

Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

“With this single strike, single arrow, I will vanquish ships, heroes and oni alike.”
Tametomo, while a bit more obscured than his Minamoto descendant peers, is no less amazing of a warrior. Tametomo, being closer to a super weapon than a human being, has a strong AoE-focused skill set that lets him excel at both farming and also countering annoying gimmicks that many Challenge Quests feature.
Chinzei Hachirou A is Tametomo epithet and also one of his main offensive buffs, providing a strong Buster cards effectiveness for 3 times over 3 turns, and an additional Critical Damage buff for 3 turns. Simple, but effective. Indomitable Shot B is both his NP Battery and survival skill, but with a small twist. When Guts triggers, he gains a NP Damage buff and cleanses all debuffs on himself. Mechanical Archery EX is an exceptional skill that gives a total of 3 5-turn buffs: a Sure Hit buff, a 20% NP Damage buff for 1 time that re-buffs every turn (stackable), and a 10% NP Gauge Regeneration every turn.
Tametomo’s Noble Phantasm - Gouchin Yumiharizuki is an AoE Buster Noble Phantasm that deals extra damage against all [Lawful] enemies, with the extra perks of applying both Ignore Invincibility and Ignore Defense to self before dealing damage, and if he happens to be on a Waterside Battlefield, he gets an extra 20% Buster Card effectiveness buff as well.
At a glance, Tametomo’s base kit provides him a lot of firepower. His skills and Noble Phantasm are quite simple but powerful, and his damage output in a Buster-centric team as a main damage dealer is quite formidable. Tametomo works both in farming thanks to his NP Battery (which let him utilize Double Koyanskaya / Oberon setup), but he also has a lot of tools to deal with challenging content as well such as Guts, Self-Debuff Clearing, Defense Buff, Evade and Invulnerability Ignore, and Critical Damage Boost all ensure that he hits hard and consistent throughout.
If there are things to nitpick about Tametomo, it is that he just doesn’t do his things exceptionally well enough to completely stand out. In a highly bloated role that is filled with monstrous Servants like Ishtar, Gilgamesh or Nikola Tesla, it takes something truly special to surpass them as alternative AoE Buster Archers. Additionally, some of the parts in his kits can be quite clunky to fully take advantage of, such as the Trigger-On-Guts effect of his 2nd skill, and the stacking NP Damage boost of his 3rd skill. But outside of these things, Tametomo has everything he needs to be a very solid and versatile Damage Dealer that can definitely pull his own weight in any roster.
🟢 Strengths
Strong And Consistent Damage
Tametomo’s damage output is nothing to scoff at. He has strong self-buffs for his primary card types, strong anti-niche bonus, ramping NP Damage, Critical Damage boost and the ability to consistently get through enemies' defense. All these tools make him a very reliable damage dealer for any Buster team.
Good At Countering Challenge Quest Gimmicks
Thanks to his numerous anti-gimmick utility effects such as Guts, Self-Debuff Cleanse, Ignore Invincibility and Sure Hit, Tametomo makes a good candidate to bring to any Challenge Quest that requires a solid Archer.
🔴 Weaknesses
Belongs In A Bloated Role With Strong Competitors
AoE Buster Archer is, unfortunately, a very stacked niche. While Tametomo is far from a weak Servant, his competitors are just as amazing and have had more gradual improvements over the years and also have similar toolkits to him, such as Ignore Invincibility and stronger Battery in the form of Ishtar or Nikola Tesla. It is hard to justify getting Tametomo if you already have one of these alternatives.
Can Be Tough To Fully Utilize All The Effects In His Kit
Some of Tametomo’s skills’ effects, while powerful, can be tough to fully utilize in reality. His Trigger-On-Guts effect in his second skill is a good example as for farming this will never come up, and even in Challenge Quests it can be difficult to trigger. Similarly, the stacking NP Damage boost of his third skill will rarely give full value in a normal farming scenario and even in Challenge Quest a lot of the time to optimally get full value out of it.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

Tametomo is one of the few Damage Dealing Servants with all three equally outstanding skills that are vital to his general usage. It is highly recommended to get all his skills leveled up at least to 6/6/6 with his second skill being the highest priority afterward to get his farming performance functional.
- Chinzei Hachirou A - A strong damage boosting skill, raising his primary card type while also providing a good Critical Damage Boost. While it is straightforward, the raw strength of the buffs are instrumental to his performance, especially for farming.
- Indomitable Shot B – His main NP Battery and should be maxed as soon as possible to function in the Double Koyanskaya / Oberon system.
- Mechanical Archery EX – This skill has stellar effects on top of long duration, but also equally long cooldown. It has fantastic scaling as two out of three effects scale with level, and in long fights, getting this skill down to 7 turns cooldown makes Tametomo a lot smoother to utilize.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Tametomo will most of the time be deployed as a wave clearer / farmer in Buster teams. His self NP Charger is only 30%, Craft Essences that grant Starting NP Gauge are vital for kickstarting his NP looping. Buster Card Effectiveness, Attack, NP Damage are great accompanying offensive stats on top. Critical Damage or Buster Card Critical Damage are viable stats to expand into his Critical Niche, but they should be of lower priority.
- First Day of Filming / Aerial Drive / Holy Night Supper / Sewing a Beloved Doll : Powerful general Buster Craft Essences with Starting NP Gauge that are also obtainable from events.
- The Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel: While Tametomo already has a lot of NP Damage in his kit, these Craft Essences grant an abundance of raw firepower which is further emphasized when he is paired with Oberon.
- Kaleidoscope / Winter Crystal / The Vessel of Desire / The Imaginary Element: Good NP Starting Gauge placeholder Craft Essences to get his farming up to speed before better alternatives are acquired.

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