Taisui Xingjun


Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

“Wahooo! We're known as Taisui Xingjun! ...Hmm? Do you need us to explain anything else? We've been playing together for a while now. Anyway, it seems we can move about more easily now…. Glad to be here, our our Master!”
Taisui Xingjun, a playful Servant that represents amalgamation of multiple consciousness, is the welfare Servant of the Sea Monster Crisis event. They are an AoE Arts Alter Ego Servant who both farms effectively and provides a bit of utility in their skill set.
Taisui’s Noble Phantasm, Taisui Awakens, deals bonus damage against Human attribute enemies, which are relatively common. In addition, it has delayed minor effects of inflicting a DEF debuff and Curse on all remaining enemies after an enemy hit by his NP dies. Combined with his Alter Ego Class, Taisui works pretty well as a farmer that covers all the Cavalry Classes with a trait bonus in some scenarios.
The rest of his skill set contains a mix of supportive effects for allies along with self buffs. His first skill, Jupiter’s Reflection, is a decently strong supportive skill, providing an Arts and NP Gain buff to all allies for three turns, along with up to 10 Stars each turn. He also is capable of providing a single ally with Guts, Debuff Immunity, and up to 100% Buff Removal Resistance via Shìròu, giving him some unique supportive utility. Finally, Ominous God is a self 30% NP charge skill that also buffs his own NP damage for three turns, while inflicting Skill Seal on all enemies. Taken together, his kit is a well balanced mix of effects at decent values.
Overall, Taisui Xingjun is a worthy addition to the roster who is capable of Arts NP looping with Arts Supports such as Altria Caster. For Masters in need of coverage across Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker wave farming, Taisui Xingjun fills the role very well.
🟢 Strengths
Arts NP Loop Farming
Taisui Xingjun can loop his NP with support thanks to his NP Gain, Arts, and NP charge skills, making him a decent farmer. Along with his Alter Ego Class, and anti-Human attribute bonus damage, he makes for a great farming option that covers many nodes. Being a welfare Servant with easy access to NP5, his damage is also quite respectable.
Supportive Utility
Coming with many helpful effects that come in handy in many encounters, both in farming scenarios and in challenge quests, Taisui Xingjun is a great Servant to keep in mind. He provides allies with all of Arts, NP Gain, Guts, Debuff Immunity, and Buff Removal Resist buffs, while also being able to inflict Skill Seal on enemies. Additionally, his NP has Curse and an additional on-death Curse and Curse Damage amplification effect.
🔴 Weaknesses
Certain NP Effects Difficult to Use
His NP has a unique effect of inflicting On-Death effects on all enemies, but the effects debuff any remaining enemies in the same wave. In practice, many scenarios have three enemies of similar health or a single larger enemy with high health, which will render the on-death defensive and curse debuffs ineffective, since usually all enemies in a wave will die simultaneously. Thankfully, this is not a crucial part of Taisui’s kit, so this demerit is not too detrimental to his performance.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

All three of Taisui’s skills provide helpful effects when leveled. Since her NP looping and damage comes primarily from her first and third skills, the recommended leveling order is 3 = 1 > 2. Leveling each to max is beneficial to get the best performance from Taisui, although leveling the second is only necessary if 100% Buff Removal Resist is desired (for some challenge quest encounters).
- Jupiter’s Reflection A – This provides Taisui and his allies with Arts, NP Gain, and Stars each turn, all of which scale with level. This is a powerful skill, useful for his looping performance while also benefiting allies, so this should be leveled at high priority.
- Shìròu EX – This is Taisui’s survival skill, which provides Guts, Debuff Immune, and Buff Removal Resist effects. Both the Guts and the Buff Removal Resist effects scale with level, and in most cases Masters who wish to use the Buff Removal Resist effect will want it to be guaranteed so maxing this will be helpful in this case. However, this skill does not come into use in farming scenarios, so it can be left untouched until needed.
- Ominous God A – This is an NP Gauge charger skill that also provides Skill Seal and NP damage buff effects. Since the charge and NP damage buffs both scale with level, this is also a helpful skill to level to improve Taisui’s damage and looping stability, and is also high prioroity.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

Since Taisui Xingjun is primarily used as a farming Servant, he benefits most from CEs that provide Starting NP Gauge. Additionally, any offensive buffs including ATK, Arts Damage, and NP Damage, are also helpful for improving his damage output.
- Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element: With a non-MLB Kaleidoscope or an MLB Imaginary Element, Taisui can NP right off the bat with the help of their NP charge skill (in the case of Imaginary Element, the skill must be at least Lv6), which helps jump start the NP train.
- Mission Start / Painting Summer / Star’s Holiday / Grand Puppeteer / Dive to Blue / Ocean Flier / New Beginnings / Battle Olympia / Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament: These Hybrid Craft Essences provide 50% Starting NP Gauge and some offensive benefit, which when combined with Taisui’s NP charge skill and with a leveled Append Skill 2 allows Taisui to NP immediately.
- Black Grail / Heaven’s Feel: For maximum damage output, these options are the best, although since these do not provide starting NP Gauge, further support will be required to get Taisui’s NP gauge filled.

Valentine's CE