A Letter to Our Readers - On the New Site

I've had many come up to me recently talking about the look of the new site and not being a huge fan of how it currently looks, so I think it would be important to let everyone know that we did not create a new site simply for the sake of redesign.
Our old site's host expenses were not sustainable, and we had started work on a new site with the hopes of eventually migrating off when the site was ready.
In the middle of this year (Summer 2024), the old site's host suddenly let us know that they will no longer support PHP 7, and effectively shut down our site overnight. During this time the site was quickly migrated to a smaller server that mostly keeps the old site's pages available as an archive in read-only mode. However, in order to publish new guides and content, we ended up needing to migrate to the new site, far before the new site was completed.
As a result, the site in its current state is still very much a work in progress. I do deeply miss many of the features of our old site, although from how it looks the old site won't be returning. However, it will be preserved indefinitely as an archive, so all old pages will stay accessible. The new site's backend is also quite powerful and much faster and performant compared to our old site's, so hopefully in the long run the GamePress Fate/Grand Order site will come back stronger than before.
I'm really sorry for the lack of communication, much of these past few months have been rushing to get the site functional while keeping up with guide content and helping out across multiple sites.
I hope this clarifies things! I understand if the site's current state is rough and if you prefer other alternatives in the meantime, this is fine. I'll keep working to improve the site as best as I can, if you ever wish to come back, I'll do everything I can to make sure the site stays alive so that it will be here if you ever need it.
Thank you for reading, and best wishes to all,
Thank you for the information and hard work keeping the site and guides going.
Thank you for letting us know what’s going on. I was sad to hear about the old one, which I loved, but now knowing what transpired in such a short time I am impressed the new one is as good as it is. Looking forward to it continuing to improve, but your love for the game is evident as you continue to work hard to keep this going to help fellow fans, and I thank you for all your efforts!
I appreciate everything you all do. Do we have event guides yet? I'm not sure how to find it
YO! Bring back the old site man.. This site pales in comparison and has no personality. Let alone it was the only place I could find servant "Hit Counts" and now you didn't even include that. I made an account literally to let you guys know, you lost a fan. Hope it works out for you. Back to YouTube I guess lol. smh.

Oh each card's hit counts and damage distribution are still on the Servant pages (?), was there another page where you were expecting it to be? I can try to add it back in, really sorry that it was missing!