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Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

Beowulf is a Berserker with pretty much only one thing on his agenda - dealing damage. Thankfully, he does that rather well, with reasonably fast access to an NP interlude to augment Grendel Buster's damage output and a skill set that just plain hits hard, with his Madness Enhancement and Berserk skill together giving him a hefty steroid to NP damage.
Beyond that, however, Beowulf is plagued with weaknesses, primarily a lack of a reliable defensive skill and the curse of Intuition bringing his entire kit down. Regardless, the highest NP damage output of any non-welfare 4* is nothing to scoff at.
🟢 Strengths
- Incredibly high NP damage and good damage from NPBB chain
- High hit counts on his NP makes him produce a decent sum of stars when receiving stargen buffs
- Battle Continuation means he can potentially clutch out a fight in the last party slot should things go south
🔴 Weaknesses
- Low HP and lack of a dodge or defense buff skill makes him as fragile as his class advertises, requiring defensive support to last longer than a few turns in a quest of reasonable difficulty.
- Regular card damage is weaker than most Berserkers due to his lackluster Madness Enhancement rank
- NP gain slightly below that of other Berserkers due to his 3 hit Arts card.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

Beowulf's skillset is very straightforward and thus his skill leveling order is also obvious. Berserk should always be maxed first for maximum Noble Phantasm damage potential, followed by Battle Continuation since he is sorely lacking in terms of survivability. Intuition isn't particularly useful for a Berserker, and though it can help other teammates it is not worth prioritizing.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Given Beowulf has such a powerful NP, gaining access to it quickly is highly ideal. Starting NP Gauge is thus an ideal pick, but also Buster Performance Up is amazing for Beowulf. Without a Buster buff of his own, and a very low Madness Enhancement rank, it stacks incredibly well with his main steroid.
- Kaleidoscope / Imaginary Element - Beowulf hits really hard by default, so it's more than reasonable to just have him pop his NP off immediately and have the job done. Works well in conjunction with the Battle Suit Mystic Code for when you just want the boss to blow up
- Partake With The King / First Sunrise / Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament / Holy Night Supper - Built for better staying power, a Waver + Beowulf can immediately lay down the hurt, and perhaps stick around long enough to get another Grendel Buster out.
- Limited / Zero Over / Verdant Sound of Destruction - Standard Berserker beatstick fair, though if you are just Buster chaining your way through things you will hit a wall eventually
Interlude Quests

Valentine's CE