
AP / Drop
Quest AP Beam Cookie Missile Ramune Drill Gummy Total
Guest Room 20 1.678 2.463 .998
Watchtower 20 1.377 1.377
Larder 30 1.386 .723 .475
Treasury 40 1.333 .687 .454
Castle Gate 30 .585 .585
Underground Factory 40 .445 .445
Left Shachi 40 1.242 1.242 1.242 .414
Attendants' Room 20 1.761 1.639 .849
Prayer Room 20 1.656 1.742 .849
Great Staircase 20 1.412 2.110 .846
Great Corridor 20 .916 .916
Ventilation Shaft 30 1.423 .678 .459
Hidden Corridor 30 .602 .602
Burial Chamber 40 .546 .546
Right Shachi 40 .467 .467
Soldier's Corridor 20 1.543 1.282 .700
Double Doors 20 1.885 1.885 1.885 .628
Armory 20 1.621 .989 .614
Ambush Point 20 2.028 .957 .650
High Windows 20 .822 .822
Great West Pillar 30 .739 .739
Great East Pillar 30 .858 3.681 .696
Stone Drop Window 30 .587 .587
Lookout Post 30 .675 1.332 .448
Gable Room 40 .681 1.401 .458
Great Chidori Gable 40 .569 1.318 .397
Old Well 40 .450 .450
* Drop data assumes +100% Spawn Bonus and no additional drop bonuses.
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About the Author(s)

Twitter: @NorseFTX

Content Director at GamePress. Passionate about fighting games, virtual/augmented reality technology, neuroengineering, and video games in general. Classical Piano Performance, Sprite Art, and Under Night In-Birth enthusiast.