
Rabbit’s Reviews #403: Tutankhamun (5* Archer)

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To Lasengle’s credit, and in spite of the various problems FGO has had for the past while, this year has had a lot of mechanically unique and theoretically interesting Servants. These unique gimmicks have ranged from very successful and quite strong (Soujuurou, for instance) to very weak and largely pointless (such as BB Dubai). Tutankhamun falls towards the lower end of that spectrum. He’s an ST Arts Archer with a self-sacrifice NP. This has the potential to be valuable, and cycling Servants is often useful, but sacrificial Servants tend to either be able to opt out of self-sacrificing (Habetrot, Mandricardo) or have unusual strengths or advantages in exchange for the limitations that come with a sacrificial NP (Chen Gong, Arash). Tutankhamun has neither of these. He has moderately high steroids and a lot of self-charge, but without the self-sacrifice he would read as a decent if unremarkable ST Arts unit. Compared to other self-sacrifice Servants, who are given an increased power budget to account for such a severe demerit, Tutankhamun’s sacrifice appears to be considered at best a neutral, if not an advantage. This isn’t necessarily without merit—again, being able to cycle Servants for free is often useful—but it’s much harder to advocate for a Servant who can be summarized as “he’s fine and also he dies” than for a Servant who is “they’re amazing and then they die.”

Ultimately, Tutankhamun exists pretty much exclusively for farming. He provides some extra battery and NP damage to a primary DPS without consuming a support slot, and he can do a bit of damage with his NP before he dies. In exchange, inserting Tutankhamun into a farming team necessarily means you can’t run a full lineup of SSR CEs, and he’s mostly nonviable for CQs. Cases in which Tutankhamun will allow you to farm something you couldn’t otherwise are going to be exceedingly rare, especially considering other, better servants (like Soujuurou or Summer Chloe) can usually fill the same role more effectively. If Tutankhamun were free, or even, like, a spookable SR, he’d be a neat addition to the game. As an SSR, he’s just really not worth it.

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