
Li Shuwen (Assassin) Interlude 2: The Thing That Is Inherited

AP Cost21
Bond Points1,630
Quest EXP59,380
Quest TypeInterlude

Quest Overview

  • NPC Mandricardo is at Level 80, has NP Level 2, Skill Level 6/6/6, and is equipped with a custom Craft Essence that grants:
    • Start the battle with 50% NP Gauge. Increase own NP Generation by 50%.
  • Part 1:
    • NPC Mandricardo must be chosen as Support Servant and deployed on the frontline.
    • At the start of the battle, NPC Mandricardo is granted the following buff:
      • Increase own Damage (Special Bonus) against Assassin enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Defense against Assassin enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase Attack every turn [Permanent, Unremovable].
  • Part 2:
    • NPC Mandricardo must be chosen as Support Servant and deployed on the frontline.
    • At the start of the battle, NPC Mandricardo is granted the following buff:
      • Increase own Damage (Special Bonus) against Assassin enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Defense against Assassin enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Quick cards performance [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • At the start of the battle, grant all enemies the following effects:
      • Increase Resistance to Buster and Art cards [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Reduce Resistance to Quick cards [Permanent, Unremovable].
  • Part 3:
    • NPC Mandricardo must be chosen as Support Servant and deployed on the frontline.
    • At the start of the battle, NPC Mandricardo is granted the following buff:
      • Increase own Damage (Special Bonus) against Saber enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Defense against Saber enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Critical Damage and gain 10 Critical Stars every turn [Permanent, Unremovable].
  • Part 4:
    • NPC Mandricardo must be chosen as Support Servant and deployed on the frontline.
    • At the start of the battle, NPC Mandricardo is granted the following buff:
      • Increase own Damage (Special Bonus) against Saber enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Defense against Saber enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Art cards effectiveness at the end of every turn for 1 time (3 turns) [Permanent, Unremovable].
  • Part 5:
    • NPC Mandricardo must be chosen as Support Servant and deployed on the frontline.
    • At the start of the battle, NPC Mandricardo is granted the following buff:
      • Increase own Damage (Special Bonus) against Assassin enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own Defense against Assassin enemies [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Increase own NP Damage [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Charge own NP Gauge every turn [Permanent, Unremovable].
Part 1
Guest Servant: Mandricardo
Battle 1/1
Part 3
Guest Servant: Mandricardo
Fatal Battle 1/1
Prince of Lan Ling
  • Battle Start:
    • Increase Resistance to normal attacks [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • Reduce Resistance to Critical Hits [Permanent, Unremovable].
Part 4
Guest Servant: Mandricardo
Fatal Battle 1/1
Yagyu Munenori
  • Battle Start:
    • Increase Resistance to Buster and Quick cards [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • Increase own Critical Rate and Critical Damage (3 times, 5 turns).
    • Reduce Resistance to Art cards[Permanent, Unremovable].
Part 5
Guest Servant: Mandricardo
Fatal Battle 1/1
Li Shuwen (Assassin)
  • Battle Start:
    • Increase own NP Bar to max.
    • Increase Resistance to normal attacks [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • Reduce Resistance to NP Damage [Permanent, Unremovable].