Saint Martha (Ruler)


Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

Deal significant damage to a single enemy. ▲
Decrease DEF for a single enemy (1 turn). [Activates first] ▲
🟢 Strengths
Offense-oriented Ruler
Saint Martha (Ruler) is the only single target damage dealing Ruler in the entire cast. Given her Ruler class, she provides a balanced offensive answer to almost all situations and works well in mixed-class encounters (except when going up against Avengers). Additionally, the anti-Demonic/Divine/Undead skill allows her to cover a wide variety of boss encounters.
Great Durability
Her self-heal skill has a value of up to 3000 HP on a 5 turn cooldown, and has an added bonus of granting a one-time debuff immunity that lasts until consumed (and will stack if the skill is reused before the immunity is used up). Combined with her Ruler class resistance, the heal is essentially twice as effective.
🔴 Weaknesses
Lack of Evade/Invincibility
Although she survives auto-attacks from enemies very well due to her class advantage and her self-heal, and can effectively solo many enemy nodes, enemy NP turns have high enough burst damage to give her trouble. She may be best run with either a Servant or Mystic Code that can grant invincibility for these cases.
Lacks Consistent Offensive Buffs
The bonus Attack buff on her first skill only activates on stages that have water or a beach present, which is relatively rare outside of summer events. However, it should be noted that her first skill also has an NP charge that is useful even outside water/beach stages.
Outperformed by Servants with Class Advantage
As a damage dealer, given the Ruler’s neutral damage against most classes, she does not do as well in most situations when compared to a Servant with class advantage.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

Saint of the Shore B+: Raising levels in this skill is best if you can completely max it out, increasing the NP charge from 20% (base) to 30% (max). NP gauge increments of 10% are most common among other Servants with NP charge skills, so the levels in between won’t quite reach the breakpoints required for it to be effective. Levels in this skill also increase the field-based Attack buff, although this effect is more situational. This skill is worth investing in, with the main caveat being levels in this skill really only pay off if the skill is maxed.
Natural Body (Sea) A: This skill provides a heal of 3000 HP at max level, which is enormous when considering she takes half damage from almost every class in the game. Leveling this will greatly increase her staying power on the field.
Jacob's Limbs B: This skill provides a sizable boost to the trait bonus damage (5% per level), and Demonic / Divine / Undead covers a wide variety of enemy types encountered. This skill is still somewhat situational, so unless you are specifically planning to use her for her trait bonus damage, this skill can be left for later.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

OVERALL: Martha (Ruler)’s primary goal is to punch things while never dying. Buster Performance Up / NP Damage Up (Stacks additively with anti-trait) / Damage Up / HP per Turn / HP Recovery Up craft essences work well with her.
- Partake with the King / First Sunrise: Given Saint Martha's Defense Down on NP and large amount of Buster cards, hybrid Buster CEs work incredibly well.
- Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament / Holy Night Supper: These give a bit of starting NP (up to 50% MLB) along with either an attack bonus or NP damage bonus, both of which boost her damage output - although they stack less nicely with her own skills.
- Fondant Au Chocolat: Against Divine enemies, boosting her anti-damage further is a viable option. It does stack additively with her own buff, but the sheer strength of the buff is enough to offset that.
- Black Grail: Provides an enormous boost to NP damage at the cost of some HP loss per turn, which Ruler Martha can offset with her self-healing skill.
- Limited/Zero Over / Verdant Sound of Destruction: These provide a Buster performance enhancement, which will help enhance both her NP and her Buster card damage output.
- Moon Goddess’ Bath / Maid in Halloween: These provide some HP regeneration per turn or increase the amount of healing received (affects her second skill), which increases her overall durability.
Interlude Quests

Valentine's CE