Servant Tier List

5★ Assumptions
SSR Servants are assumed to be at NP1, 10/10/10 Skills. Double Servant compositions are considered. All 5* Servants are excellent! Their performance often vastly outpaces those of lower rarities and each of them is worth investing in. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these Servants by their relative performance. The tier placement is primarily based on a Servant’s current performance, and their placement will often shift with future Interludes and Rank Ups, new competition, and the changing state of the game.
4★ Assumptions
Non-Welfare SR Servants are assumed to be at NP1, 10/10/10 Skills. Welfare SR Servants are assumed to be at NP5, 10/10/10 Skills. Double Servant compositions are considered.
1-3★ Assumptions
Non-Story Locked Servants are assumed to be at NP5, 10/10/10 Skills. Story-Locked (generally 3 star) Servants are assumed to be at NP1, 10/10/10 Skills. Double Servant compositions are considered.
*Servants in the same tier are listed in descending rarity, and aside from this are in no particular order.
Check out the full change log for details on tier list changes