Karna (Santa)
# 301
Lawful Good
NPGainNP Gain
NPGainNP when Attacked (%)
NPGainStar Absorption
NPGainStar Generation per Hit
NPGainInstant Death Chance
Lv 10011,115
Lv 12013,050
Lv 10015,613
Lv 12018,350


Heaven or Earth
Weak to Enuma Elish


Tag Icon
Self Quick Up
Tag Icon
Self Buster Up
Tag Icon
Self Crit Damage Up
Tag Icon
Self Evade
Tag Icon
Self Star Gather Rate Up
Tag Icon
Self Crit Damage Up (Quick)
Tag Icon
NP Gauge Support
Tag Icon
Debuff Immune Support
Tag Icon
ST Quick NP
Buff Removal (Guts)
Footwork Santa A
Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (3 times, 3 turns). Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (3 times, 3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns).
Available from the start
Flash Fist A
Apply Evade to self (2 times, 3 turns). Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). Increase own Quick Card Critical Strength (1 turn).
Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Hero of Benefaction (Holy Night) EX
Increase NP Gauge for an ally. Apply Debuff Immune to an ally (3 times, 3 turns).
Unlocks after 3rd Ascension

Append Skills

Extra Attack Boost
Increase own Extra Attack Card effectiveness.
Load Magical Energy
Begin battle with NP Gauge charged.
Anti-Saber (ATK Up)
Deal extra Special ATK damage to [Saber] class enemies.
Special Attack Technique Improvement
Increase own Critical Strength.
Skill Reload
When using a skill, reduce the cooldown for the skill by 1 turn for the first time the skill is used per battle (Only 1 time per skill). Lv 1-5: 1 skill Lv 6-9: 2 skills Lv10: 3 skills

Class Skills

Magic Resistance A
Increase your Debuff Resist by 20%.
Divinity A
Apply Damage Plus for yourself (Total Card Damage +200).
Hard-Puncher EX
Increase own Buster Critical Strength by 12%.

Noble Phantasm

Winning ArkaputraA
Deal damage to a single enemy. Remove Guts from a single enemy. [Activates first]
Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (1 turn). [Activates first]
Append Skill
Ascension + Skill

“Do you have something urgent for me to do? If not, then I’ll be off to do some roadwork.”

With Christmas arriving at Chaldea, Karna steps in the ring as 2022’s Welfare Santa Servant, complete with boxing gloves. Boxing gloves are a rather unconventional take on Santa Claus, although he's ready to defend Christmas wishes and spread joy to all. Karna (Santa)’s the first single target Quick Saber welfare Servant to grace the cast, and does so with impressive flair with his blindingly quick jabs and high-speed footwork.

Santa Karna’s kit provides a balance of offense, defense, and supportive utility. Footwork Santa acts as his primary offensive buff, increasing his Quick/Buster Card Performance and Critical Strength. Flash Fist also provides an additional Critical Strength boost to his Quick Cards at a higher value, increases Karna’s Star Gather Rate, and also doubles as Karna’s primary defensive tool with a 2-time, 3-turn Evade. Finally, Hero of Benefaction (Holy Night) is an ally-targetable NP Gauge charging skill, which also provides a useful 3-time, 3-turn Debuff Immunity effect. This effect can make him a valuable ally to bring for challenge encounters that have enemies that cast undesirable debuffs. All of the values on his buffs are relatively good, with the Quick Critical Damage buff being particularly notable.

Karna’s Noble Phantasm, Winning Arkaputra, is an 8-hit knock-out combo that buffs his own Quick performance before dealing damage to a single enemy. It also has a somewhat niche effect of removing Guts from the target, which can periodically come in handy, although this is more of a nice bonus on the side. Due to his Welfare Servant status, most Masters can easily reach NP5, and this makes his NP one of the strongest among all ST Quick Sabers. His NP works as a straightforward, yet exceedingly effective high burst of damage. Due to its hit counts, he also will generate a decent amount of Stars (and even more if he can manage an NPQQ chain), which he can take advantage of with his multitude of Crit Damage buffs.

Overall, Karna (Santa) is an excellent ST Quick Saber, with a straightforward offensive game plan that is extremely effective as an entire package. Masters in need of a boss slayer need look no further than Karna, who with a flurry of fists, can grant enemies a taste of the heavens.

🟢 Strengths

Welfare Status

Karna (Santa) can be obtained for free and easily reaches NP5, making his damage is among the highest of his archetype as an ST Quick Saber, even without counting external Support. For Masters in need of an ST Quick Saber, or wishing to further push the envelope in that role, Karna is definitely worth picking up.

Strong Critical Performance

Karna has both a 3-turn Critical Damage buff (up to 50%), and a 1-turn Quick Card Critical Damage buff (up to 100%), putting his Quick Crits at +150% from his own buffs alone. He also has a Star Gather buff to help guarantee his Cards have the Stars to deal Crits. This is only further enhanced with the presence of premiere Quick support.

Ally Targetable NP Charge

His NP charge goes up to 20%, which is a comfortable value, and he can help either top off the NP gauge of an ally, or his own. This enables immediate access to an NP in combination with a non-MLB copy of Kaleidoscope.

Debuff Immunity

His NP charge also provides a Debuff Immunity effect, which lasts for 3 times across 3 turns. This effect can be surprisingly helpful in some of the more challenging encounters, providing pre-emptive protection against certain fight gimmicks.

🔴 Weaknesses

Card Reliant NP Gain

Despite having an 8-hit count NP, since it only hits a single target, the amount of effective refund is on the low side, even with support. Karna tends to need to rely on his normal Arts or Quick Cards for NP charge, and ideally the cards Crit to maximize his NP Gain. To make sure he can land crits, often it works best for him if he gets his Quick NP off early so the crit star engine gets started. Otherwise, he can be dependent on external support for any additional NP gauge that he can’t top off with the 20% charge of his own.

Level Up Skill Recommendations

Footwork Santa A
Increase own Quick Card effectiveness (3 times, 3 turns). Increase own Buster Card effectiveness (3 times, 3 turns). Increase own Critical Strength (3 turns).
Flash Fist A
Apply Evade to self (2 times, 3 turns). Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). Increase own Quick Card Critical Strength (1 turn).
Hero of Benefaction (Holy Night) EX
Increase NP Gauge for an ally. Apply Debuff Immune to an ally (3 times, 3 turns).

All of Karna (Santa)’s skills benefit notably from leveling, and scale quite well, making it difficult to single out any skill as being worth leveling last. In the end, it may depend on the Master’s own usage or preference on which of the skills are prioritized.

  • Footwork Santa A- – Santa Karna’s primary offensive buff, levels in this skill increase all three effects (Quick, Buster, and Crit Damage buffs) at decent scaling. In most cases Masters are using Karna for his damage capabilities, so leveling this skill first is a safe bet.
  • Flash Fist A – This skill is both Karna’s defensive measure as well as an additional boost to his Quick Crit damage and Star Gather. The Quick Crit values scale impressively well with levels, making this very much worth leveling as high as possible, especially if focusing on Karna’s damage potential.
  • Hero of Benefaction (Holy Night) EX – An NP charge skill, this skill’s value starts at 10% and scales to 20% at max level. Although this skill does not directly improve Karna’s offensive performance, depending on the setup that Karna (Santa) is used in, the difference between 10% and 20% NP Gauge can determine whether or not Karna can access his NP immediately. For those in need of the full 20% charge, leveling this to max is suggested; otherwise, his offensive buffs (Skills 1 and 2) are better to prioritize.

🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

As a primarily offensive Servant, Karna (Santa)’s CE selection is relatively straight forward. He benefits greatly from Starting NP Gauge effects, since the earlier he can get his NP off, the more quickly the Crit Star and NP Gain engine can start. He also benefits from either Attack or NP Damage buffs, which stack multiplicatively with the Card buffs from his skills, although Quick Performance also works well on him.

  • Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element: With a non-MLB Kaleidoscope, and his third skill maxed, Santa Karna can NP without further external support immediately from battle start (or if coming in from the back line).
  • The Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel: As usual, The Black Grail provides the largest boost to Karna’s NP damage output, while Heaven’s Feel is a decent alternative if The Black Grail is unavailable.
  • Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament / Holy Night Supper / Knights of Marines / Crimson Teacher’s Pointer / Traces of Christmases Past / Cherry Icicle / One Summer: These Craft Essences provide a mixture of starting NP Gauge and Attack, Quick, or NP Damage buffs. It should be noted that Cherry Icicle and One Summer don’t provide pure ATK stat boosts and instead also have HP, so they are less desirable but are still workable options.
Analysis by: NorseFTX
GrowthSemi S
Instant Death Chance31.5
Damage Distribution Quick10,20,30,40
Damage Distribution Arts16,33,51
Damage Distribution Buster16,33,51
Damage Distribution Extra6,13,20,26,35
Damage Distribution NP2,5,8,11,13,16,19,26


Bond Lv12345678910
Bond EXP3,0006,1256,1256,1256,125262,500290,000300,500309,500315,000
Christmas Belt
Christmas Belt
When equipped on Karna (Santa), Increase all allies Quick cards effectiveness by 10% and NP Damage by 10% when he is on the field.
Seiyuu (CV)Koji Yusa
Release Date (JP)12/16/2020
Release Date (NA)12/12/2022



Valentine's CE

Champion Trophy
Champion Trophy

Profile Entries

Character Info

Karna has become Santa. Because of reasons. Once a year during Christmastime, everyone wishes for presents. Karna learns Santa Claus is the one who grants these wishes, and the moment he realizes he has the power to do so himself, he does not hesitate to take on the role. And so, whenever the children ask, "Santa, please give me a present," this new Santa Claus simply replies, "Very well. Here you go," and grants their Christmas wish. He may seem a bit frosty, but he's far from coldhearted. He just has a hard time smiling.

Profile 1

Height/Weight: 178cm, 65kg Origin: Glorious Path to Santa Claus Region: India Alignment: Lawful-Good Gender: Male Agility parameters are optimized for hand speed and quick footwork in a boxing match.

Profile 2

He fights with a classic boxing style for...some reason. Because of that, he often recalls his tough training days sparring against his companions with his bare hands, and his desire to train to improve his martial arts and personal growth has slightly increased...apparently. It may look like nothing much has changed, but in some ways he's gained a younger mentality. He retains his normal level-headedness, but he also sometimes says and does things that make you think he's a passionate protagonist straight out of a shonen manga.

Profile 3

Riding: - After adopting a boxing combat style, he lost his Riding skill, despite being a Saber class. He's Santa, but he doesn't ride a sleigh. Being the boxer that he is, all he can do is to silently keep on jogging (roadwork) to train. Divinity: A The fact that he is the son of Surya, the god of sun, does not change even after he has turned into Santa. "Santa is like the sun to children. So it's more sensible to say that Surya is Santa," says Karna rather matter-of-factly in the cafeteria. However, Arjuna, who was eating curry behind him, just looked puzzled when he heard that. Hard Puncher: EX A skill that demonstrates the raw strength of his punches. A deadly strike that can KO an enemy with just a single blow.

Profile 4

Footwork Santa: A An astounding skill that combines footwork and being Santa, and it is the foundation of Santa Karna’s fighting style. It’s a skill that demonstrates footwork and stepping techniques in boxing that not only maintains appropriate distances for various situations, evading attacks, and finding even the slightest openings in enemies' defenses, but it also allows him to trek as Santa Claus to ensure that he can deliver gifts to anybody, even in dangerous places such as lava fields or areas with heavy snowfall. Flash Fist: A This Karna does not wield a spear. The only thing he wields is his fists, but that doesn't mean his combat prowess has declined. Because he was trained by Drona, his master who was gifted in all forms of martial arts, he is accustomed to fighting barehanded. In fact, his memories of training with Arjuna and Aśvatthāman brought out a new sensation for him, and it has made him feel lighter than when he wields his spear. His hand speed exceeds the speed of light, and those who face it can only see his fist as a trail of light...probably. His fists are as keen as a true blade. "And that's why I'm a Saber, right?" says Santa proudly at the cafeteria. However, Aśvatthāman, who was eating a piece of chicken behind him, just looked puzzled when he heard that.

Profile 5

[Winning Arkaputra] Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Personnel Range: 1 - 2 Maximum Targets: 1 The Saint's Torrential Fist. Santa Karna's finishing combo. After quickly bobbing and weaving to keep his opponent off target, Karna steps in with a series of left and right hooks, followed by two left jabs and a straight right, then finishes with an uppercut to send his opponent flying. These blows are obviously filled with the power of Santa and the power of the son of Surya. What should be especially noted, is that when he strikes with his finishing uppercut, the excess energy he has manifests into feathers of light and a divine halo. The combination of these powers is beyond galactic comprehension, and his opponents claim to feel like they were struck by a meteor. They immediately drop onto the mat. The word "Arkaputra" is Karna's other name, meaning "the sun's son."

Voice Lines

Battle Start 1
Start the round.
Battle Start 2
My fist's all warmed up.
Skill 1
Here's your present.
Skill 2
A true Santa's eyes shine.
Skill 3
Skill 4
It's safe even at night.
Command Card 1
Let's do that.
Command Card 2
That's a good setup.
Command Card 3
One, two!
Noble Phantasm Card 1
Let's rush in.
Noble Phantasm Card 2
Time for Santa Claus to shine.
Attack 1
Eat this...Santa Punch!
Attack 2
Can you see this coming?
Attack 3
(Sharp exhale)
Attack 4
I'm between throwing punches.
Attack 5
You can't possibly discern my moves.
Attack 6
My left dominates Christmas!
Extra Attack 1
I'll bum rush it!
Extra Attack 2
Ring the bell!
Noble Phantasm 1
This is my finisher... Let's do this!
My torrent of blows will knock you out.
O Surya...let your power surge through my fist!
Winning Arkaputra!
Noble Phantasm 2
Behold Santa Claus's fist.
A flurry of blows of indiscriminate benefaction.
Stay calm. It'll be your turn soon.
Now take it.
This is your...
Christmas present!
Noble Phantasm 3
To create the Christmas everyone wished for...
Left, right, right, left, left, right!
I'm going to put all my feelings into this blow!
Winning Arkaputra!
Damage 1
Not working on me!
Damage 2
Incapacitated 1
Time to go into an interval...
Incapacitated 2
I must get up before the ten count...!
Victory 1
There's no need for me to get up anymore.
Victory 2
A knockout victory.
Level up 1
It's a new round.
Level up 2
I'll put more strength into my fist.
Level up 3
That's helpful.
Ascension 1
I've grown, but my division hasn't changed.
Ascension 2
(Punching effort)
Hm, I feel real agile. Feeling good.
Ascension 3
I definitely feel some growth as Santa Claus.
Master, I wouldn't mind facing you in a match next time.
Ascension 4
Looks like I've managed to reach one of the peaks.
But the road to Santa Claus does not end here. I vow to continue honing my skills and fist.
Though I do not know what waits at the end of it all...
At the very least, I have no interest in the champion belt. Maybe it'll be better for you to wear it, since you hung around me all this time.
What? You don't want it?
Actually, I'd ask that you wear it. I want to see you with it.
Bond Level 1
Do you have anything urgent?
If not, then I'm going to get back to my roadwork.
Bond Level 2
I hear reindeer are frequently paired up with Santas. But I have no use for them.
Giving out presents is part of my roadwork. It'll be good training for me.
Bond Level 3
I may be a Servant, but I am also Santa Claus.
I may make extra work you, Master, but I'm counting on you to support me.
Bond Level 4
You think there's something amiss?
Hm. If you notice anything problematic, tell me.
I'll do all I can to fix it.
Bond Level 5
Hm...I see. I now have a deeper understanding of the concept of Christmas and Santa Claus.
It's really beneficial to hear your stories. I appreciate that, Master.
Conversation 1
Training indoors has its limits.
I'll need to head outdoors next time. Master, load up my gloves on your bike and follow me.
Conversation 2
I have missions as Santa Claus as well as Master's orders. Accomplishing both shouldn't be impossible.
After all, both will ultimately make people happy.
Conversation 3
Master. You are my advisor in all things Christmas, as well as my cornerman in the ring.
My battles and development are for me to handle, but I still rely on you.
Conversation 4 (Dioscuri)
Master, did you know?
The younger of those twins is an expert boxer.
I would very much like to go a few rounds with her, but then the older brother always butts in and puts a stop to it. It's quite annoying.
Well, I do have to admit that having strong love for your sibling is a good thing...
Conversation 5 (Romulus=Quirinus)
To be honest, I learned so many things from the divine father of Rome. That's right, a man's fist contains infinite possibilities.
That's why he's a Lancer, and I'm a Saber right now.
I would like to have a match with him one day.
Conversation 6 (Arjuna)
For some reason, I've been thinking back on the things I learned from my mentor, Drona.
It brings back fond memories.
Conversation 7 (Any other Santa Servant)
They may be different than me, but they are all formidable Santa Clauses. There's a lot I can learn from all of them.
Conversation 8 (Vritra, Clear Christmas 2022)
Vritra. No matter what you take or hide away, humans will always overcome the hardships you create.
Even without the help of gods or Santa Claus.
That is how resilient humans are.
Conversation 9 (Asvatthaman, Clear Christmas 2022)
Aśvatthāman. He's my partner in crime AND sparring partner many times a day.
I need a friend like him to reach true Santahood. I'm quite blessed.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
Wonderful! What an excellent quote.
I do not like throwing in the towel.
As long as I can move, my fist will prioritize in taking the enemy down.
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail... Is that the present you want?
Fine. As Santa, I could hope for no less.
During an Event
Christmas...or some sort of similar incident seems to be in progress. We must make a move, Master.
Oh...Master's birthday.
Then as Santa Claus, I must prepare a birthday Christmas present.
I might have gotten better, but I still have a long ways to go.
The road to being Santa is long and hard.
Master, I expect you to continue helping me out in my roadwork.
My name is Karna. My class is Santa, but I might also be a boxer.
I'm just a fledgling when it comes to being a Santa.
In order for me to grow as a person and to be a bona fide Santa, I intend to train hard,
I ask that you give me the support I need.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 1
I've already decided on my entrance music as Santa Claus.
I don't know the title or lyrics, but it goes like this:
...Hmhm hmmm, hmhm hmmm, hmhmhmmmhhhmmm...
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 2
Good of you to come.
I can't get started without you. Come on, ready my mitts.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 3
What am I doing here, you ask?
Heh. You didn't know? Actually I'm a bit fuzzy on the details too.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 4
You look good and determined, like you're ready to fight until you drop.
Could you be...a world champion or something?
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 5
The date of the match, the location, and opponent...
All information should be posted for checking. Don't miss any of it.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 6
It's never too late.
It's too late for you once you've taken a blow from me, but that's a different matter.
Just keep on spinning until you're satisfied.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 7
Honestly, I was wondering if you had forgotten. I'm glad you came.
...I'm glad you came.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 8
I'm getting warmed up.
Let me show you how much stronger and faster Santa Claus has gotten.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 9
In my current state, I'm sure my foam fists can open any present.
Leave it to me.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 10
Greater torque leads directly to victory. That applies to punches, and even for other things.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 11
I looked up the lyrics for my entrance music.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way...hey yo!
Christmas is so profound...
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 12
Even when it's time to attack, we still need to be careful. If you don't want to take a counterpunch, you should keep your eyes on your opponent.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 13
The bell hasn't rung yet! Keep working till the very end.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 14
As long as the ref doesn't stop you, you shouldn't stop your flurry of punches.
Strike, strike, strike until you've given your all!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 15
Left, right!
And then...!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 16
My current fist carries presents. Which means it's heavy.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 17
Only a fool would step in knowing you'll be hit.
...Oh, you're gonna be hit.
It'll be a hit!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 18
Don't get impatient.
Keeping your distance and recouping your stamina is still a credible strategy.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 19
I predict a K.O. victory...!
Show it to me, Master!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 20
The Christmas match, final second left...
I'll do the finishing blow!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 21
Not yet! Keep on hitting!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 22
Even if it wasn't the expected outcome, keep on doing it until you hit the jackpot. It's exactly like life.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 23
There wasn't anything you wanted?
I see...
Apologies. I'm still lacking in training as Santa.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 24
This is just like doing jabs to get an idea of the pace.
There's no need to get discouraged. There's always next time.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 25
That was a good response there.
Try not to forget that feeling for next time.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 26
This must be...the legendary right...!
There's no way they can recover from that. Victory to us!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 27
It's time to rush.
Let's press on, Master!
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 28
Reach out, and you'll get a hit. There's no need to hesitate.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 29
How peculiar. I have a feeling that all of them are going to be effective hits.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 30
I tried moving Santa up a division. Know that this box is gonna be heavy.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 31
Looks like you've got a good grasp of the situation.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 32
Take a look. This is my finishing blow.
...And my finishing present.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 33
It may not be flashy, but it's still making a dent. Keep going.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 34
That's a nice present.
It's definitely making your knees weak.
You should rest a bit.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 35
Merry Christmas!
...Hm, that greeting was sharper than ever before.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 36
The more you spin, I will...
Well, we still have room to get stronger. At least I feel that way.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 37
A glorious victory is usually not something that is tangible...but presents are nice.
The Glorious Path to Santa Claus - The Sealed Christmas Present 38
This is this year's Christmas champion belt...
Or at least it's just as glorious. I'm happy I could give it to you.
Welfare -A free Servant acquired from completing an Event.