
Boss Guide: Ch10-2 (Lostbelt 7 Nahui Mictlan Part 1)

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  • Masters face off against Izcalli once again, this time in a full battle! He is an Avenger (115k, 208k) accompanied by a break bar Saber (60k, 73k) and an Archer (113k).
  • Up to 6 enemies can be on field at once in this encounter.
  • The Saber has multiple threatening effects:
    • Note the Saber can summon more low HP (26k) enemies to the field with perma-Taunt active! The Saber will summon an enemy at battle start, and once again every 2 turns.
    • The Saber can apply Evade to all its allies every 3 turns. Note this evade effect is removable.
    • On break, the Saber gains both Ignore Invincible and Ignore DEF effects, both of which are unremovable.
  • The Archer also presents a notable threat:
    • The Archer's passive is a massive 80% resistance to both Arts and Quick, making Buster attacks the best way to damage it.
    • Every 2 turns, the Archer will restore 50% of its own health.
    • Every 3 turns, it will gain an effect that inflicts Skill Seal while normal attacking.
  • Izcalli himself has the same buffs he had in prior encounters:
    • Immunity to Instant Death.
    • When attacked, will restore 100% HP after 2 turns pass.
      • Note that indirect damage such as Burn/Curse/Poison does not trigger this. Although the buff that triggers the 2-turn countdown to full heal is unremovable, the actual buff that restores his health after 2 turns is removable.
    • When attacked with an NP, will decrease NP Gain when damaged by 50% for the attacker (1 turn).
    • Unremovable 50% Damage Resist.

Team Recommendations

  • NPC Support U-Olga Marie comes with a very helpful Healing Effect -100% debuff, which affects Izcalli's full heal passive. Note this is tied to her first skill, and only lasts 1 turn, so it must be used at the appropriate time to prevent healing during a key turn. However, it is also entirely possible to burst down Izcalli before his healing effect activates.
  • It is entirely possible to run entirely low rarity Servants along with NPC U-Olga Marie to complete this encounter (see video links).
  • Buster-based Damage Dealers, or Moon Cancer Damage Dealers are both effective. Buster damage dealers are for dealing with the Archer-Class enemy with high Quick/Arts resist, while Moon Cancers can handle Izcalli quite well.
  • Sure Hit or Ignore Invincible effects can come in handy if the fight lasts long enough for the Saber enemy to use his AoE Evade skill, which can drag out the fight otherwise.
  • NP Gauge / Damage Support of the damage dealer's card color of choice is helpful. Bringing a good Buster Crit Support such as Koyanskaya or Merlin also can come in handy even if the damage dealer does not have a Buster NP, just so their Buster Cards can crit down the Archer enemy.
  • Buff Removal is another possible way to deal with Izcalli's healing, if Masters opt to not rely on U-Olga Marie's Healing Effect debuff.

Quick Servant Suggestions

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Jan 1, 1:24 PM

U-Olga Marie does not have a -100% Healing debuff, at least on the US version. I just tried this fight with her and the enemies healed as much as they wanted.

Jan 3, 2:10 PM

Sorry, I should clarify that it's tied to U-Olga Marie's first skill and lasts only 1 turn! I've added that to the team recommendations section. She does still have the effect in NA, but it's 1-turn and on a 6 turn cooldown, so you have to time its usage properly. One of the videos shows how to combine her burn damage with the healing reduction at key times to take him down (the low rarity run).