

Append Skills

Class Skills

Noble Phantasm

“Ready to fall for me?”
The middle daughter of the Gorgon Trio, Euryale has come back to life wielding cupid’s bow to strike the hearts of all men. And she most certainly strikes them all, being one of the most prolific male-slayers in the entire game with her super-effective Arts Noble Phantasm, Eye of the Euryale.
Euryale’s entire kit centers around stalling male opponents and dealing high levels of damage to them when she has an opportunity. She comes equipped with two primary male-stalling charms: one on her Noble Phantasm, and one via her Siren Song A which at max level is guaranteed so long as the opponent has no resistances. If that wasn’t enough, she can further stall any enemy’s Noble Phantasm via Vampirism C which not only drains a tick of their Noble Phantasm gauge, but also charges up her own Noble Phantasm. Then, once her Noble Phantasm is ready to be unleashed, she can deal brutal damage to male enemies, supercharged with her super-effective multiplier as well as a strong Arts up with Whim of the Goddess A.
Despite having such a strong niche against males, Euryale struggles against other non-male enemies. Her damage is generally low due to a low attack modifier, and her Noble Phantasm does not scale in general damage with NP level. She also lacks any kind of hard survival, so if her gauge drain is not enough to stall the enemy (or if it misses), she will have to take the hit full on.
A Master would be well served to raise Euryale as a go-to Servant for any male enemies they may encounter, and especially for some tricky Saber Male enemies.
🟢 Strengths
Charm Locking
Euryale’s anti-male niche provides her with a rare opportunity to render a male enemy of any class useless. Combined with a Stheno and a second Euryale via friend supports, the team would have access to three on-demand charms via Siren Song on a seven turn cooldown, and an extra charm any time one were to use a Noble Phantasm. With Euryale’s decent Noble Phantasm gain rate and bonus gain from Whim of the Goddess, she will have no problem accessing these charms as well. By playing effectively, one could charm a male enemy for an indefinite number of turns.
Severe Male Damage
Not only does Euryale stun men, but she murders them as well with a massive 250% super-effective multiplier. Unlike other Servants who have skills to increase male damage, Euryale’s damage is multiplicative with Noble Phantasm damage / Special Damage up Craft Essences such as the Black Grail. This provides her with the potential to provide equivalent damage to even some 5-star Servants in her niche.
Good Uptime
Euryale’s primary damage steroid, Whim of the Goddess, is a 3-turn skill on a 5-turn cooldown, enabling her to have damage boosts to her Arts cards more than half the time. She also gets a slight refund to her gauge when using Vampirism, and decent NP gain from her Arts cards as is, making her usually just as good in the middle of the fight as she is at the start.
🔴 Weaknesses
Low Non-Male Damage
Unfortunately, Euryale’s entire kit revolves around killing men, meaning she struggles when she is not facing a male enemy. She has a low base attack and her 30% Arts steroid is on the weaker side of things. Her biggest problem with damage comes from her Noble Phantasm’s scaling. Usually a single target Arts Servant scales from 900% damage at NP1 to 1500% damage at NP5. Euryale remains a constant 900% damage, with her Super-effective NP modifier increasing instead, leaving her as the only 3-star Servant unable to benefit from free NP5 gains.
Low Durability
Euryale lacks durability in two areas: hard survival and defense. She has no skills to mitigate incoming damage from a non-male enemy and will need outside support if one expects her to be attacked. She can make up for this with her Vampirism skill to stall an enemy Noble Phantasm for a turn, but this is not a guaranteed charge loss for the enemy.
Level Up Skill Recommendations

Euryale’s skills focus on stalling a man and eventually killing him. It is well worth leveling every skill to the max to not only boost their prowess, but to also reduce their cooldowns to enable charm locking strategies.
- Vampirism C is Euryale’s charge and her only stall against non-male enemies. This skill can be rather disappointing as the NP drain is not guaranteed, and the charge provides her with an awkward 27% at max level. However, reducing the cooldown is crucially important for charm lock combinations, so this should still be raised to max level. This should be leveled first to level 4 to take advantage of a 20% gain (which will stack nicely on top of supports and CEs), and then last to 10.
- As the most crucial skill to charm lock combinations, Siren Song A is Euryale’s primary skill. Despite having a rather hefty 7-turn cool down, in charm lock combinations Euryale will be using this skill numerous times due to the sheer number of turns the battle will take. By locking the enemy, one is guaranteed victory. Given most Masters would bring Euryale for her ability to charm-lock Male enemies, it is worth leveling this skill first for both the cooldown reduction and to guarantee the charm instead of leaving it to chance.
- Whim of the Goddess A is Euryale’s primary steroid, providing a 30% Arts up for 3-turns. It is a slight boost to her damage, but does wonders for her NP gain, allowing her to unleash her Eye of Euryale time and time again. With only a 5-turn cooldown at max level, this also means her Arts cards will almost always be boosted. This skill should be leveled second and to max level. One may opt for leveling this skill first if trying to use Euryale in more general situations, although she excels most in vs. Male scenarios, making this skill secondary to her 2nd skill for when she is most practically useful.
🖼️ Craft Essence Recommendations

As Euryale’s kit revolves around Male damage, one can benefit either by increasing her damage to males, or its frequency. By equipping a Noble Phantasm Damage Craft Essence, she can multiple her damage towards males and wipe the plate clean. With a Starting Noble Phantasm Gauge CE, she can access her charm lock that much earlier. And with a Noble Phantasm Gain Up CE, she can regenerate her bar fast after using it.
- The Black Grail – A standard for most Servants, Euryale benefits especially well from this CE as it stacks multiplicatively with her male super-effective damage.
- Kaleidoscope / The Imaginary Element / Dragon’s Meridian – With a starting gauge, Euryale can charge her Noble Phantasm fast for an early stun lock. However, as a Master wanting to charm lock would want to use her Siren Song skill first in the rotation, she will often have several turns to charge before she needs her Noble Phantasm, making these less effective.
- Magical Girl of Sapphire / Painting Summer / Prisma Cosmos – When charm locking, the primary issue comes from needing to charge up the Noble Phantasm gauge every five or six turns. By giving Euryale boosts to her NP gain, she will have no problem achieving this.
Interlude Quests

Valentine's CE