

Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

David is a solid offensive and support Archer with a well-varied kit at his disposal. With a BAAAQ card set, his NP gain is fairly good despite his mediocre base NP gain, and unlike EMIYA his NP gain from his Quick card is relatively good. With his powerful 50% defense buff and Harp of Healing’s 1 hit dodge he can protect both himself and his allies effectively on a short cooldown, while also bolstering the team’s offense with his Charisma.
As an Archer, his weaknesses would be his awful star generation and inability to perform Buster chains with his NP, limiting his critical damage potential. In spite of this, he possesses the second highest attack stat of any 3 star servant after Lu Bu, as well as a NP with handy side effects and a strong skill set to compliment it.
🟢 Strengths
- BAAAQ card set and Archer star weight lets him build up his NP fairly quickly, able to throw out his NP more often than most competitors.
- Harp of Healing and Charisma are two excellent defensive and offensive support skills, allowing him to keep his allies safe and increase their damage simultaneously.
- David himself is fairly tanky, thanks to his first skill’s immense defense buff and heal on a short cooldown, paired with how he himself benefits from Harp of Healing.
- David has a high attack stat and is one of the few servants currently in the game to be able to pierce dodge skills with his NP, making him excellent for consistent damage output.
🔴 Weaknesses
- David has very little synergy with crit oriented teams due to his lack of star generation and critical-based buffs, making his star weight sometimes a nuisance.
- With a Buster NP, David is incapable to perform a NPBB chain with his NP, vastly reducing his potential damage output on his NP turn.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations
- Formalcraft / Projection - David is a little difficult to build CEs for. His main strengths come from his skill set, not his NP or regular cards, meaning he doesn’t gain much from most CEs. Regardless, Arts booster CEs such as Formalcraft work well with him due to his prevalent Arts cards.
- Heaven’s Feel / Angel’s Song – Used in combination with his Charisma, David can reach some impressive NP damage numbers. Due to his abnormal card set, this option is more viable than running a Buster boost CE on him, though David isn’t exactly built for damage in the first place.
- Gem Magecraft: Antumbra – David is still an Archer through-and-through, and as such he can function as a team’s critical damage dealer. He’ll need immense star generation support, but this CE is still a clear option for him if the environment is fitting.
Interlude Quests