Robin Hood


Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

One of the Robin Hoods who took up the mantle of this roguish character joins Chaldea with his powerful single target Noble Phantasm. As a 3-Star Servant, Robin is one of the more accessible single target nukers in the game. His Arts-type NP in particular can deal as much as 3750% damage at NP5. In order to unleash such a powerful NP Robin requires his opponent to be afflicted by poison, which his first skill conveniently applies to all enemies. Additionally, he also can improve his NP generation with his second skill, allowing him to fire it much quicker. As such, Robin is one of the staples for Arts-based teams.
However, outside of Arts teams, Robin performs suboptimally. He loses out on the NP gain from Arts chains, though he can still deal high damage. While Robin can compete with higher rarity Servants in Arts-based damage output, he does suffer from the reduced HP of a 3-Star Servant. This weakness is partially mitigated by his attack debuff and dodge from his Rank Up quest, but his low basic attack damage and durability prior to Rank Up should be noted. Nevertheless, given his amazing synergy with Arts teams, Robin Hood’s pros outweigh his cons and should definitely be raised.
🟢 Strengths
Powerful Single Target Noble Phantasm
Robin Hood boasts one of the more powerful ST NPs in the game relative to his niche and his rarity. His NP, Yew Bow, can deal up to 3750% damage at NP5 if his opponent is poisoned, which his first skill can do. Thus, Robin can burst down his opponents easily.
Good NP Gain
Given his second skill which increases his NP generation stats, as well as the fact that he has two Arts cards, Robin can easily charge up his NP through attacks and Arts chains. Since he is usually run in Arts teams, the constant Arts cards also can aid in charging his NP even faster.
Good Survivability
Due to his lower rarity and lower level cap, Robin lacks the HP that higher rarity Servants have. However, he has high HP for a three-star Servant as well as skills (ATK down with his first skill, and a dodge with his third) to survive for longer.
🔴 Weaknesses
Suboptimal Performance Outside of Arts Teams
Robin Hood performs best when placed in a team which specializes in Arts. With other Servants like Tamamo or Mozart supporting him, he can charge his NP faster and deal more damage with it. However, outside of that synergy, Robin is unable to make his niche perform at the highest level.
Poison is Sometimes Negated
Robin Hood’s Sabotage skill applies the Poison debuff to his enemies, yet it can sometimes be negated by Debuff Resistance or Debuff Immunity. As a poison debuff is required to maximize Robin Hood's NP damage, enemies that resist poison neuter his damage significantly.
Below Average Damage Outside of NP
Robin Hood suffers from his below average attack stat, a 0.95x damage multiplier inherit to the Archer class, and a QQAAB card kit. All these factors contribute to weaker basic attacks. Though as an Archer his crits do tend to hit harder, Robin’s main damage is still his NP.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

Sabotage is definitely the top skill to level. With its cooldown of 5 turns at level 10, Robin is able to have a 100% up-time of his poison (which means his NP always is able to get the bonus damage it needs). Not to mention the AoE 15% damage reduction he applies to his enemies is also amazing.
Golden Rule should be levelled last as while it isn’t a bad skill, Robin’s other skills are just much better. The bonus NP generation is amazing since he wants to fire his NP as much as possible, but isn’t as important as the poison and Evasion. Additionally, Arts chain bonuses, where a good deal of his NP gauge comes from, don't benefit from Golden Rule.
May King should be prioritized second as it helps Robin with one of his major flaws, his survivability. The critical stars and the evasion pierce are just bonuses to its utility.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

- Black Grail / Holy Night Supper / Heaven’s Feel: Given that Robin’s ST NP is his main niche, giving him CEs which help his NP deal more damage is beneficial.
- Formal Craft / Projection: As a mainly Arts card user, these CEs not only help Robin stack even more damage for his already powerful NP, but also help him charge up his NP faster and increase the damage on his basic Arts cards.
- Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament: A potent alternative to NP Damage, especially in Arts composition with few Attack buffs.
- Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element: With his high damage NP, starting with your NP fully charged (or almost fully charged) and being able to instantaneously fire it, can be useful in certain situations like boss fights.
- Little Halloween Devil: Though it doesn’t increase his NP damage, at the very least Robin Hood can charge his NP much faster using the bonus NP generation given by this CE.
Interlude Quests

Valentine's CE