Hassan of the Hundred Personas


Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

🟢 Strengths
Good Critical Stars Generation
Hundred Face Hassan has a combined 35% star generation rate at base, which is standard for most Assassin. She also possesses 2 Quick cards instead of 3 with 3 hits count on each and a whopping 6 hits Extra card. Additionally, her first skill provides an impressive 40% star generation bonus and her 2nd skill can also further boost this with a 30% Quick cards performance. These factors all add up and as a result, Hundred Face Hassan can be a potent critical star battery for the team when the right conditions are met.
Good Survivability
With an on-demand dodge and a strong heal on her 3rd skill, Hundred Face is quite durable for a 3 star Servant. Her Noble Phantasm’s overcharge effect also makes the entire team quite tanky when fighting bosses that frequently do critical damage like Spriggan or most Assassin/Archer.
🔴 Weaknesses
Poor Normal card damage output
Hundred Face is not someone that will do big damage outside of her Noble Phantasm, due to her low Attack stats, Assassin low damage multiplier (0.9x), lack of Buster card and lack of strong and reliable buffs to compensate.
Lackluster NP generation
Hundred Face has noticeably poor base NP generation. This is slightly mitigated by her first skill as well as the occasionally Art cards performance boost from her second skill, but on the whole, her NP generation rate is quite inconsistent. She will often have to rely on teammates to improve this aspect of her for better overall performance.
Unreliable buffs and hard to utilize
Her second skill is not guaranteed to grant her any of the three card performance buffs, making it a non-factor in many circumstances. Her third skill also has a particularly detrimental effect in removing all of her buffs, which makes it hard to utilize well when used in conjunction with her first and second skill.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations
Interlude Quests