
Sei Shounagon (Berserker)

Sei Shounagon (Berserker)
# 323
Chaotic Summer
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10012,038
Lv 12014,134
Lv 10012,030
Lv 12014,139


Weak to Enuma Elish
Summer Form


Tag Icon
Self ATK Up
Tag Icon
Self Crit Damage Up
Tag Icon
Self NP Gauge Up
Tag Icon
Self Evade
Tag Icon
Self Star Gather Rate Up
Tag Icon
Heal Support
Tag Icon
Burn Immune Support
Tag Icon
Crit Stars Up
Tag Icon
ST Quick NP
Tag Icon
Anti-Lawful ATK Up
Tag Icon
Anti-Shadow Servant ATK Up
Tag Icon
Anti-Human (Attribute) ATK Up
Summer Street! A
Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns). Increase own NP Gauge.
Available from the start
Night Pool Slider A
Apply Evade to self (2 times, 3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (1 turn). Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Dependable Summer Sweet A
Restore HP for an ally. Apply Burn Immune to an ally (3 turns). Gain Critical Stars.
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Ruler (Crit Res Up)
Increase own Critical Rate Resist against [Ruler] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Madness Enhancement D
Increase your Buster Card effectiveness by 4%.
Independent Action (Selfishness) D
Increase Critical Star Gather Rate of own Quick Cards by 4%.
Teachings that Drive to Enlightenment B
Increase own Charm Resist by 100%.

Noble Phantasm

Emotional Engine, Vivid Full SensationD++
Apply 50% Special ATK [Lawful] to self (1 turn) [Activates first]. Apply 50% Special ATK [Shadow Servant] to self (1 turn) [Activates first]. Deal damage to a single enemy.
Apply Special ATK [Human (Attribute)] to self (1 turn) [Activates first].
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“Wack, man, that's wack.”

When Sei decided to become a swimsuit Servant, she became a Berserker! To her, however, this meant she’d become a delinquent, and created one of the most deceptive kits around. While at a first glance she seems like she should be a Quick-Oriented Man-trait SingleTarget killer with her Noble Phantasm, reality is that she is truly a Buster Crit-Oriented Single Target murderer.

How, a Master may ask, is a Servant with a Quick Noble Phantasm actually a Buster Servant? Simply put, Sei comes with a kit complete with three Buster cards and only one Quick card. Further, her skills are designed around boosting her Critical damage, given Summer Street A’s sustained Crit boost, Night Pool Slider’s burst Crit boost, and For You - Summer Sweet’s star bomb. Further, these are all on low enough cooldowns to use twice in two turns with proper setups. Altogether, they can add up to massive damage, added together with her Noble Phantasm’s bonus traits against Man, Lawful, and Shadow Servant type enemies (and decent damage to go with it).

Delinquent life does have its downsides, and Sei is no exception. Like all Berserkers, she is naturally squishy and will need protection to survive. Further, she is quite burst-oriented, with her damage significantly falling off after 1 or 2 turns. She also doesn’t have easy access to her Noble Phantasm with only a 20% charge to help her.

Sei is a wonderful asset against bosses with a single break bar, especially those who hit her trait bonuses of Man, Lawful, or Shadow Servant. But by requirement, the Master who summons her must be ready to be a true rebel.

🟢 Strengths

Critical Damage

Sei’s Crits can be quite devastating with the combination of a 30% sustained Crit bonus, and a 100% one-turn Crit bomb on her second skill. This becomes even more noticeable when she runs with a double Koyanskaya of Light setup, boosting her already decent Buster Crits by massive amounts and providing large star bombs and Man bonus damage when needed. She may eventually do more damage with her Buster Crits than her Noble Phantasm with the right setup. 

Low Cooldowns

Sei’s first and second skills have a 6-turn cooldown and her third skill a 5-turn cooldown. While this is impractical for Masters without a Koyanskaya of Light, those with one can use her charge skill and an Atlas Mystic code to reduce these to 0 on the second turn. This allows for Sei to have two turns of massive Critical Damage against her enemies. 

Trait Bonuses

Sei covers a wide array of traits, including the common Man-trait and Lawful-trait, along with the rarer Shadow Servant trait. Admittedly, there are not many break bar or tough Shadow Servants to deal with in the game, but the first two are all too common and often stack with each other to provide massive damage boosts. These bonuses are activated for 1-turn on her Noble Phantasm, so if she crits after casting her Noble Phantasm, the Crits will be boosted as well. Note that since these are powermod bonuses, they stack additively to Crit damage instead of multiplicatively.

🔴 Weaknesses


Sei is still a Berserker, regardless of everything else. She has a low health pool and takes double damage from almost everything. While she does have a 2-hit 3-turn evasion, this may not be enough especially against some AoE-type bosses. Her heal on her third skill may be entirely ineffective as she may already be dead. 

Poor Sustain

While Sei has a great burst which can be extended to two turns with Koyanskaya of Light, once it ends she has nothing but a small Attack and Crit bonus left to work with of her own. The 5/6 turn cooldowns on her skills begin to look endlessly long against her low health pool after that. 

Low NP Gain

Sei only has her single 20% charge skill to boost her gauge, and as a gorilla type Berserker she has only one average Arts card to work with to get gauge back. Any Noble Phantasms from her will have to come from outside sources.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Summer Street! A
Increase own ATK (3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns). Increase own NP Gauge.
Night Pool Slider A
Apply Evade to self (2 times, 3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (1 turn). Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn).
Dependable Summer Sweet A
Restore HP for an ally. Apply Burn Immune to an ally (3 turns). Gain Critical Stars.

Everything about Sei’s kit is about her Crits, and anything that is not about her Crits is practically ignored. She is designed to pop all three skills at once and provide a massive barrage of damage, both through her Noble Phantasm and her Critical hits which follow. That said, it is still recommended to level her 1st skill first to get easier access to said Noble Phantasm, followed by 2 and then 3 for Crit priorities.

  • Summer Street! A is the closest thing Sei has to a sustain, giving small boosts to Critical damage and Attack for 3 turns. However, this also offers her a 20% charge and allows her to benefit from 60% Starting Charge Craft essences if her Append 2 is maxed. Due to this, it should be leveled first and to max. 
  • Night Pool Slider A is Sei’s burst skill, giving a whopping 100% Crit damage buff at max level and practically guaranteeing all Stars will go to her. This skill of course should be popped when Sei has the Card to use a big Crit on. It also provides Sei her survival kit, giving a 2-time evasion over 3-turns. This skill has the largest damage gains so should be leveled second, and if using double Koyanskaya of Light and an Atlas Mystic Code must be leveled to at least level 6 to reduce the cooldown. However, max level is recommended. 
  • For You - Summer Sweets A is the weakest of Sei’s skills, primarily used for its ability to generate stars for the turn. While it does provide a small heal and a relatively useless burn immunity, these tools are not practically used in most fights. This is best used when Sei wants to crit but doesn’t have the stars to do so. This should be leveled last to at least level 6 to reduce the cooldown.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Sei’s Craft Essences should primarily focus on further boosting her damage, especially of Buster Cards and Crit. By far the best CEs are those with Mixed 60%+ Starting NP Gauge / Damage or Crit. These cards are rare, so lacking that Masters want easy Noble Phantasm access with Starting NP Gauge CEs. Attack Up CEs can also be situationally useful.

  • Summer Anniversary / A Tale of Love and Hope / Partake with the King / Teacher and I / : Sei is designed for a 2-turn damage burst with double Koyanskaya of Light. With a 60% Starting NP Gauge, a maxed Append skill 2, and her first skill, she will be able to cast her Noble Phantasm turn 1, and then use the double Koyanskaya setup for a second on turn two. Even without double Koyanskaya, these still guarantee her at least one Noble Phantasm for its damage and powermod for the turn. All CEs listed are centered around Buster of Crits and must be MLB to work. 
  • Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element: Any 60%+ charge can act the same way as the ones listed above, however without the bonuses to damage. The Imaginary Element is notable in that it doesn’t have to be MLB to work here. 
  • Gudaguda Poster Girl / Code Cast / Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament / Bronze Link Manipulator: Sei will likely be getting plenty of Buster support from her allies, and Crit damage will only give additive effects, so the best way to increase her damage is through Attack bonuses. While Gudaguda, Code Cast, and Bronze Link Manipulator are only for 3-turns, Sei is a Burst Servant and will not need longer than that. Sumo has the bonus of a starting gauge, but one which will need further support to fully utilize as it is only a 50% start.
Analysis by: Meliran
GrowthReverse S
Instant Death Chance65
Damage Distribution Quick10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution Arts16,33,51
Damage Distribution Buster16,33,51
Damage Distribution Extra10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution NP3,7,10,14,17,21,28


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP1,0001,5002,0002,5003,000225,000255,000285,000315,000365,000
Elegant Thing 2021
Elegant Thing 2021
When equipped on Sei Shonagon (Berserker), Increase all allies' NP Generation and NP Damage by 10% when she is on the field.
IllustratorMika Pikazo
Seiyuu (CV)Ai Fairouz
AKA/Alias/NicknamesSei Shounagon Summer, Sei Shonagon (Berserker)
SeriesFate/Grand Order
Release Date (JP)09/15/2021
Release Date (NA)09/2023



Valentine's CE

Honey Willow Toast
Honey Willow Toast

Profile Entries

Character Info

"In summer, the nights are most beautiful. Not only when the moon shines..." or so the writing goes, but there are a ton more super fun things to enjoy during the summer! The beach, swimsuits, shaved ice... I might even want to do a little adventuring! ...This is how another girl from the Heian period became entranced by the allure of summer. "Hey Chan-mas...wanna do something we're not supposed to?" And thus Berserker Sei Shounagon was born. Whether one spends their summer earnestly or living a little dangerously, the fact of the matter is that this year's summer happens only once in your life, so you might as well enjoy it to the fullest!!!

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 157cm, 46kg Origin: History Region: Japan Alignment: Chaotic-Summer Gender: Female Hehe... You know, in the summer, I'm more of a delinquent than you might expect.

Profile 2

Thanks to a confluence of many, many factors, including serious training to prepare for summer and hype to last for days, her Spirit Origin has changed to a Berserker class, though only for the summer. Perhaps thanks to her Madness Enhancement, the literary aspects she showed as an Archer have faded even farther into the background, leaving her roughly thirty percent more boisterous than usual. For some reason, she equates being a Berserker with being an outlaw, which leads her to stick her nose into other people's affairs, but this probably won't last long. She's likely to get bored before she even hears the whole story she inquires about. She attempted to join Chaldea's resident delinquent gang, but it seems she was summarily rejected.

Profile 3

Sei Shounagon cruises around town on her skateboard. In battle, she favors a cruel and barbaric combat style where anything goes: giant hammers, spray paint, body slams, lasers, you name it. Hey, what's wrong with that? I'm a Berserker now, baby. Her spray can uses a special kind of paint that disappears after a while, so no matter how brilliant her writing with it may be, it simply will not last. For a Berserker, she can be surprisingly conscientious. At times, she's been seen graffitiing Chaldea's walls along with the child least until Emiya catches them. Rumor has it that her weapons may or may not employ technology from a whole other universe...

Profile 4

Summer Street!: A Sei Shounagon once tried studying painting under Van Gogh, but the only thing she learned was that she had no talent for such things. Still, the experience gave her a newfound appreciation for vivid colors, which she uses to eyecatching effect in her graffiti tags. Night Pool Slider: A There is a special thrill only experienced when moving at breakneck speed. Now that she's discovered it, she can never go back to the life she knew before. There's a bright, shiny stage that can even disperse the darkness of night. Now come on. Let's jump in and see what's on the other side! Dependable Summer Sweet: A Shaved ice with amazura, a sweet syrup made by boiling down ivy plant sap? Now that's what I call a dependable (and classy) summer sweet throwback. In fact, this is the oldest known style of shaved ice in Japanese history. The recipe for amazura was thought to have been lost well before modern times, but this summer, it's making a comeback! Come on, guys! That shaved ice isn't gonna eat itself!

Profile 5

[Emotional Engine, Vivid Full Sensation] Rank: D++ NP Type: Anti-Personnel Range: 1 - 50 Maximum Targets: 1 Summer, Heat the World Knows Not. The more novel an experience, the better to enjoy the summer heat! This Noble Phantasm is the embodiment of Sei Shounagon the author's stance on summer. Sei Shounagon takes all of the energy generated by the source of a Reality Marble, her imagination—that is, her Emotional Engine—and transforms it into propellant for her skateboard, which she then uses to blast her way down the street. The vivid, colorful words she spray paints whilst riding her skateboard pierce both her opponent's body and heart with their sheer emotionality.

Profile 6

Unlock after clearing FGO Summer 2023 and reaching Bond Lv5. Berserker Sei Shounagon was born when the Heian writer gave herself over fully to summer's temptations and practically jumped into a swimsuit. In this form, she really lets her literary side run rampant. As a Berserker, she has achieved a sense of freedom she never got to experience while alive, and is intensely interested in pursuing the theme of summer adventures. Alongside her companions, she frolics, laughs, and generally acts like she's having the time of her life. It's almost as though she's reverted to her younger self not only in body, but in spirit as well. Then again, seeing how she once played so hard she destroyed a chair, and how she once drove an ox cart full to bursting with flowers, maybe she hasn't actually changed at all from her days at the bright and beautiful Lady Teishi's salon. Perhaps, even now, Lady Teishi is looking down at Sei Shounagon's dazzling summer form and smiling in fond remembrance.

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
I'll have you know that the summer me is a bit of a bad ass!
Battle Start 2
Wanna do something...dangerous?
Battle Start 3
Fufu...I'll get it done in one turn.
Skill 1
Oooh...that's the feeling!
Skill 2
Popping this up elegantly! Hey wait a minute!?
Skill 3
Okay, I'm on a roll!
Skill 4
Hmmm, this is lovely.
Command Card 1
Command Card 2
What's up!?
Command Card 3
All right!
Noble Phantasm Card 1
Everybody, sei!
Noble Phantasm Card 2
Getting pumped!
Noble Phantasm Card 3
Let's make it flashy, Chan-mas!
Attack 1
Hey, hey! Yaaay!
Attack 2
Summer's all about...the beach!
Attack 3
What the heck!?
Attack 4
Alright, let's gooo!
Attack 5
Attack 6
Extra Attack 1
Extra Attack 2
Hei! An! Spiral Rainbow!
Noble Phantasm 1
Let the emotional street extend out to the sea!
An infinite variety of Vivid Full Sensation will override even the gloomiest of moods!
Noble Phantasm 2
Let the emotional street extend to the beyond!
A Vivid Full Sensation of flowers rioting in all their glory that blooms even in the darkest nights!
May it bloom eternally!
Noble Phantasm 3
Yeah, you know what? Can't do this because it's too dang hot.
I'm going back to my room with its AC. Good luck on the rest, sensation!
Sorry to take up your time!
Damage 1
Crap! This is bonkers!
Damage 2
Damage 3
Seriously, this is tough!
Damage 4 hurts.
Incapacitated 1
Uweeeh, forgive me.
Incapacitated 2
This is beyond pien...I'm gonna paon...
Incapacitated 3
I've kept this a secret this whole time, but I...oh, crap.
Victory 1
Argh, it's hot! Let's go get some ice cream and go home. Hit the road.
Victory 2
Fufufu, how shameful indeed...argh, stuff like this makes my head hurt.
Victory 3
Weee, did you see that, Chan-mas?
Victory 4
Our summer's just started! Fin!
Level up 1
Fufufu, my vibes are soarin'...whatever the heck that means.
Level up 2
Hmmm, I'm surprised I'm getting the hang of this class.
Level up 3
Heh heh. Thanks always, Chan-mas!
Ascension 1
What do you think, Chan-mas? They told me I could choose up to three swimsuits, so I chose the swankiest pieces!
Eh? It's good cuz I look active and fit? Come on, Chan-mas. Listen, Chan-mas...
You need to give the right kind of praise at a time like this!
Ascension 2
Okay I changed!
...Well, I already knew what to expect. Just take this as a Nagiko joke.
Now, which swimsuit to should I choose next?
Ascension 3
Bwhahahahaha! Take that! I am Nagiko, the super gang leader who carries all the feels, and I have arrived!
You know, I bet this brings back memories for you, Chan-mas. When you talk about fashionable young people of this age, it's all about modified school uniforms, right!?
Huh? They're like an endangered species? Are they protected? Aw, seriously? So all my preparations and excitement were for nothing? (Sigh) ... (Glance).
I thought you would've been happy...
(Glance, glance)
Eh? What? You're saying this is cute on its own?
Wahahahaha! Really, oh yeah? Then it's all good!
Ascension 4
Heh. We have finally reached this point, Chan-mas. Now that I've become the Perfect Nagiko, I have no choice but to get all serious.
And so...
Let's go look for jellyfish bones together! We'll go the dazzling beyond!
Huh? You want to know if we'll be able to get home by morning?
Wahaha! Who the hell knows!
Doesn't matter, since I'm a Berserker now anyway!
Bond Level 1
Whaddaya think, Chan-mas? Do you see Nagiko in her Berserker form? Heh. I look bad, right? So cool, right?
You might get burned if you think I'm still my good old self.
...Wait. What's with your tepid reaction? Hehehe. I bet my appearance's too stimulating for a Goody Two-shoes like you.
...No wait a minute. Quit smiling so apathetically. I said quit it.
Bond Level 2
This may be sudden, but my artistic senses have been awakened. Actually, my artistic senses turned on, but I wasn't cut out for it.
But then again, there was something I gained by learning how to work with colors.
Comprising colorful words using vivid hues...that's right, it's like street art!!!
I've replaced my calligraphy pen with spray paint, and I slam my words welling up from within me out to the world!
Oh, but don't worry. The spray paint should disappear after a while. Cuz you know...if it doesn't come off clean, Emiyan would get super mad.
Bond Level 3
Hey, Chan-mas... How did you spend your summers before you came to Chaldea? You see, my summer was...
Summer...(Sigh)...was hot.
Nighttime was best in the summer, Chan-mas. You saw the dim moonlight as the wind blew softly, and the sound of insects was cool and restorative... Though, you might not be able to see the fireflies flying across the darkness that readily anymore...
This might be a poor substitute, but I bought a hundred-pack of Goradon bottle rockets!
Let's go light them all off at once! Fiiire!!!
Bond Level 4 look a little haggard, Chan-mas. You might have tons of stuff to do, but you can totally indulge yourself once in a while for all the hard work you've done. Which is (Pat pat)
Here's a nice open spot for you on my lap. Hey, we're beyond worrying about embarrassment, so don't hesitate. Just come lie down.
COME ON. If you get embarrassed, I'm gonna get all embarrassed too!
Bond Level 5
Hey you! Yeah, Chan-mas who's all, "Ahhh, this year's summer sure was real fun!"
You can't just spend your entire time thinking about what's ahead, like how autumn comes after summer, or like how Monday comes after Sunday...
We're still right smack in the middle of summer, which means you need to enjoy it wholeheartedly! And THAT means we need to make this summer so awesome, that the next summer and the next next summer can't hold a candle to it!
Conversation 1
Summer's upon us! Come on, don't just lie around in your room all day. There are plenty of fun things to do inside and outside! You need to go all-out and enjoy summer!
Conversation 2
So you know, I'm all bad ass right now, which means I'm not going to do everything you ask me to. If you want my help...
Eh? Shaved ice?
Heh. I'll follow you anywhere, Chan-mas.
Conversation 3
You see, our relationship isn't just a straight-up contractual one. I really can't put a finger on it. All I can say is that our fates intertwined in the most bizarre way. Anyway, I think I'll stick around until you say you've had enough of me, Chan-mas.
But...yeah...hope that's not gonna happen anytime soon!
Conversation 4 (Murasaki Shikibu (Rider))
It's Kaorucchi! It's Kaorucchi! It's Kaorucchi!!!!
What do you think? We're both in swimsuits this year! We're twinsies! Now I'll be able to accompany you whenever you invite me out because you wanna see the sea! ...Then again I know you'll never say something like that! Gahahaha!
(Gasp) Wait a minute. Why don't we just go now? Okay! Strike while the iron is hot! Come on, come on! The sea is calling us!
Conversation 5 (Ashiya Douman)
Huh? You're wondering if I'm scared of Ashiya Douman?
Hmmm, I guess you'd ask that because he did create quite a stir... Honestly, that Rakshasa King Skull...erm, what was his full title again?
Eh, who cares? I guess I'd better keep a good eye on him so he doesn't cause more troub―AH! I see Mambo-chan now!!!
Let's take him out to lunch! Help box him in, Chan-mas!
Conversation 6 (Mandricardo w/ Summer Sportswear costume)
Oh!? Ricacchi, what happened to you! You look real sharp!
Well then, you really do have to enjoy summer. So let's go and collect anyone else who looks bored and head out to the city together! Okay, my contacts, contacts...
Hey! Give back my phone!
Conversation 7 (Nemo)
No matter what it is, small things are all beautiful...
I'm in trouble, Chan-mas... I can just watch the Nemo-Nemos work all day. Maybe I should just situate myself here in the docks forever... I guess I shouldn't.
Conversation 8 (Okita J Souji, Oda Nobunaga (Berserker)
Hey JJ! Let's go out and play, J!
Wahahha, don't worry, I'm not going to hitch a ride on your jet today. In fact, why don't you get on my board? Oh come on, it'll be fine. Just put your feet there... Yeah, like that.
Let's hit the road! Don't get thrown off!
Emotional Engine, full throttle!
Maybe we'll pick up Nobbu on our way!
Conversation 9 (Kama, Kama (Avenger))
Hey! It's you, Kamacho! If you're bored, let's go're a different size than usual.
Guess I have to carry you in my arms...
Eh? That's the last thing you want me to do? And you're wondering why I'm trying to pick you up in the first place?
Cuz I know for sure you'll run away unless I grab you. Totally certain.
Oh hey, Kiichi! Would you loan me your hammer?
What's my favorite shaved ice? I love amazura, a sweetener that was used back in the Heian era! And then the shaved ice was exquisitely served in a pretty bowl...
Eh? You don't know what amazura is? Fine, fine, let me educate you. Amazura was took the sap from some ivy during the winter and collect it...
Yep. Something like that.
If you want more details, go ask Kaorucchi.
Hmmm, it's not that I hate it, but when I was little, I went on a boat that went out to sea. The land was so far away, the boat rocked so hard, and it looked like ghosts kept popping out, so I vowed to myself I would never ride that thing again.
But now, those exact factors are why I enjoy boat rides. Weird, right? After all, the vastness of the sea hasn't changed no matter where you and I have been.
About the Holy Grail
What would I do if I got a hold of a Holy Grail? Let me think...
Maybe we should have everyone use it to have a blast! We'll throw a party and we'll all get wild! And as long as those happy shouts and voices echo even into the farthest distance...
Heh heh heh...that sounds great.
During an Event
An event's happening, hey, hey!
Chan-mas, it's your birthday today?
Heh. Don't be silly...of course I didn't forget.
Eh? What? A present?
Uh...okay. Get ready to head out, Chan-mas. We're going to hang out today, all day. I'll make it an unforgettable day for you!
Oh hey it's you, Chan-mas!
What are you doing? If you're bored, wanna head to the convenience store together?
Huh? I've changed attire to a...different class!?
Ahhh, ahem.
So the time has finally come...
It is time for I, Sei Shounagon, or rather, Nagiko, to show her true latent power.
And my new class is, of course...
Eh!? Berserker? Why???
Limited -Can only be summoned during certain events

Future Banners

Banner (Add 2 years for NA Date)JP Period
[JP] Revival: Chaldea Summer Adventure Kama (Avenger) Pickup 3 Summon
[JP] Revival: Chaldea Summer Adventure Kama (Avenger) Pickup 3 Summon
Banner Type: Shared
[JP] FGO 8th Anniversary Pickup Summon (Daily)
[JP] FGO 8th Anniversary Pickup Summon (Daily)
Banner Type: Single