Kama (Avenger)


Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

“Well then, how should I make you head over heels for me now, fufu~.”
After dorning a fiery swimsuit, the playful Demon King of the Sixth Heaven becomes even more mischievous with an overwhelming aura of smugness, yet still very bullyable. A highly effective AoE Arts Looper, Summer Kama is one of the first Servants that can rival Space Ishtar’s as an universal farmer in Arts team since the latter’s arrival onto the scene.
Summer Kama's overall skillset is rather simplistic in nature, as she has no particular gimmicks, just a combination of several powerful effects combined together. Makara Floating A is a standard Card effectiveness booster for 3 turns that also doubles as a defensive tool, giving her a robust 2-time Evade buff that lasts for 3 turns. Hollow Evil EX grants her a much needed NP Damage Increase for 3 turns which feeds into her Arts looping playstyle that also has a hefty chance to apply a Charm debuff to all enemies for a turn. Her last skill, Midsummer Sea Mara EX is a 50% NP Gauge Charger at max level that also grants her an unique buff that inflicts a stack of [Flame of Love] onto the enemy when she uses her normal attacks. Kama herself will deal an additional 10% damage per stack against enemies with these debuffs, and the max amount of stacks it can reach is 10. While this damage boost can be very potent, in farming it might not reach the heights it potentially can, as Kama will not have a lot of chances to stack this up, and the NP Gauge Charger should be considered the main prize of the skill.
Kama Sunyata B is a straightforward AoE Arts Noble Phantasm that reduces enemies’ Defense after damage and deals extra damage against enemies that are inflicted with [Charm], which is where her second skill’s Charm debuff becomes relevant. This damage bonus is quite significant, and the Defense drop, while not particularly useful for farming, can ramp up scarily fast in challenge quests. Above all, Kama’s NP Refund is absolutely stellar, getting around 72% NP Gauge back from it assuming a standard double Altria (Caster) setup, making her one of the most comfortable Arts farmers.
It is obvious at a glance that Summer Kama excels in farming. Her damage also has potential to spike hard with the super effective multiplier against Charmed enemies. However, Summer Kama is also a very effective Servant in Challenge Quests. With powerful survivability, ramping damage thanks to Defense Debuff and her unique [Flame of Love] debuff and Charm for boss control, she makes an excellent damage dealer for any high difficulty challenge, especially when bolstered with more Arts support.
On the other side, Summer Kama also has her own issues. Her performance can be more finicky than other Arts Loopers, as one of her biggest damage spike potential relies on her landing her Charm debuff. This also creates a dilemma for her Masters to save her second skill for the last wave in farming to guarantee the necessary damage to burst it down, which essentially lowers her damage in the first two waves as she would miss out on the NP Damage boost. Furthermore, as stated before, her ramping Defense debuff and [Flame of Love] damage boost are hard to utilize within farming contexts, and mostly only relevant against static bosses over the course of multiple turns. Last but not least, AoE Arts Damage Dealer is an extremely overcrowded niche, and there are and will be a multitude of Servants that serve similar roles, making Summer Kama a rather redundant pull for any players who already have other options such as Space Ishtar.
All in all, Summer Kama is a strong omni farmer with great baseline to work with and would be very valuable for any Master that are still lacking a potent damage dealer to supplement their Arts team, but for anyone who are spoiled for choices in this department, Summer Kama will not offer a huge enough improvement to justify the investment.
🟢 Strengths
Amazing Looping Potential
Thanks to her massive refund on her Noble Phantasm and fantastic NP Gauge Charger, Summer Kama’s looping potential is simply top tier. She will have no problem being an omni farmer for Arts team with a wide selection of Craft Essences and can even work against irregular enemy compositions.
High Ramping Damage
Against a static wave of enemies or bosses, Summer Kama’s damage can reach devastating levels over a few turns. This is due to her Noble Phantasm applying a strong 3 turn Defense Debuff onto all enemies, and the effect of her 3rd skill granting her a separate modifier against enemies inflicted with her unique [Flame of Love] debuff. When given time to stack both of these debuffs, Summer Kama can nuke almost anything out of the orbit.
Fantastic Challenge Quest Performance
Summer Kama has great survivability for an Avenger, owing to her first skill giving her a highly versatile Evade buff. Furthermore, her Charm debuff has a high chance to land and is in general a great boss control option in a pinch. With her ramping damage and strong looping potential, this makes her a vicious damage dealer against any high difficulty battle.
🔴 Weaknesses
Unbalanced Damage Distribution Between Farming Waves
Due to her Noble Phantasm dealing extra damage against Charmed enemies, this makes her damage distribution against multiple waves very lopsided, as one would naturally save her second skill for the wave with the most HP. This has a ripple effect on her damage against the remaining two waves, as it is tied to her 3 turns NP Damage boost. This makes Summer Kama a less attractive option when compared to Servants with a more predictable and balanced damage distribution such as Space Ishtar as there is a lot less planning needed to make her work.
Fall Into An Overcrowded Niche
At the time of her release, the Arts Looper as a niche and omni farmer as a whole are very overcrowded. With the direction of the game continuously pumping out new wave clearers of different classes, with several of them being completely free, it is hard to justify the investment onto another omni art farmer if the Master already has one or a few. While Summer Kama offers some very attractive perks, both gameplay wise and design wise, the end result does not differ much if one just wants someone that can consistently farm waves in an Arts team.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

All three of Summer Kama’s skills are quite central to her performance as an Arts looper, with her third skill taking the highest priority. A 6/6/10 level distribution is fine for early on, and 10/10/10 is recommended if resources are not constrained.
- Makara Floating A – There are two main values in raising this skill, which are an overall boost to Kama’s performance as a looper and her overall survivability from the higher uptime of her Evade.
- Hollow Evil EX – The boost in NP Damage from leveling this skill is not particularly high, as it only goes up to 20% NP Damage. The increased chance of Charm chance however can be quite crucial in making her NP super effective mod more reliable, thus it is still recommended to level this skill.
- Midsummer Sea Mara EX – This skill is Summer Kama’s most important skill. While the damage boost from her Flame of Love effect does not improve with skill level, the increase in NP Gauge is substantial. Maxing this skill as soon as possible will give her a lot more versatility in picking teammates and Craft Essence for any contents.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Like all Arts Loopers, Summer Kama wants boost to her NP refund, Damage and Starting NP Gauge. Thus, effects such as Arts Cards Effectiveness, NP Gain, Attack Up, NP Damage Up and Starting NP Gauge are all highly effective on her. Thanks to her high looping potential, Kama is a bit less strict when it comes to stat requirements compared to other loopers, and can utilize a large number of different Craft Essences that have multiple of the aforementioned effects.
- Ocean Flier / Dive to Blue / Painting Summer / Thank You For Your Hard Work!: These are the best free CE options for Summer Kama, as they are obtainable from events. Painting Summer is better than the others thanks to it giving more flat Attack.
- The Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel: Thanks to her flexibility with looping requirements, Summer Kama can definitely utilize both of these Craft Essences for a higher damage ceiling.
- Mark on a Smiling Face / Royal Icing / Playing the Spring Strings / Kaleid Sapphire: Good placeholder Craft Essences as they offer several desirable effects to Summer Kama.

Valentine's CE