# 31
Neutral Evil
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10010,039
Lv 12011,791
Lv 10011,719
Lv 12013,774


Heaven or Earth
Weak to Enuma Elish


Tag Icon
Self NP Gauge Up
Tag Icon
Self Heal
Tag Icon
Debuff Clear Support
Tag Icon
NP Gain Support
Tag Icon
ST Arts NP
Buff Removal
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“All I know I learned directly from the goddess Hecate herself. My spells are on a plane of existence higher than yours.”

Given a second chance at life, the Witch of Betrayal commands her unparalleled magical abilities in service of Chaldea to prove her loyalty. Wielding her signature Noble Phantasm Rule Breaker, Medea is a utility damage dealer best defined by her ability to remove an enemy’s buffs on demand, making her one of the most useful Servants in gimmick-heavy fights.

While Rule Breaker’s buff removal is by no means a unique effect, Rapid Words of Divine is what truly sets Medea apart from her competitors. At a mere level 4, Rapid Words allows a full charge of her NP gauge with no external help. Additionally, Medea’s NP also refunds some NP gauge on Overcharge. With her triple Arts deck, Territory Creation’s Arts performance up, and Circe’s Teaching’s NP gain buff, she is able to charge back her NP exceedingly fast, even allowing back-to-back NPs in certain situations. While Circe’s Teaching’s targetable NP gain boost is useful for Medea herself, the skill also removes all debuffs on its target, giving Medea valuable cleansing utility for her allies when needed. Finally, Argon Coin rounds out her kit as a low-cooldown heal, adding some extent of long-term sustain to her arsenal.

Despite her considerable magical might, the Princess of Colchis falters in some areas. In exchange for Medea’s extraordinary NP charging prowess, Rule Breaker has a damage modifier considerably below that of other single-target NPs, even after its upgrade. With no damage boosting skills to make up for this, Medea is forced to rely on external support in order to deal meaningful damage. Her second major weakness is her lack of any hard defensive measure, which coupled with her 3 Star HP stat makes it relatively easy for enemies to eliminate her.

Medea is able to spam her NP very reliably, allowing her to perform her buff removal task very well while also dealing a steady rate of decent single-target damage. While Medea’s weaknesses force her to rely on external support in a lot of aspects, she is still a highly valuable utility pick, especially for quests featuring a lot of pesky buffs.

Gameplay Tip

Rule Breaker’s buff removal occurs after its the damage has been dealt. As such, it won’t itself deal damage to enemies with Invincibility/Evasion, but subsequent attacks will. Additionally, if Rule Breaker manages to kill the target, it will also fail to remove any effects activating on death..

🟢 Strengths

On-Demand Buff Removal

Buff removal tools are extremely important in a lot of difficult quests, and as Medea is able to use Rule Breaker on the very first turn, she is easily one of the best, and most accessible, options for this role. As a nifty byproduct, this instant NP property also grants Medea independence from Starting NP Gauge CEs, allowing her to freely use stronger damage boosting CEs as well as event CEs.

Spammable NP

With a triple Arts deck, Territory Creation, and potentially an NP gain buff, Medea sports a rather impressive NP gain. Due to Rule Breaker’s NP charge refund, Medea’s ability to unleash it early also jumpstarts her NP-spamming capability, especially as the instant Arts NP also gives her an easier time in forming NP Arts Brave chains. Under the right setup, she is even able to potentially perform back-to-back NPs, another advantage she has over her competitors.

Targetable NP Gain and Debuff Removal

Circe’s Teaching adds another layer to Medea’s utility, allowing her to remove debuffs from a given ally while also supporting them by boosting their NP generation. Debuff cleansing is especially powerful during difficult content where enemy debuffs can be incredibly debilitating. Masters need to choose carefully whether to use Circe’s Teaching primarily for its cleansing ability or its ability to boost NP generation.

🔴 Weaknesses

Low Offensive Presence

The combination of a subpar NP multiplier, the Caster-class 0.9x damage modifier, and the lack of any damage steroid severely limits Medea’s damage output despite her NP spam capability. While the aid of damage-boosting CEs and supports generally allows Medea to reach the required damage benchmarks against Assassins, she still takes more time to eliminate enemies compared to her competitors.

No Hard Survivability Skills

While Argon Coin’s heal is on a rather short cooldown, Medea has no way to delay or block incoming attacks. This makes her extremely susceptible to large bursts of damage. In more difficult stages (especially against non-Assassin Opponents), enemy NPs and stray criticals may be able to eliminate Medea before she gets a chance to heal.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Rapid Words of Divine A
Increase own NP Gauge.
Argon Coin
Recovers own HP by Loving the Skin.
Circe's Teaching A
Remove debuffs from an ally. Increase NP Gain for an ally (1 turn).

Medea is one of the few Servants who don’t need a lot of investment in order to fulfill her main task properly. The only mandatory aspect of her skill leveling is Rapid Words of Divine, which needs to be at least level 4 in order to enable her instant NP. Nevertheless, having all of Medea’s skills maxed makes her performance far smoother, and the cooldown reductions are particularly useful for longer fights.

  • Rapid Words of Divine: By far Medea’s most potent skill, leveling Rapid Words of Divine beyond level 4 may seem useless; however, the cooldown reduction is always enticing, and having this skill maxed also helps her get more Overcharge opportunities, which in turn allows for more NP refund. This skill should generally be leveled first.

  • Argon Coin: This skill probably has the best level scaling among Medea’s skills, both in terms of effect and cooldown reduction. However, Argon Coin becomes somewhat redundant when Medea is used in Arts-oriented teams, as these generally offer an abundance of healing. Level this skill last, unless Medea is to be used often and outside of Arts teams, in which case it can be leveled second.

  • Circe’s Teaching: While Circe’s Teaching scales worse when leveled compared to Medea’s other skills, the increase in NP gain buff increases her potential to perform back-to-back NPs or greatly boost the NP gain of another. This skill should be leveled second, especially if Medea is to be mostly used in difficult quests where access to her debuff cleansing is essential.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Thanks to Medea’s instant NP gimmick, her CE picks are incredibly flexible, and she is generally able to pick the strongest scaling CEs without much drawback. NP Damage Up CEs are by far her best choice due to their higher modifier, although Arts Performance Up is a decent alternative. NP Gain Up also works well in combination with common Arts supports. Other than these CEs, Medea is also an excellent choice to equip event CEs on, as her main task can be performed independent of CE choice.

  • The Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel: Giving Medea the highest damage increase overall, NP Damage UP CEs also stack multiplicatively against the commonly used Attack and Arts Performance Up buffs from supports.

  • Kaleid Sapphire / Formal Craft / Kill on Sight: While the damage increase granted by Arts Performance Up CEs is lower than that of NP Damage Up CEs, these CEs also increase Medea’s Arts cards’ NP gain, which is ideal considering her triple Arts deck.

  • Cute Orangette / Reading on the Holy Night / Witch Under the Moonlight / Faithful Companions: Aside from increasing her overall damage, these CEs provide an additional NP gain boost for Medea, making them decent alternatives to help her perform back-to-back NPs. While NP gain buffs scale worse with Circe’s Teaching, they work well with Arts performance up buffs, which are often brought along by support Servants.

  • Hecate’s Staff: As with all Bond CEs, Hecate’s Staff gives her a measly 100 HP and ATK, and it is far inferior compared to other choices in terms of damage boost. However, this CE’s Arts Performance Up buffs also affects Medea’s allies, helping the team rotate their NPs faster.

  • Kaleidoscope/Dragon’s Meridian: It is a testament to Kaleidoscope’s ubiquity that even Medea can benefit from it. In this case, Starting NP Gauge CEs are useful if Medea has to use her NP multiple times within the first few turns, slipping in an extra NP before Rapid Words of Divine comes in.
Analysis by:

Interlude Quests

Chapter Completion:Okeanos
Chapter Completion:
Instant Death Chance34.5
Damage Distribution Quick33,67
Damage Distribution Arts100
Damage Distribution Buster100
Damage Distribution Extra12,25,63
Damage Distribution NP100


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP3,5008,5007,0006,0002,500242,500300,000280,000270,000257,000
Hecate's Staff
Hecate's Staff
When equipped on Medea, Increase Party's Arts Card performance by 15% while she's on the field.
Seiyuu (CV)Atsuko Tanaka
Country/Place of OriginGeorgia
SeriesFate/stay night
Release Date (NA)Game Launch



Valentine's CE


Profile Entries

Character Info

The daughter of King Aeetes, holder of the Golden Fleece, she was taught Magecraft by the moon goddess Hecate. Taken from her country by the hero Jason, after a long, aimless journey, she was branded the Witch of Betrayal and left this world.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 163cm, 51kg Origin: Greek Mythology Region: Greek, Corinth Alignment: Neutral-Evil Gender: Female As a general rule, she doesn't trust good looking guys.

Profile 2

A female Mage that conceals her face with a robe. Cold-hearted and cruel, she will do anything to attain her goal. In every sense, a truly evil woman who excels at cunning strategies. The tragic and cruel fate she endured turned her this way. After countless betrayals by those around her, she fell to a place where this time, it's her time to betray.

Profile 3

[Rule Breaker] Rank: C NP Type: Anti-Magecraft All Spells Must Be Broken. A Noble Phantasm which conceptualizes her life as the Witch Medea. A dagger that nullifies all effects created by Magecraft, despite whether such an effect is an enchantment, a relationship formed through contact, or even life created through magical energy.

Profile 4

Territory Creation: A Item Construction: A Rapid Words of Divine: A All skills required to be a successful Mage are A-ranked. She does not have any significant achievements in the age of gods, so she suffers from a low reputation. But she's an accomplished Mage nonetheless.

Profile 5

By spending a little time with her, anyone could tell that she was a princess that knew very little about the world. But because she was royalty she has proper manners and opinions. This is seen in acts like claiming ownership of the humans in a town, much like a villain, but never going so far as taking their lives.

Profile 6

She was originally an innocent talented girl who would do whatever she could for the person she loved. But people she loved ran away after she became affectionate, and now she is now traumatized and withdrawn. She's weak to sincere people.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
You shall disappear here and now.
Battle Start 2
Shall we begin?
Skill 1
Shall I make you suffer?
Skill 2
I need just one finger to end you.
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
Command Card 3
Noble Phantasm Card
Truth be told I do not wish to use this...
Attack 1
Too bad.
Attack 2
How's this?
Attack 3
Give in to despair!
Extra Attack
Noble Phantasm
Magical providence, oh natural master of this world, return all to its origins--
Rule Breaker!
Damage 1
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Enough already...
Incapacitated 2
I will let you off this time...
Victory 1
My, is that all?
Victory 2
Yes, run in defeat like the failure you are.
Level up
Oh yes, quite.
Ascension 1
Marvelous, my dear little Master.
Ascension 2
Well done. The more experience the better.
Ascension 3
Master... You may very well have a gift for handling Servants.
Ascension 4
Hmm, none have entered my workshop before you.
Welcome Master, what witch's brew might you desire?
Bond Level 1
All I know I learned directly from mthe goddess Hecate herself. My spells are on a plane of existence higher than yours.
Bond Level 2
You avoid unnecessary confrontations and speak mildly...
Hmm, perhaps you will do after all?
Bond Level 3
Wait. Do not panic.
I am here with you. Now prepare yourself.
Bond Level 4
I once had a brother. If he had lived, he might have grown to be much like yourself...
But alas, forget I spoke of it.
Bond Level 5
My, who would have thought a traitorous witch like me could turn herself around? I just can't betray you. I suppose that means I shall pledge myself to you. Use me as you wish.
Conversation 1
Should we not be getting a move on, then?
Conversation 2
As your Servant I should just follow your command, yes?
Conversation 3
I am a Mage, I am well accustomed to rules.
Whether your skills are worthy of mine or not, yes.
Conversation 4 (Altria Pendragon)
There is a Saber, a small, blond haired one, yes? Yes, that one...She's quite something. She just makes you want things...
Conversation 5 (Mordred)
There is a small, blond haired Saber yes? An unpleasant looking one. Yes, yes...
Something is off. Her face is perfect, but... There's something that doesn't work for me, you know?
Conversation 6 (Heracles and Asterios)
How dreadfully sweltering. This is insufferable. Master! Please keep these 300-however many kilo hulking bunch of muscles away from me?
Building models is such a fine hobby, yes? If you come across any fine bottle ships, do let me know.
Dislikes, yes... Well, I have no particular reason, but I'm not fond of pretty boys with no substance.
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail, yes. Hmmm. Well, I'm sure the likes of normal Mages like you probably would find it quite useful.
During an Event
Something is amiss in the world. If you do not wish to miss out, you should hurry.
Oh my, is it your birthday? I do hope it is a fine one.
Oh my, you are a rather cute Master!
Non-Limited -Available in the general summoning pool.

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